Time to gtfo from EU
Time to gtfo from EU
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Hey Poland, looks like you want to leave the EU, want to trade? I dont know what Poland sells but I like you guys, and it would benefit us both to help eachother. Other v4 are god tier too and welcome to join.
You should have expected this though, the EU gave you dosh and you rightfully took all you could, but them fucking with your country was inevitable. Be glad they arent pushing more refugees your way.
Kek. I expected this after I read the news that juncker now wants to push for one single currency throughout Europe.
Yeah, this will totally not backfire.
EU army too.
It's like the EU is filled with double agents trying to ruin it.
When the EU collapses, how fucked is Greece, Italy and Spain? All that shit done to them by the EU and then it collapses, it cant be good for them.
podam to dalej, dzieki
tutejsze media klamia, gorzej nisz w polsce
english source
Still better than the EU I guess. They have the chance to recover. Inside the EU they will stay poor.
>"To prevent the silent creeping erosion of our European project we have to be more focused on essentials and on meeting the concrete expectations of our citizens," they added.
>concrete expectations of our citizens
They have no fucking idea what we want.
What's this? Germany is doing something to Poland? What the heck, why would they ever?
Can I has your Boston plz?
They clearly weren't a good fit in the EU, if they go back to the Drachma they won't be able to afford TVs for a while but their exports will thrive
Liberal caste of EU overlords is simply scared shitless of natsocs and steps up their game sooner than they'd want to. There'll be casaulties.
>It's a Germany tries to start a 4th Reich episode
>For the 3rd time in near a goddamn century
Would be quite boring otherwise.
No way
Hooooooly fucking memes kekman
>Time to gtfo from EU
Yes please gtfo from EU, you are the biggest leeches of the EU budget, no.1 immigrants in the EU and you don't accept any refugees. Literally worse than Greece.
We should make our own EU, with kurwas and goulash
I think he means tea. Boston tea, kek.
The Dictate of Munich once again?
Fuck Germans.
Hey V4, need some oil?
We should of used the other nukes on you.
Yet again Britain and Poland are fighting back. All we need now is Russia.
So who ISNT likely to leave the EU at this point?
What do they export outside of olive oil and feta?
>concrete expectations
>import refugees, waste our money, make our countries worse
Fuck Brussels
and thus a new deal was born
>Hey Poland, looks like you want to leave the EU, want to trade? I dont know what Poland sells but I like you guys, and it would benefit us both to help eachother.
Nigga this is not risk. you're not your country.
>TFW you will never be your country and have comfy Sup Forums diplomacy threads to save your nation/rule the world.
The fuck is V4?
>inb4 google it
It's cold here and hurts to type ;___:
Fuck EU
V4 Stronk!
(pic related but requires update. UK can be on our side of the wall now.)
Btw I'm Czech.
Please dont fuck this up with national socialism.
Communism has been tried many times and always failed, national socialism only once and failed. We need people to show the world it's viable.
You shouldnt complain, yet again America can profit of Germany ruining everything.
I dont know what Poland exports but if their currency drops like the pound, buy whatever for dirt cheap.
They make vodka right? Thats something.
They'll all get annexed or civil war
>>"To prevent the silent creeping erosion of our European project we have to be more focused on essentials and on meeting the concrete expectations of our citizens,"
Hahaha, oh wow.
Anyone remember the article with the EU cunt saying "we don't serve the people, we serve business"?
Alright, Federation time,
remember, no Anglos.
>Half as relevant as even New Zealand
Pick one.
do it faggot
Jaky to je ve Finsku? Premyslim, ze bych odtud vypadl a v merku mam prave Finsko
They are all sick... Ne entrenched aristocracy that needs a taste of french revolution.
Finsko je pohodička. Ale zůstaň doma, tvoje země tě potřebuje. Já tu jsem taky jen na chvíli.
każdy tak mówi
saucy foreign refugees?
more identity politics?
Mozna tak moje vlada, abych makal jak kokot a oni si zili jak prasata v zite, zatimco lezou do prdele EU...
enjoy those arabs hans
not a century can go by without you trying to destroy europe
>demanding that we literally become one country with the EU
Angela is trying to start Human Instrumentality
>Not wanting to join the anglo union when the empire is coming back
Your loss.
>You will get to die killing communists to free HK and expand the British empire
Literally 3 dreams into 1, killing communism, fighting for the British empire and getting to take part in the happening, maybe WW3.
Praise be to kek.
Jak dlouho myslíš, že to takhle zůstane? V Česku je dobrá tradice, které se říká defenestrace.
Až na to dojde, budem potřebovat každou ruku.
