is there a dumber demographic than those who voted leave?
They seem to be
>High school educated at best
>Close to death
>Furthest traveled = spain
is there a dumber demographic than those who voted leave?
They seem to be
>High school educated at best
>Close to death
>Furthest traveled = spain
Other urls found in this thread:
I voted leave and made about 12kgbp last month. Most the people who voted remain got duped into worthless degrees such as social science, have a load of debt and work in call center tier jobs.
sage every slide threads
Stop that Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
You forgot to mention that quite a few of them are chavs.
LEAVE got played like a fiddle, mostly because BJ and Co. wanted to come to power and lead Tories. For that they needed "happening", which was Cameron's greatest mistake.
Curious thing: noone ever mentions the fact that referendum is non-binding by UK and EU legislations. It has no power and government/Parliament dont have to accept it. They can absolutely ignore it. And that would be an execution of british sovereignty that LEAVE cried about losing it to EU.
Its like someone is trying very hard to railroad UK out of EU, by any means necessary.
no one gets duped into a degree, and if they chose shit degrees what has voting remain got to do with that?
Because anything can be used to discredit the opposition.
>and if they chose shit degrees what has voting remain got to do with that?
Because they do what they are told to by people in authority regardless of facts.
>no one gets duped into a degree,
Yeah they do make the choice, it's just a stupid choice. A small amount should get degrees and it is a good choice, but for the most part the degrees are useless. Apart from jobs like doctor and scientist, only public sector and low tier jobs judge on whether you have a degree or not. Most employers are just interested in whether you can do the job well.
A Japanese Jew.
Didn't see that coming
How do you know?
Stop replying to this junk. They pushed it twice and it was nearly gone before you imbeciles started responding to it.
>white working class
>self employed
>small businesses
>people with good jobs who appretiate britons future
>students who are undergoing ACTUAL degrees
>degenerate full time neets (watch life on benefits show)
>shills who think short term on keeping their middle class jobs in tact (they are most likely moving abroad anyway, so why would they care about britain's future?)
>muslims (so they can invite their brothers)
>''students'' with useless degrees
Try applying for a bank without a degree. Good luck desu
Indeed, since your eyes are so full of shit that you can't see anything.
I said jobs like Doctor and scientist for example desu, I know some jobs require a degree. But this doesn't account for the vast of amount of useless degrees people take.
Literally this in every way
>is there a dumber demographic than those who voted leave?
Those who voted remain.
>Shitty Liberal Arts degree
>Won't be able to pay off debt in 50 years
>Still live with their moms
>Furthest traveled = London
its fact.
Higher educated = vote remain
Well if you don't like it you can move to Germany with the muzzies where you feel more comfortable
Country bumpkins, chavs, elderly, stupid and uniformed, some of the immigrants who dont want other immigrants to be here, people on dole, nationalists, far-right.
Everyone who is not in LEAVE.
Stop lying to yourself mate. No sane person capable of reasoning would vote LEAVE.
I know this because i know quite a few people who voted LEAVE and REMAIN. And those who voted LEAVE did so not for the "nationalism" or "sovereignty" or any high aspirations - they voted for petty reasons, ignoring everything else.
Obvious proxy and shill.
Fuck you and saged.
Britain, you made a choice, stop bickering about whether it was the right choice.
Play the cards that you have, make Britain great again, show us that you can elevate yourself from your position despite all the scaremongering.
I wonder who that someone might be...
Lol, your friends who voted remain probably don't even follow politics. Just bending over to what is socially acceptable and dictated by those in authority. What job do you have out of interest?
Speaking for myself: MSc Biochem - voted Remain.
>on dole
>leave a more socialized society behind
Are you fucking dense?
Then i guess Germanstan and Swedenstan must be pinnacle of knowledge.
making assumptions that women are being opressed, muslims are peaceful, the fact there are more than 2 genders, and saying that democracy is not democracy, is not an education.
If I were employer at McDonalds, I'd employ the spotty teenage faggot who has 2 years fast food experience, over a cunt with a gender ''studies degree'' and 1 years fast food experience.
jews overwhelmingly voted to leave, are you saying the jews are dumb?
i'll bite, what are their petty reasons. i voted leave and i KNOW i make more than double your wage so tell me why i am an insane, uninformed chav again. ty.
