Smart enough for interstellar travel

>smart enough for interstellar travel
>can assimilate any biological matter and take its shape
>can survive indefinietly while frozen inside the Antarctic wasteland
>vulnerable to fire

Why didn't it evolve thicker skin?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was a Trump supporter

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

It's evolutionary chain led it down the subterfuge route. If it had thicker skin or plates or scales it would be harder to shape your body, don't you think?

Harder to shape its* body
Sorry I don't proofread this shit.

[muffled call to prayer in the backround]

God, I love the thing so much.

Who do you guys think destroyed the blood samples?

Was it Palmer or was it Norris? And if they were both infected by then already, why did they not assimilate MacReady when they were alone with him exploring the UFO? Can the Thing not pilot a helicopter?


wah wah wah

Fire couldn't exist in the atmosphere of it's home world


Space is cold

Very nice

Does anyone else think that those arms look fucking tasty? Every time I see this scene, it makes me want to just eat those meaty appendages of his.

>>smart enough for interstellar travel

no evidence the ship was its.

That scene is perfect, still get chills to this day.

Someone who would have access to it. They needed a key to get into it. Who had the only key? Garry. So who could have gotten the key?

>hy did they not assimilate MacReady when they were alone with him exploring the UFO? Can the Thing not pilot a helicopter?

It did. MacThing was playing the long game. He was a Thing at the end which is why he laughed. He had a flamethrower for self defense in case Childs got wise to him.

Blood sample scene

It could evolve and change shape at will, this isn't regular earth evolution.

What about the ship it built?

>Smart enough for interstellar travel

What makes you think that? Is Ebola smart enough to fly an airplane? Was the bubonic plague smart enough to manage nautical navigation?

It's pretty fucking obvious that that life form doesn't behave like a sentient, constructive life form. Why would something build a space ship only to live out it's life cycle the way it did?

>Any biological matter
Again, why do you think that? All we know is that it can assimilate 3, two of which are warm blooded, carbon based mammalian creatures. Why didn't it absorb the wooden cabins? Wood is a biological substance.

>Vulnerable to fire.
Show me one organism of any considerable size which can survive being sprayed with ignited fossil fuels. Any. I think it's a pretty safe bet that any life form which survives in temperatures comparable to our environment would have trouble getting set on fire and blown up and surviving the process.

>Who had the only key? Garry. So who could have gotten the key?

Yeah but that's been debunked years ago already. Garry normally had the keys, yes, but then the radio guy (Windows?) had them before Bennings got infected, and after Windows found him being assimilated, he dropped them. You can actually hear the sound of them falling on the floor in that scene.

So anyone could have gotten to the keys while the station was distracted by Bennings thing.

That's pretty savage senpai.

>Trumplets respond to being called thin-skinned by showing how thin-skinned they are
Hmm... Really makes me think...

All the Things in the 80s version look p. tasty.

Who was this?


didn't see it fly, did you? might have been imitating what it saw on the ship that it crashed in, much like when a man stuck on an island builds a raft yet came from a sinking ship.

>It's pretty fucking obvious that that life form doesn't behave like a sentient, constructive life form.

It literally fooled people into thinking it was human, how is it not sentient? Also, it built a fucking space ship out of spare parts.

I thought it was only one key? And it belonged to Garry? Do you have a link on it being debunked? I'd like to read that.

how will they ever recover XD

The guy that liked dogs, he mentioned being alone with it for about an hour or so. Don't know why he wasn't assimilated

This doggo was the best actor in the movie desu

can you remind me of an animal that is immune to fire because of its thick skin?

Even if it didn't know how to before it would have after assimilating the aliens who's ship it stole.

OK thats it, who was the thing at the end of the movie? If you had a gun to your head who would you say?


It was Palmer. This is basically a fact. Originally he was the actor in this scene, but they realized that his shadow was too easy to tell so they had another guy (not one of the actors, someone from the technician crew) redo the scene.

But Palmer got infected first and he was playing the long game until Blair got infected.

The dog

It didn't fly the ship, genius, it was just some monster the aliums discovered, who broke free on board their ship and caused it to crash.

What if it didn't "steal" the ship? What if it was a cargo, or prisoner?

Google "Deinococcus radiodurans"

even if just one of them is it and they freeze, thats a win for the thing since it will just start again after thawing

>when the helicopter flew really low and made him jump
Poor doggo was probably scared to death.

Nope, Clarke was uninfected the entire time. MacReady shot him in the head and killed him and then they checked his blood and found out he was human all along.

Nope, the key from that was on the entire keychain, Windows had it for some other reason (can't remember, something to do with the cleaning up of the Norwegian bodies, he was doing it with Bennings, then Bennings got infected by the remnants of the bodies).
>Who got to the blood and how?
The keys, which play a crucial role to the sabotaged blood scene, disappear from the action when Windows discovers the Bennings-Thing in mid-assimilation. He had gone to get the keys from Garry, came back, dropped them and ran out of the room. We don't see the keys show up again until right before the scene with the sabotaged blood. Someone obviously found them, used them, and somehow got them inconspicuously back into the action. (A good guess would be by placing them in or near Garry's quarters.) Watch Windows' face as they argue about who had access to the blood. His guilt from dropping the keys and not speaking up about it is a nice touch.

We all agree MacReady was a Thing by the end, right?

>it fooled people into thinking it was human.

