Please Supply Author Name And Full Title Of Book Or Series. Complementing Image Of Cover Art Would Be Nice Too.
>I welcome existential books but not existential to the point of romantic cheesiness/cringe.
Please Supply Author Name And Full Title Of Book Or Series. Complementing Image Of Cover Art Would Be Nice Too.
>I welcome existential books but not existential to the point of romantic cheesiness/cringe.
Other urls found in this thread:
Le Camp des saints by Jean Raspail.
English version's title: the Camp of the Saints
From wikipedia:
>The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French apocalyptic novel by Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization.
There's a Sup Forums recommended literature list, isn't there? Maybe there's some there on it.
Probably my favorite book
The count of monte cristo
"The Master and Margarita"
by Mikhail Bulgakov
OP said he wanted fiction
Too Savage...
Lamb: The Gospel According to Jesus's Childhood Friend, Biff
This is probably the funniest book I have ever read in my life, and it depicts an entirely different and more human Jesus. It tells the story missing from the bible, from age 13-33, of Jesus's journey to the east and back home again. He is accompanied by his best buddy, BIff, who is a red-pilled asshole who thinks Jesus is a hippy faggot but still his best bro so he supports him and helps any way he can.
Its not a pure politics book, but it is tangentially red-pilled because of Biff. Also, Biff was written out of the gospels by the other apostles because they were idiots, but Biff was the only one who truly understood Jesus's message and mission and the only one who truly believed in him. The rest of them were just retards who would have followed anyone and were basically along for the ride. They all hated Biff and were jealous of him so they made no mention of him when they wrote the gospels.
tiptop keks lad
Finnish translation of that title is "Satan arrives in Moscow". No kidding. Look up "Saatana saapuu Moskovaan"
Edgy book for fedora tipping 14 year olds
Faggot was literally insane the majority of his life and lived in trap houses, he's also more liberal than almost all fiction authors, which is certainly a feat.
William Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy
or Neuromancer-Trilogy, like the german title says. I still have the big book somewhere at home.
the prince
art of war
blood meridian
war and peace
ride the tiger
the camp of the saints (most redpilled book ever)
brave new world and 1984 are entry tier
I have no time for reading nigga, post Movies.
loved this book, kinda depressing. analogy for vietnam right ?
lilya 4 ever
Really? Outside of Neuromancer?
My Camp by A. Hitler (1925)
Not so well-known, bit of a forgotten gem. Loads of existentialist ideas which will ring through your head for days on end.
Cormac McCarthy, he'a pretty great, but I don't know if that counts as red pilled.
Blatantly so
blood meridian is my fave
what would you recommend ?
>no fun allowed
you're bumming me out
There is nothing fedora-ish about the book at all. It has no atheist slant, and Jesus is a demi-god of immaculate conception who speaks directly to, and takes instruction directly from, God.
The author says in the afterword that he expected alot of religious fundies would be sending him hate mail, but even the fundies who read it enjoyed it and he got only one negative response, which was from a priest who questioned his religious credentials, something he never claimed to have.
Don't read it, nobody gives a fuck.
Is this book any good?
the title in english is : American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur
Why exactly is it redpilled?
tha' rode
its a great dad's day present
Blood meridian is an amazing book I would recommend it too
Selections from blood meridian.
Neuromancer is a great read considering its like 300 pages long. But everything else by Gibson is boring as fuck.
His last name really does not belong on book covers that children can own. Just fag propaganda at an early age to make white children gay since they're the only ones who read.
Neil Asher
Rudy Rucker
Sounds funny user ill gice it a try.
Nice fiction. :^)))))))
"Enemies Foreign and Domestic" Trilogy by Matt Bracken.