>Go outside
>See an interracial couple
>Day ruined
Go outside
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid cunt
I never see the couple, just the offspring.
Still ruins my day, but the toll has been paid.
> waah wahhh im a hateful bigot who's mad that the world is moving on in the right direction without me
>tfw girl I know decided to date a nigger who literally looks like pepe (pic related, her and the nigger)
> R i g h t D i r e c t i o n
A fucking hobbit...
> waah wahhh im a little sheepshagger from australias canada who's mad that people cant take muh red stars seriously
Stupid fucking kids, go grief a minecraft server or something.
>Go outside
>See an interracial couple
>it's a white male black female combo
feels good to be 99% white where i live.
why are there so many aussies in this thread?
>shoulder to hip ratio
People here thinks leaf's are the biggest shit posters, but I honestly thinks its NZ, why are you fags even here?
Still here, sonny?
holy shit thats one ugly looking shitskin too.
What a fucking hoe.
I mean REALLY?
>go out
>am an interracial couple
feels good family member.
Nice try bigot. There is nothing wrong with interrracial marriage. Race is not existent in humans you vile racist (there I said it, you made me say it) I can fall in love with a black woman (or man) because I see them as human not by the color of the person's skin
The world would be a much better place without backward hicks like you.
>Go outside
>See an interracial couple
>They're happy with each other
>Smiling, laughing
>Think back to my childhood
>Have anxiety attack
>Find nearest "Acceptable" place to sit down, wait until I can breathe, go home
She plays sports.
You live in the most irrelevant first world nation on earth.
Stay inside mate, ill text you when its safe to come out.
Fuck dream girl. Please tell me she's from Newcastle. I'll show her the right way.
My people aren't responsible for a 50% divorce rate. My people don't murder babies on a whim. My people support the 2nd amendment because we love freedom.
What exactly is wrong with being a conservative American?
Your dream girl is a coalburner?
She's from Canberra.
Good lord do I know this feeling
>tfw i've never seen interracial couple irl except abroad
>race is not existent in humans
except that's wrong
That is one black nigger
>go outside
>see couple
>day ruined
Except your people brutally enslaved the africans, stole all of their resources, killed millions of their ancestors and ravaged their entire continent for generations to come. You destroyed whatever value their continent had and assassinated any progressive smart black politicians and civil rights workers and wonder why they have become they way they are?
It is true. Racists truly have the lowest iqs on earth.
Don't you guys still have a bunch of Russians in Poland, I'd let that count!
is that her brother on the right?
> implying op would ever leave the house
No joke I'll be in Canberra this weekend for the footy.
Might see her at Mooseheads.
At least you have cute Aboos. At least there's that.
Pic related. Nothing.
>go outside
>see an overweight mother with a turd baby
>father is nowhere in site
Sup Forums was right again!
The Founding Fathers were racist. One of them invented harnessed electricity. Racists are intelligent.
>order pizza
>new black guy working there
>still eat the pizza
Mooseheads? haha, faggot.
>not by the color of the person's skin
Neither do we. The amount of melanin is irrelevant, in fact if that was the only difference between the races racism would likely not exist.
Keep telling that to yourself, Ahmed. Also, we have a bunch of ukrainian refugees, but they are cool people and they clean our toilets
How is poland? I kinda want to move there
I would have chucked. Had a black girl serve me at greggs and I was pissed. Walked out side and chucked it in the bin.
>not similar to nigger
Pic related.
>go outside
>see 6 nonwhites
>day ruined
I want retarded pol to be removed from Sup Forums and to go back to stormfront
i kek'd at this way too hard, lmao
I saw a half nigger baby in Cracow and everyone was looking with disgust at it. Poor thing
A bigger issue than interracial couples is how white people are a bunch of rude cunts.
Maybe whites deserve to be wiped out, they are rude and gross. The men are hipsters who act like a bunch of gossipy catty faggots disguising their petty effeminate insults under the guise of "banter" and the women are literally prostitutes.
Have you ever met a white person under the age of 40 who is not a complete piece of shit?
