Post anti atheist memes. Got a new PC and need some fresh ones. This place seems to the best place to find fresh content saw this in another thread.
Anti Atheist Memes
pls die
Mad cuck?
Fuck off atheist shit.
>let's post maymays!
>that'll make desert fairy tales true!
How sad. It's like watching a religious version of Tumblr
Checkmate atheists.
Stalin did nothing wrong.
go hang yourself you fucking faggot
>A causes B and C, therefore B causes C
Learn to logic
It's called transitive property.
Forgot about this gem
I'm an atheist myself but I love these memes.
Here you go pal. Deus vult.
Religions and humans existed before your «Holy» Bible. So why?
I long the days where we were still allowed to burn heretics...
Atheism was necessary to reduce morality to 'usefulness'. Even now, it is merely a weapon for you, you nihilist fuck.
Catholicism is a satanic false religion anyways.
>We are all made in gods image
>No being racist
>Race mixing is fine since we're all human
>Share your wealth to the poor niggers. it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
>No Gene editing to stop retard babies
>No abortion of fucked up down syndrome babies
>Greatest supporters of immigration.
>Mostly left
>Feeds millions of shitskins in Africa just enough to let them breed
>Pope kissing feet
>Even more retarded and lefty break away parts of the Church
>Anti race only thing that matters is if you believe
Anything I miss?
Either left communists, Right wing mega death Sup Forums squads, Live and let Live or just don't give a shit
why don't you guys back it up on an external hard drive... or even a cloud drive.
At least its better than Protestcuckism
>Being a part of any denomination
>Not just being a pure Christian
"Anti Atheists" are just as bad as the kikes. I don't care for one shitty sandnigger theocracy over another, thanks.
Hitler was heavily Christian
kys you are no better with Anarchists and Communists
Holy shit at last I'm finally seeing the truth
Wish I could go to church soon
This, just read the Bible, don't have to be cucked by any denomination.
everyone in germany was christian so of course he was one
think harder pls
Atheist here, not even mad. The jews and the mudslimes gotta go then we can get back to civil debate about this bearded guy in the sky.
Oh fuck, thank you so much for this post. I was really worried I wasn't allowed to laugh at this stuff, but now that I know that atheists can find it funny too, I feel free to laugh! Thanks, friend!
This. I don't see why they feel the need to divide us. The mussies and kikes are the mutual enemy here. Don't got a problem with Christians, society is fine with em, just the holier-then-thou fucks like this are the issue.
LDS is the mormon church you stupid flip
I also love brit jokes if you have any of those.
>just the holier-then-thou fucks like this are the issue.
people with different opinions offending you on the the internet is not an issue, especially when the others will either cut your head off or enslave you financially and destroy your culture.
>American education
Where is the foam roller?
You completely missed the point. Pretty divisive things like this is an issue when it prevents unification against the things you listed.
No. Mudslimes first.
That's nice. God still isn't real and you're still stupid if you think he is.
>>Share your wealth to the poor niggers. it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
This is so misunderstood it hurts. He was talking about a gate leading to Jerusalem- the camel had to kneel in order to enter through that gate. Essentially it means that humility is hard to accomplish for rich people.
>We are all made in God's image
We are all broken images of God.
>No being racist
That's modern interpretation. Everything modern seems to suck. Wonder why? (Atheism lacks birthrates to save Europe)
>Race mixing is fine since we're all human
Tower of Babel is symbol used by EU. The religion behind this isn't Christianity, it is globalism/judaism/Satanism/atheism/communism
>share your wealth with poor niggers
You mean 'help poor niggers', as many churches have done. Far better than UN or any other corrupt institution. Spreading literacy to niggers through religion has been far more effective than through money.. It is also more effective at keeping them in Africa, since most rapefugees are Muslim.
>No Gene editing to stop retard babies
This is foolish, I agree.
>No abortion of fucked up down syndrome babies
This is less than 5% of abortions. It's just like "Love!" is to "gay rights", red herring for degeneracy.
>Greatest supporters of immigration.
Not true. Church institutions are secondary or tertiary; state institutions and multinational institutions are the ones at fault. You going to blame Germans for their politicians?
>Mostly left
This is doubled with seculars, but whatever.
>Feeds millions of shitskins in Africa just enough to let them breed
The feeding programs are secular in nature, the ones that teach them to grow stuff are religious.
>Pope kissing feet
Pope is a faggot and probably an atheist as well.
>Anti race only thing that matters is if you believe
Let Greeks be Greek and without Jewish influence... t. Paul.
Your impotent rage serves nobody except the devil. Consider letting go of your defensive, crass attachment to materialism and embracing the divine spark of life.
