Can you guys red pill me on nihilism, please leave examples of arguments against it...

Can you guys red pill me on nihilism, please leave examples of arguments against it, this dumb bitch at school won't shut the fuck up about it.

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>at school

That's your problem. Hurry up and graduate so you're not around edgy teens.

>Can you guys red pill me on nihilism,

I would but who gives a fuck?

nihilism is 100% correct, though you cant live in a civilized society of machiavellian hedonists

Edgy teen Justin Trudeau

Shit, just kill yourself

nothing matters, except pleasing der einzige

Nihilists don't believe in anything.
Not even nihilism.
Or 'rules' prohibiting rape.

Too bad you won't fuck her, OP.

Nihilism and postmodernism are destructive and useless to western society, that's all you need to know.

Self described nihilists are edgy morons who need to grow up.

This bitch clearly doesn't understand nihilism very well with all that makeup on.

>heart on the wall
>has feelings for something
she is not a nihilist

Does your school have a FUCKING DICTIONARY?


>a nihilist

>"I don't like someone, they are edgy. I'm going to tell them what to do because obviously I'm better than them!!1!1!!"

It's just easy language for saying you don't want to give a shit about anything but then still do.

asked her what she read and then laugh at her. tell her to study gender studies, they have great "philosophy" classes. she's also sure to get a job ;)

the redpill is that you can pretend to be a nihilist and post about it on the internet, but you're still going to act the same as everyone else in real life so why bother pretending like you don't care

nihilism is like atheism, you believe in it as an edgy kid.

once you grow up you realize absurdism is the true ideology

It doesn't works like that, but what makes you think she's a sjw or nihilist?


Absurdism for depressed people.

that's weird, you called nihilists edgy and then revealed yourself to be something EVEN more edgy.


or just take a study loan and buy lotto tickets. if you don't win, kill yourself. sounds like a great plan to me. a high school friend chose that route, got to applaud him for the balls.


idk i just assumed she was both because of the video and she looks like a sjw

Russian nihilism (which was basically deconstructionism mixed with an early existentialism) or teenage angst nihilism?

although of course its impossible to be both

nihilism is one of the many assumed statuses to announce to the world you are a very special and smart

in practice, it's symptomatic to the dying western christian high culture and worship of oneself

>mfw I realize that nihilism is just a spook
>mfw my face is a spook

it's pretty much impossible to be a nihilist at all

Modern nihilism is total freedom in expressing yourself in words or art, no holding back or caring about hurt feelings of other people, but that doesn't means those modern nihilists are dangerous physically towards other people, they just don't give a fuck who they insult.

This tbqh


unless you kill yourself

Also, don't watch amateurs talk about philosophy. check out tom richey's youtube channel or 3 minute philosophy. believe it or not, reddit has a pretty decent philosophy and academic philosophy community as well,

nihilism is up with there with people claiming to be asexual for special snowflake status, ignoring asexuality is the symptomatic some severe illness or another

She probably hasn't actually experienced nihilism, or she wouldn't be advocating it.

The irony is most nihilists are liberals. These people aren't going to critique the enlightenment like Nietzsche did.

nihilism is for when your an edgy teen. Absurdism is the final red pill.

she hasn't, i've seen other videos. she's just some dumb slut who wants to be able to do anything she wants without any consequences, including emotional ones.

>The irony is most nihilists are liberals. These people aren't going to critique the enlightenment like Nietzsche did.