Yes. Those who vote REMAIN.
>The votes of uneducated people, shouldn´t count.
>The votes of old people, shouldn´t count either.
These remain people are retarded. YOUR UNIVERSITY DEGREE IS USELESS AND YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR GOING. (Not the small amount who got STEM degrees etc who likely voted leave).
nice assumption
you're probably a sheltered middle class snowflake
anyone who voted STAY doesn't believe in democracy
also, I'd rather be an OUT chav than a IN nu-male cuck, any day
Why did Scotland vote to remain in that case :^)
Why can't you be one of the cool slant-eyes that beings the quality bantz?
Instead you bring bait.
>the real democratic thing to do is ignore the will of the people and stay in the EU
hope you didn't bin your knife just yet, you will need it if that happens
Hello botnet. Hello drones.
>Can't even greentext
We knew you globalist shills were slow but come on user.
18-25 --- 74% vote remain
I'm within that age range, when I started University so did 60% of my peers who were in the same year group as me
"University education" could be defined as people who attended University, not necessarily those who graduated
So the "University education" statistic could quite easily be inflated by those who are in the 18-25 age group, of whom are more likely to have attended university.
In the past, it was less common to go to university. Those who are older tend to be less educated but that doesn't mean they're dumber, the common life paths which younger generations take just differ to what was common for the older generations when they were our age
40% of those who finished college in 1995 enrolled into University, in 2012 it was 60%
Correction no sane man would vote leave, provided they are only concerned of the short term economical benefits.
In terms of just money, yes, it does not make sense to leave EU.
There are more important things than money.
I don't mind being unable to afford a consumerist society if it means my children will be able change the direction of this country without spilling blood.
Hello cEUck.
Those who voted leave were working/middle class citizens who got to experience the cultural enrichment by muzzie cock first hand, while those who voted leave were in super white gated communities or taking gender studies at Cuck College.
DPhil Biochemistry (Oxford) here: Voted Remain. Just didn't fancy the prospect of a massive recession
helo paranoid poor person
>University education
Yknow they haven't always been the pinnacles of knowledge like they have been in the past? Adam Smith thought most of the college around himself were insufferable.
>is there a dumber demographic than those who voted stay
Fixed now it matches the rest of your description
>the people who a most negatively affected by EU membership voted to leave the EU
What a fucking shock
college =/= higher education.
Standards have fallen so far through the floor that there is now far more to learn outside of school than in.
Not an argument.
Let's not be coy here you daft slope cunt, white men OVERWHELMINGLY voted leave. Your side are the kids (those who bothered to even vote) paki filth and women. You lost gook-boy. Suck it up.
Maybe Remain should have had a better argument than just baselessly calling everybody else racist.
rly makes u think...
My best friend works at one and has no degree
Yup. A demographic that doesn't respect nor acknowledge the result of a fair referendum.
26 yo
done everything sexually and more, got a gf
voted leave
What does leaving the EU have to do with Muslims? Can you point out some Muslim countries on a map?
ah I see, you think by leaving the EU you some how block any non white immigrant?
>done everything sexually and more, got a gf
haha what? Talk about insecure
>Trusting the elite
>Trusting Globalization OR Nationalism
This sick game needs to end. It needs a coup, fast.
Our leaders are arrogant and greedy.
They fail to see why "populism" exists. It's a buzzword that criticizes "the people"
Now we're the ones holding them back apparently.
>Japanese abstract shitposting
Truly a great artform
Yeah even with the jobs people say you need a degree it is every debatable.
Bottom line, if you can do the job well a boss will want to employ you.
Sure, a small amount of jobs require a license so a degree is necessary for those.
I was literally in a lecture talking about White privilege today.
This society is FUCKED.
this is true
my brother never finished a single class in community college and yet because of his work experience and technical aptitude, he is now a network engineer
HOWEVER, your bosses will use your lack of a degree to shaft you on your salary
Someone needs to clean up.
Mate, abandon this thread. There is no hope against the sheer stupidity and willful ignorance.
> democray is to ignore to will of the people
> sovereignty is to be slave of a foreign organization
>>Furthest traveled = spain
wasn't the average remain voter's reasoning "I don't want to need a passport to go to Mallorca"?