Btw ve Finsku jsou ještě větší daně než u nás a vláda je ještě víc napiču, takže ve skutečnosti ve finsku makáš na kokoty z vlády ještě víc.
Taky tu je pořád zima a hnusně =)
Pretty sure the Brits just voted to be their own country again mate
Oh kurwa, this sounds really bad, we would be better off even under Putin. Ja pierdole, ja pierdole, if they seriously mean it, we've got a happening coming in the Central Europe
anarchosocialism has never been tested too
Meh. It's better that we stay out. France is a country in decline, Germany as well. Italy is in shit condition, Spain, Portugal and Greece too. When China drowns, then it will shake up Europe. Also I predict that Frenchies will protest
I say we stay in but remove Merkel nad the libertards.
>my face at Brussels rite now
>It's like the EU is filled with double agents trying to ruin it.
>Better off under Russia
That bad, really?
How long would it take Poland to exit?
2 years minimum.
Remove Merkel
PS. I hope you're ready to pay more after brits leave.
he means this: en.wikipedia.org
It has been colonised by Poland.
Atleast they aren't destroying Europe again. Third time in 100 years.
I am suprised to see Turks having good taste.
Stop trying for more. You realize without the UK they will increase immigrant quotas to compensate?
Better Poland than Pakistan.
Is it bad my view is if they are white and working I dont care?
>With frogs co-captianing
Do you just like making shit up?
There will never be a Reich that allows French in any high command role of any kind
>I dont know what Poland sells
Low skilled economic migrants for free
Didn't see anything about that on news
All they're talking about are alleged persecutions of ethnic Germans in Poland and how an intervention should be organized to stop them
>All they're talking about are alleged persecutions of ethnic Germans in Poland and how an intervention should be organized
4th Reich confirmed, invasion of Poland when?
It's like Germany wants the EU to fail.
It's really unfortunate that the Germans can not for the life of them choose good leaders. I think Germany single handedly fucked Europe for the 3rd time.
The EU will likely fail now and the whole of Europe will probably go into a period of instability and recession.
Count a number of times words "France and Germany" appears. They sure think they own the place now.
To be fair, they do.
They got the rest of Europe by the balls.
And one of UK's.
Greece, for one, is well and truly fucked. The shitshow of dealing with all the illegal immigrants is driving them into the ground, and without EU funds, they will balkanize.
This is actually the reason Germany decided to let in every coon that reached Greece's shore. The collapse of Greece would've happened right after their bailout if Germany didn't, which would make everyone pissed at Germany for wasting the rest of the EU's money on a failed venture.
Now several years later, Greece is even deeper into debt, its population is even more on edge, they have even more illegals on their soil, and can basically kiss goodwill goodbye.
If the EU collapses, trying to deal with the illegals will still balkanize it, and every country that gave them money will want a piece of it.
On the plus side, going back to a devaluated drachma will lure investors, which the highly valued Euro stops from happening in any real sense.
>those fucking mickey mouse gloves
I was thinking that too.
It highlights why brexit was called for, you arent represented just ordered around. Europe cant work like that, especially when Merkel on a whim invited Africa in. Her choice fucked over various countries, but none of them had any say in it. The refugee bullshit is a big reason U voted leave, you cant trust your country to a system like that.
Why would anyone invest in a country swarming with illegals who could easily be ISIS?
They took about as many Ukranian refugees as you took shitskins, Fritz, even as you refused to open your doors to them.
Don't hate them for being smarter than you.
is this a new meme? What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
You could start your own EU with blackjack and hookers. I hear Poland has some good hookers.
I like how everyone ignored Ukrainian refugees but whines we lack Syrians. Shows how fucked we are.
Sadly, us.
While the sentiment is there, our politicians are so deep in their pockets, you'd think it's an Acme Portable Hole
That's not a bad idea, we can make EUv2 without French and Germans and then invite Brits to play.
This time Poland can invade Germany. Also, I'm quite sure the brits are good gamblers so your blackjack games will be as legendary as the brexit.
Wtf? I cant even, they arent hiding it anymore. Fuck this union. I demand my fucking goverment to leave this abomination. Im so triggered I need to take a walk in my room.
Because once Greece is a balkanized shithole, the illegals will leave it behind for more gibmedats.
It's gonna take a while before the vacate the land, but they will eventually.
it seems those kooky Germans are at it again!
Toppu kekku
bump, kurwa
Gotta love it!
The crisis that calls for a standing European army, isn't several million fighting age terrorists and African tribesman arriving at Europe's doorstep, but it's that the UK doesn't want to play make believe with Russian rape babies anymore.
Fuck the EU and god bless the UK!
Resist and do what's right, Polska!
When will leftist learn? Its like every decision they makes is worse than previous.