If they aren't gonna critique it, then I don't think they really are nihilists.

yeah yeah, call me when they start insulting niggers and not the "establishment"

Nihilism is honestly an Idiots philosophy, say are too lazy to actually put forth the thought to actually formulate an opinion on things, so they just say "lol nothing matters"

Nihilists insult niggers and sjw and god, everything. Maybe you just haven't seen modern art or read such people's blogs. Sup Forums isn't the only internet.

yeah but shes cute

get off your cunt high horse

you know very well it's not actually descriptive of the movement

I think i seen threads about her on /r9k/.

it's possible to be a nihilist but it is just a temporary state of mind

i can agree with that

>Nihilists insult niggers
lets see it then

That's solipsism

You can achieve nihilism by having a mental breakdown.

nihilism is the conclusion hyper-intelligent beings come to(this doesn't mean every nihilist is even remotely smart), but that doesn't make it the final philosophy on life. if you believe in the big bang and gravity, then eventually the universe will stop expanding and reverse, causing a single black hole in the universe that is so dense it eventually explodes causing another big bang.

life is seemingly pointless, and yet we humans haven't even fully discovered our own planet and used our resources to their potential. basically nihilists should shut the fuck up until they've explored the entirety of the universe and solved every question, but realistically that's a task a collective multi-galactic civilization under one cause has to solve rather than some edgy kid wondering what happens after death.

Nihilism is for those who have given up on dealing with philosophical issues. Its a void for thoughts and emotions and everybody who is seriously propagating it, is as much worth as the dirt under my shoes (wich they can`t even deny).

Its like an edgy version of zen, but without the "practical" aspect to soothe your mind while to simultaneously increase overall awareness.

Retards read Nietzsche, fail to understand him but see the cool word nihilist and automatically assume their false conclusions are nihilism.

Nihilism is purely destructive. It's seeing a system that you dislike, yet have no plan to replace or reform, then tearing it to pieces anyway. It's not just a belief in nothingness, it's an absence of a belief system.

I would but I can't be bothered

That's what I thought. Fuck off, snowflake.


Stirner is the ultimate fedora. Adoption of his philosophies on a mass scale would result in human extinction.

>new grounds

Pick any major branch of philosophy - Epistomology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Aesthetics - and most major positions will have had to overcome some scepticism and will have generated some radical scepticism in response. Nihilism should probably be prefaced with some qualifier like political nihilism, moral nihilism etc because you may not believe in moral propositions but have no problems believing in causation. I'd take general Nihilism without qualifiers to be nihilism about meaning, which is a kind of metaphysical nihilism, but the kind of nihilism you might see in Continental philosophy is much broader and generally refers to culture and art. Nietzsche's account of christian nihilism usually hinges on their investment in a spiritual world after this physical one, and so in some sense they don't care about this physical one and as such are nihilists about the world everyone lives in.

Most positions of radical scepticism in philosophy are pretty rock solid, but unintuitive and largely incompatible with a survival-oriented evolutionary inclination. So there's no good argument that explains why anyone should think the sun will rise tomorrow but it's been a better idea so far to act otherwise.

Most rebuttals against radical scepticism are rebuttals of this kind; they don't attack the substance of the position but do point out how unintuitive it would be to act in accordance with the position. For Nihilism about meaning (which is different from Neitzches passive and active nihilism), one loses value criteria with which to make choices, and criticise them. That's not a problem for Nihilists, but they can't strictly make preference and value judgements and those things tend to creep in implicitly. This leads to a lot of back and forth about preference, value, and auxiliary choice theories but that's the basics.
If you want arguments against it you'll actually have to learn moral theories/metaethics.

the only way to live with nihilism is through ego suicide / denial of the self/soul (i.e., "enlightenment").

self-proclaimed nihilists are faggots just toying with the idea at the distance of their (very limited) intellect.
living nihilism is the purest distillation of despair you could experience.

Nihilism is just promoting degenerate behavior because nothing you do matters, so the only thing that matters is doing what you want when you want then crying about it when you hit 40 and realize you are worthless trash.

So it's just how edgy teens justify their idiocy.

Sorry friend but it is impossible to describe nihilism to people without mocking it.

>I'm too fucking stupid to understand yet alone argue against something that I irrationally hate

Fuck off.

Wtf is wrong with that pic?

Nihilism is where communist edge lords eventually end up.


Just another group of double talking dipshits.

There's two versions of nihilism.
One says that there's no objective good or bad nor is there any objective purpose in life.
The other is hedonism for hipsters.