>HOWEVER, your bosses will use your lack of a degree to shaft you on your salary
Heh, that's just a standard antique dealer maneuver. People will try and talk down what you have to sell in order to pay a lower price, regardless of whether it matters or not.
No it does not, but it does represent an underlying desire within a silent majority to demonstrate just how tired they are with the EU.
>MSc Biochem - voted Remain.
LOL, fucking shill.
not insecure, just letting you know that your comfortable mental image of neet virgins is wrong.
what's your job? how many people have you slept with?
BSc - BioChem here. Is smart enough to respect public mandate.
>ah I see, you think by leaving the EU you some how block any non white immigrant?
Exactly. Just and see.
>People voting in were all people imployed in the financial sector, expats from other sectors since the UK only has a financial sector, and their servants scurrying about London
Man, it's almost like people vote in their own interest, even (or especially) if it hamstrings elites
>is there a dumber demographic than those who voted leave?
Those who voted stay. But that's democracy for you.
>EU funding
Doesn't he live and work the US?
>No plan
everybody already helped to stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser?
Then i suggest you stop taking Gender Studies classes and start a real study, 2nd year Computer engineering here, never gone through any that shit in any of the classes.
>educated to postgraduate level
>civil servant
>upper-middle class
>generally liberal upbringing
I still voted leave, though I'll admit I've found myself in poor company with regards to my fellow leave voters.
There will be difficult times ahead, but fuck sleep walking into being a part of a European super-state.
That man has to be one of the ugliest people alive. That fat fuck Sargon looks like a super model in comparison.
>Wanting Ireland or Scotland
They already have enough welfare states to take care of. They aren't going to take those two unless England comes with it.
>uses college education as an indicator of intelligence.
>get called out on it
>"what does the fact that those degree holders are unemployable retards has to do with anything?! "
Shilling this hard.
Based Jew.
To the Jap and others in this thread, listen to this guy, people like him know a good/bad investment when they see one.
Fuck off zainichi
>If I were employer at McDonalds, I'd employ the spotty teenage faggot who has 2 years fast food experience, over a cunt with a gender ''studies degree'' and 1 years fast food experience.
Until he became too expensive because of his experience and loyalty to the company, then you'd drop his ass for the cheaper cunt...
dutchbro, your English guy has a British flag. i thought you dutchies were smart?
The most consistently wrong thing about secondary schooling is that it is a brainwashing liberal cesspool. Kids that age are impressionable and they are fed the standard Jewish lies. They have no chance at seeing things any way besides the way their idol professors, who hold the key to their futures, tell it. There was that Jew at University of Massachusetts who was literally teaching his students that the white race has to be destroyed and the white students, especially the males should kill themselves. Does this sound like higher learning to you? Sure, people who don't pursue this "higher education" don't wind up with as impressive looking academic resume s but they also don't participate in the Jewish brainwashing. They get earlier real world experience and knowledge and that tends to redpill people. Then only the truly transcendent brains and IQ's have the capability to know 100% of what they hear in secondary schooling is biased, filtered horseshit culture and they fake it to make it and remain on the path of critical thought. It's those who cannot accomplish this and think their liberal arts degrees and high student debt make them superior somehow. And these fags are the "more educated."
>be child with no real world experience
>go to college, commit to tens of thousands of dollars of debt
>super invested hanging on every word of professors cause pending debt
>get taught nothing of consequence, just get force fed ideology.
>thinking that means you're more educated by being a sheep.
>be child with no real world experience
>don't go to college
>work shit job for shit pay because no degree
>see Europeans living in the UK working good jobs because they have degrees
>get bitter as fuck and vote to leave
>>work shit job for shit pay because no degree
I have no degree, voted leave, and I prob earn several times more than you will ever earn in your life.
(pic few notable transactions within the last couple of months)
>>see Europeans living in the UK working good jobs because they have degrees
Almost all my peers who went for a degree work in call centers etc lol.
Don't get me wrong, certain stem degrees etc are worth it. But the vast majority of degrees are useless and a stupid choice to do.
Everyone I know who voted remain were either dumb women or pussy cucks
>if I keep saying all these mean things about my opponents, SURELY they'll change their minds!
I like to call these people "internet liberals"
They're usually too young to vote so they just argue in the YouTube comments instead