A bunch of drug addled, homosexual, sex crazed, effeminate, alcoholic loud mouthed freaks who are obsessed with money and status and have no morality beyond what the TV says is the latest right and wrong thing to do.
Fuck em.
>walk outside
>see sun
Eyes ruined
>Have you ever met a white person under the age of 40 who is not a complete piece of shit?
yea, me
Not that bad if you accept shitty salary, but I wouldn't change that for living with niggers and leftists
Go to 8ch m8. Less stupid/more redpilled
Literally every time I go to Poland to visit my wife's family, it's only in Kraków I see them and there's open space of about 20 metres wherever they go.
Unfortunately, these threads always bring out the worst in people. Lots of shitposting and insult-slinging.
The thing is, there are real, legitimate reasons to dislike interracial marriage as a concept. If you're white, it basically destroys unique phenotypes more or less exclusive to your own race.
It also comes with cultural baggage. People always vociferously deny this, because they think culture is this thing that just changes with acclimatization, taking off a t-shirt, and putting a new one on. But it's not that simple. Even among second and third generation Asians in the West you're going to have to deal with a Confucian mindset in your partner, be they male or female, and it's something that really clashes with your average Western mindset (this is writ large in just about every dealing the West has had with East Asia).
I don't even need to go into the deep, intractable issues that come with dating someone from a Muslim background. Because that's an even more difficult proposition.
Finally as another user said, there's a tendency among the offspring of such relationships to identify primarily with the race of the father. This is particularly difficult when the father is a racial alien in the country he married the woman in, because it means the child will grow up seeing himself or herself as part of an outgroup, which could in turn lead to resentment against the ingroup and identification with a foreign power.
So interracial marriage isn't some sort of evil, but there are legitimate concerns with it. People need to stop pretending it doesn't exist. The world isn't a giant pink and blue padded nursery where the lions and hyenas lie down with the gazelles.
You visit Sup Forums so that is obviously not true.
/thread Don't let them slide an old school pol action thread!!
Stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
Sounds like you spend alot of time with bernie supporters m8
>walk outside
>dont get shot
>Go outside
>All people white
>Day rural
>Degenerate whore is being degenerate
Wolves dont lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
A disgrace to our country.
Move back to fucking India.
>go outside
>see interracial couple
>find the nearest bathroom and fap
That's a bit facist
>Go to one of the nearest polling stations
>Realise I'm only non-white voting today in my suburb along with my dad
I ended up giving my preference to the Sex Party and some shit-tier socialist parties.
you should go back to r/donald retard
>go outside
>day ruined
>go to use gym water fountain
>a black person uses it before me
gas urself romania
what nonwhite?
poos and chinks are fine since they barely start shit
flag checks out
Is that reviewbrah's mum, i can respect a man who loves his mum
choose one?
How to spot a antifa fag
Long boring post about muh feelins
>go outside
>see attractive White woman with a gook
Haha who gave you permission to go outside? You need to stay right here, and stay tuned to message. Outside is no place for you to be, see what happens?
Fucking incredible what our society has come to.
> take the metro
> not a single european to be seen
> they keep saying that white genocide is a nazi meme
Literally never happens.
>go outside
>see attrative blond women with stroller
>baby inside is black
I want shitskins to go back to their shitholes. Let's do both, faggot.
what the fuck
You should really be more open minded. There's no problem with inter&-racial relationships. My girlfriend was even in one before. You are probably just jealous of others who are more successful than you.
Why don't some drunk bum end the life of these parasites? Why do you let the scum of third world rape your women and destroy your lineage?
> 50% shitskins
> Wake up
> Day Ruined
Probably russian whores. There are tons of them who breed with the lowest form of niggers here.
Actually happens a disturbing amount. With Indians too.
Pic related. A slut from Uni. I could find about a dozen more just off the top of my head if you're interested, but I'd rather not because it disgusts me.
Australia has a fucking obscene amount of gooks though doesn't it? I don't think I've ever seen an Asian interracial couple that wasn't WM/AF.