Uhm. When? For all you know it floods the brain with self-preservation tenancies. That fungus which makes insects climb up plants to spread ts spores doesn't have a control room insides the bugs brain, it just introduces chemicals which forces decision making before it's time to react. Do inane people have a alien virus? Do murders?

>Built a space ship out of spare parts [citation needed desperately]

Nope, they were both human at the end.

These things live next to volcanic vents that spew superheated water and gas

if you think about what happens in this video, it should bring you closer to understanding what happens

Childs was infected. This was confirmed.

>citation needed
Uhh watch the movie...

cool. well if anything like that would have gotted absorbed in the movie, the thing could have learned about the design, but it had no such luck

Ignoring the fact that it was building a spaceship to escape while in captivity

The only person who can confirm it won't confirm it.

even better, if there was a pet parrot on the base it could have evolved into something that flies and left the crew on the base and went to the mainland to spit in the water supply

maybe it has genetic memory

damn nature, you scary

Logically, Childs was turned by the scientist dude at the end, but I don't remember anyone doing the blood sample test on MacReady as well. Were they both Things at the end, unbeknownst to eachother?

>The Thing evolves into Parrot
>It now possesses that capacity to speak, and is a parrot
Que super edgy version of pic related

But that's not what happens in the movie. The thing replicates the organisms down to the last cell. It's not simply taking control of the host it's becoming the host.

Thick skin makes you fire-proof? The thing doesn't evolve, it imitates.

>Thinking the spaceship actually belonged to the thing, and not that the thing perfectly assimilated another alien and took its ship.

just because the cells are the same, it doesnt matter we know what kind of interactions go on inside the brain

No it wasn't (at least not by Carpenter approved sources). People say he was the thing because his breath wasn't visible but he did have breath and it's visible in some high definition versions.

>Built a space ship out of spare parts [citation needed desperately]
What, do you think Blair just started building a spaceship just for funsies?

Take 20 minutes and read this story from the Thing's perspective. It fills in the gaps in the story.

Have you not seen the movie? The tiny go-kart ship he built in the basement?

its shit

Who said it has to be sentient to build a spaceship?

Windows tested MacReady after MacReady tested him. MacReady could've only been a Thing if some part of the Thing survived or was not around the explosion and got to him before Childs showed up

t. Ahmed

You and your non-white kind will be removed.

We're gonna make Sup Forums great again!

I tend to think Childs because of the scene at the beginning with the computer chess match so Mac could have given it gasoline. The spookier ending is Mac was the Thing and gave Childs a bottle full of Thing cells.

Who says you need to be sentient to post on Sup Forums?

>[citation needed desperately]

Ah, okey dokey. I'd forgotten about him being tested by Windows. Does anyone know why he cut himself under his nail? Fuckin' masochist.


>Why didn't it evolve thicker skin?

Molecular combustion happens to everything, if it's biological or even whatever the fuck the Thing actually is (a literal alien virus monster). It's vulnerable no matter what.

Even the Xenomorph is vulnerable to fire with every other natural aspect they enjoyed with they are designed as movie monsters.

The whole question of who is and isn't the Thing is sort of irrelevant because fire doesn't actually kill all of the cells, right?

That's why the burnt up autopsy corpse was able to infect Bennings.

Was that split face this guy from the prequel?

>"I will have to rape it into them"

Dogshit from a guy who doesn't understand the Thing at all, the last line just sums it up perfectly

fucking rekt

You're just too fedora (anti-feminist) to understand how brilliant the choice of that phrase is.

The thing wants to forcefully procreate. What other human word do you have for that?

Yes, the shitty prequel wanted this to be a reference to that.

Good lord that movie was horrible. It's basically to the first The Thing what The Force Awakens is to New Hope.

did you have to change IP for that?

wasn't Bennings infected by the part detached by the dog-thing? I got it wrong?

>I got called out on being a pleb who can't understand literary language and can't break off from his twitter mindset so it must be a samefag

If you kill your enemies, they win

No. Remember the scene where him and Widows bring the corpse in the storeroom and Bennings gets left alone.

He may have been prepped for the bull by the dog when he was under the table, then when he was alone with the remains it finished the job.

Look, you autistic fedora wearing numale, if you don't get it why "rape" is completely retarded and proves that the author is a numale just like you, then you're either far too delusional to talk to or you haven't seen The Thing.

Xenomorphs form Aliens do "rape". The Thing does not "rape" in any metaphorical sense.

go to rewatch right now. thanks!

Windows drops the keys on the floor after returning to find Bennings being assimilated. Anybody bould have picked up the keys then and put them back on Gary's person. Then again, Gary couldn't remember Windows borrowing the keys from implying he took them without permission meaning anyone could have

Canonically it was Childs. This was confirmed.

>The Thing does not "rape" in any metaphorical sense.


The Thing procreates BY FORCE. With NON-CONSENTING hosts. It's rape.

It's literally rape.

Your poor insults just make you look more insecure.

How is this not copyright infringement?

>The Thing procreates BY FORCE.

It DOESN'T you CRETINOUS CUNT. Watch the movie instead of reading some numale fanfics.

It's fanfiction that he's not making money of off. It's fair use.

Ignore him, he's being retarded.

I think maybe Split Face just wasn't burnt enough? As a living being it was killed by the fire but since it's cells are individually able to operate towards assimilation and the body wasn't completely destroyed, some cells remained active.

So whenever you take a shit, you reproduced?


You can keep saying I should watch the movie but it doesn't make you right. You're just trying to divert the attention from the fact that you're wrong. Keep doing it though, it amuses me.