Jerusalem is visible from Gehenna, but not the other way around.
i dont, because a man who doesnt want to get raped by some mudslims and doesnt want to get raped by a bunch of fags is considered a heretic
>the divine spark of life.
What's your definition of this and how is it falsifiable?
if you're gonna act like you're smarter than everybody, it helps if you're actually smart
nigga Muslims and Jews themselves are considered as heretics. They were the primary targets of the court
that happens when A scratches B, B scratches C, so if you know already know scratching is a transitive property, then you can conclude A scratches C.
>the ways you can intentionally misunderstand something over and over again
Atheists confirmed for tsundere Christians.
*fips tedora
1 shekel has been deposited into your account schlomo
Y'all have it wrong. Believe in this
I often see religious people on this board using the straw man fedora nerd to disparage atheists and I always wonder what about atheists makes you so afraid. Many of us are paleoconservative reactionaries to the bone, we just don't buy into religion. You shouldn't feel so threatened by us. I've known many atheists and I've never met a single fedora type. It's embarrassing how you have to use that straw man to attack what threatens you.
Cheers and MAGA
-a proud white patriot
Nah m8 Mohammed is gay as fuck
how much time do you insecure christians spend making these ridiculous montages? combien? t'es bien fier de tes petits montages ridicules, Pierre?
Why does the fedora meme trigger you so? You're just reinforcing the efficacy of the meme
You can't be a Christian and worship the occult.
You can't be a Jew and worship the occult either. That's why they are the Jews who say they are Jews, but are not, and do lie.
I know you atheists love to be glib and dismissive as a way of avoiding debate while pretending to have already "pre-won" the debate anyway. I realize that's your stock in trade.
But this one concept is pretty important, please familiarize yourselves with this.
Of course you don't believe in God, the only God you deign to conceive of is fictional, and of your own imagining.
"trigger" me? I wrote a coherent and sensible response to a query--that is "triggering" to you? Don't you think you're trying a bit hard there, Poo?
Cool story m8.
You feel disparaged by the fedora meme. That kinda indicates to me that you are triggered to some degree
Look, I love America and hate the Jews as much as anyone, but that doesn't mean I'm going to believe in the supernatural.
He didnt recognize the sarcasm lmfao.
You misunderstand me totally. I don't feel disparaged at all. I am continuously nonplussed and embarrassed for religious types who try desperately to make atheists look bad by using this absurd straw man meme. I wish for understanding that many of us atheists share the same politics as the reactionary race-realist "red pilled" conservatives that like to disparage atheists. It makes you look desperate. I think there is no need and I feel sorry for those people bc it shows a sad lack of any real argument against atheism.
This is not complicated.
I sincerely hope this is satire
It is.
Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity, not the big bang.
If you're going to try to insult them at least do it right.
>people are still Christian in the year of our lord, 2016
The delusion is strong
Science destroys religion, not God.
Or maybe you could just get a sense of humor. For all your talk of straw mans, these are the most fedora-esque posts in this thread.
This argument is pretty compelling until one realizes that this is the same kind of argument people triggered by a certain thing use.
For example:
"Don't call Sweden the most cucked country in Europe. this shows how desperate you are to make us Swedes look bad. Us Swedes, are as redpilled as anyone else. We are on your side"
So, while your argument appears compelling on the surface, I'm afraid it poorly conceals a rather large amount of salt.
The fedora meme is tried, tested and pretty efficient meme. No tow ways about it
*No two ways
The fedora meme is extra hilarious because there is an extra layer of irony on it now.
Christians are the edgy fedora tippers now, since they're the minority is most first world countries.
I am enlightened by my god *tip*
Religion is just organized belief.
That just shows that the older you get, the wiser you become.
Christians have always been the minority.
"Few find the way, and make it to the narrow gate."
that's called being Protestant
non-denominational Christian = Protestant Christian
oy fucking vey what are you talking about
Christians have been a minority in the world, but they've had their own countries for a long time. Now though, in previously Christian countries, they are minorities to atheists/non-religion.
Pretty good pham
France became athiest because they got fucked during WW2
Haha memes :) *tip*
Also, "for no reason" statements just show the fact that whoever made that either is trying to b8 or really didn't know what he/she was talking about.
Your memes are powerful, you are the meme master, I can't handle your memes
Into the trash you go little pal.
Nope, atheism dates back to the beginning of theism.
On top of that, many of Hitler's speeches show how Hitler hated jews because they were against Christianity.
That picture is just bait, it has mlp, transexuals, some guy eating a banana, guys with waifu pillows, the spagethi monster, etc.