Yep. Nihilists become socialists when they grow up, because it's a refinenment of "society is all shit, tear it all down" to "society is all shit, and it stands in the way of a utopia that we could reach by tearing it all down".

There are very few arguments they will listen to, as they all involved taking control and responsibility of your own life and striving to better yourself in small steps that pay out decades later. They want it all now, despite that being impossible.

Nihilism is more logical but less fun. I remeber being depressed all day. It was shit.

> Nihilism
> Normative statements/viewpoints

Choose one

I guess you have zero experience with the modern "Nihilist"

A simple argument - might is right is an inherently true principle because might can prevail and impose itself.
If you actually care, read some Gilles Deleuze, he solved nihilism for me.

Exactly, they're nihilists the same way Tyrone descends from royalty.

No, that's not correct what a Nihilism. They believe the life has no value, everything has no value. So, they don't care because for them is nothing, but it has nothing to do with Freedom.

kek. I love being kinda NEET. Except I don't live with parents and have money. But I have a NEET's attitude towards work.



I know all these """"nihilist'""" that are still passionate about shit like social justice, poverty allievment, gay marriage, feminism and other shit like that

Heard one just the other day talk about "giving back to the greater good"


>Why don't you just kill yourself then
Is the only correct response to
>I am a nihilist

Nihilism is basically total indifference: Nothing is permitted and everything is allowed

Absolute degenerate

Nihilism is existential puberty

Once you have nothing the world becomes your oyster.

I understand that the entirety of this thread is misinformed shitposting due to millenials being a stain on the human race, but I still need to point out how flawed it is as a genuine nihilist.


The initiation of force is always wrong, unless force has been enacted against you : - )

I will summarize the girls video

Science proved religion doesn't exist
Science proved that race and gender don't exist
Science proved that countries don't exist

So it's ok to derive all the value in your life from making retarded youtube videos in your room because you are a lonely piece of shit that has seen past the matrix that is friendship and family

A good example of a Nihilist would be The Joker, who constantly toys with peoples sanity and values in an attempt to show them how weak and worthless their morality and values really are.

> Genuine nihilist

> Normative statement about morality.

Go back to your shitty cult, Stef.

LOL, nice attempt to try and seem dark and badass and "cool bad guy" about it. Every nihilist I've met is a whiny cunt, they can't even argue their non-position well.

Just say you're an egoist and walk away, fag.

Thread is done.

>a leaf

you're ok for now

Did he win?

I'm assuming you're going on the force statement.

Reading about and understanding one way of thinking doesn't change what is correct in another.

P.S. Cults are for those in need of validation. Not solitary individuals.

That's the main problem with nihilism in general. It's perfectly intellectually legitimate to claim that life has no meaning, but almost no one ever acts in accord with that claim.They still care about ethics, and morality, and fairplay. People announcing that nihilism is truth makes little sense. If you believe nihilism than you understand that all actions are fundamentally of equal consequence -- nothing. So to divert energy towards trying to convince people that your right about the truth of the universe is a futile activity and you'd be much better off pursuing something hedonistic instead. And yet I see nihilists arguing with Christians all the time. Why? Your life has no more meaning for it. Your truth has no more meaning than fantasy. It may in all case be the truth, but to take such a stance eradicates your own claim to the argument. You have nothing to add to the conversation. Nothing to give your stance any more credence than anything else. In fact you're claiming that it doesn't. The claim of nihilism in and of itself invalidates its purpose as a philosophical concept.

Which is why absurdism has always appealed to me more.

I saw her not too long ago at Comic-Con in London.

She was with her boyfriend and walked by me. They looked very much in love.

Quite tall irl, boyfriend is a giant fag.

I was going to say hello then remembered how pathetic that would be, especially as I was dressed as a Jedi.

Which is my point, you fucking simpleton. If the Joker is truly representative of what a Nihilist would be, then the self proclaimed nihilists nowdays are just trying to look cool.

But if you had even half a brain, you would have noticed that nowhere did I say I was a nihilist, you fag.