what if we are actually the bad guys?
What if we are actually the bad guys?
I'm the bad guy? When did that happen?
Eye of the beholder.
Not being able to be the bad guy equals the doom of our race.
>Trump will win
>the bad goys
What if bad guys made you believe you are a bad guy?
Post more pepes
sage the slide threads
Stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
>what if we are actually the bad guys?
>bad guys
(((you))) seem to have misspelled goy
Only if we lose.
How can we be the bad guys if we know what is going on around us is a sign of failure?
These people are so deluded by fantasy and echo-chambers that they can't rationalise the very things they're implementing.
No one is properly regulating the finance sector.
No one is destroying the media bias.
No one is tackling a failed multicultural experiment.
No one.
Because they cannot bare this burden. They cannot take the red pill.
That is how sick our society is.
If there were to be an apocalypse, it would be happening now.
But I still fight.
You should still.
Fight the dying of the light.
>Not being able to be the bad guy equals the doom of our race.
This is the doom of humanity as a whole we are seeing.
There is not enough brains in the world if white people vanish.
They will fail to cope with the extra burden.
Does it matter?
It's not about being "good", it's about being right
There is no good and bad, only what is right.
How can you be a guy when you are some degenerated that doesn't count as human being?
we did it for the right reasons though
>the LULZ
We are both good and right.
We live in a morally reversed world.
>birthrates 25% bellow replacement levels
>drug abuse, mental illness and suicide, all up and climbing
>relationship frivolity, hedonism, accompanied with mass cynicism of system, all time high
>divorce and single mothers soaring
>crime is beginning to reach 1990 level patterns
>unstable leaning tower of Pisa for an economy
Yeah OP. Kind of hard to be the bad guy when it's been the "good guys" that's lead us here.
You have no idea.
The whole machine has started to "explore morals"
Now Sup Forums understands that morals are memes.
Memes are naturally selected for the ones that best create a healthy society.
Whenever they've been ignored, society implodes and destroys itself.
And this world is amoral right now.
It needs urgent reversion of this amorality for the sake of individuals and the planet.
People are being led astray by a class of people that are apathetic to lower classes needs.
What could this possibly bring except torment to lower classes and the inevitable destruction of the upper.
fuck i hate condoms
so glad i found girls who wanted a fuck buddy and on birth control
after cumming in so many raw dog no way in hell i can go back
Well take a look at our hats
They've got skulls on them
BE BAD, Stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
Bad goys, bad goys, whacha gunna do?
Whacha gunna do when they come for you?
>pepes are banned on Sup Forums
Is Sup Forums now the last bastion of old Sup Forums goys? I'm scared at how fast reddit is taking over
Good and bad are abstract constructs. It's all just difference of opinion really. Let's just hope we win.
Frogposting was always banned on Sup Forums. Get that shit of the anime board and keep it where it belongs.
>Frogposting was always banned on Sup Forums
Bullshit detector is off the charts
Source: Long time Sup Forums shitposter
I'm well aware of what gets me banned
We are the jews.
Either our descendents tell each other the story of our actions, or we go extinct.
I had these doubts for a while.
I come from a conservative family with strong convictions so the
was the only political outlook I ever knew.
Since then I lived around people with radically different views for quite long and it didn't change me, so I'm sure these views are mine too and I don't just parrot what I heard from my parents.
Honestly if the kikes have so much power, why don't we all just necome kikes and join them in their destruction of the west?
It's not like anything of value is left or worth saving anymore. Those days ended after the second world war.
There was a small kingdom/town and a well in the center. The kingdom was happy and the king ruled it well and fair. Then a witch with a ling hooked nose poisoned the well.
Every citizen eventually drank from the well except the king himself. Everyone who drank from the well eventually went mad. There were scat orgies everywhere, STD's went rampant from fucking animals, some even set themselves on fire just to get a laugh out of it. Later, everyone turned against the king, because he was acting erratically, something was wrong with him. The king was sane and under pressure.
Time has passed and the king decided to drink from the well too. the entire kingdom celebrated that the king was sane again.
I fucking hate this term. I miss libertarian fags who just hated sjws and feminists for trying to restrict our freedom.
Now we have fags here doing the same shit, aiming to ban whatever shit they don't like because of muh degenerates.
It's a vague meaningless term that you can slap onto anything. Alcohol is degenerate. Your porn is degenerate. Ban this site, it's degenerate. Your favourite music is degenerate.
thats depressing as fuck, holy hell, but extremely accurate.
sometimes i think about this
>tfw ex gf of 2 years who was on the pill didnt let me cum in her the whole time
Then we still have the right to self determination and sovereignity.
>I fucking hate this term
There's the door, degenerate
>1 shill by this ID
There are no good or bad guys. Whoever wins will declare the loser the bad guys.
What we need to focus on is winning.
Maybe we should act our part then?
I think it's scarier if we aren't.
ive always been the bad guy since i could distinguish right from wrong, i feel like thats why im still here after all these years
everybody is more or less grey. no fully black and white and if that exists then the balance principle shifts the whole bullshit of any political or religious movement back to something non-extreme.
We could organize ourselves and get our shit together to get into positions of power and shill for our values.
But... this is a cantonese poetry house and we're as diverse as you can get. Not gonna happen.
I know what you mean.
Although I got fucked over by some lying cunt who said she had her tubes tied and as soon as I nutted she told me that was a lie.
Got lucky on the RNG though. No kid.
Moral of the story: careful who you fuck, especially if you meet them online.
Embrace supervillian status? Most want to make the world a better place (for their selected group).
Yes, history will revile you just like the Nazis are today. Your grandchildren will be ashamed to carry your blood like Germans today.
So just play it safe and let this happen, If you struggle you'll only end up hurting yourself
Read your bible.
See the rationality of it.
Then compare it to:
>transgender rights
>buzzwords like racism
>people that don't reject immigrants that literally blow them up
>people will compromise for some ideals in the economy (like racial equality, gender equality) but not others (like decent incomes and supporting family life)
>world literally runs on greed
>doing the good thing is considered weakness
>You're being led astray by financial elites
Are we the Baddies?
if im the bad guy then the good guys are to stupid to be considered helpful and long term they cause more problems than me
Oh Jesus Christ, quit being a drama koala.
Thanks for repeating what OP said you colossal fucking turd
Hold strong user.
Don't lose your head.
Remember your morals.
this is survival. western civilization's creators are on the verge of extinct.
good movie
Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the memes.
> shit breeds shit
> shit breeds more shit than us.
We will remain but we will be out numbered.
It's tiresome user.
Everyone is miserable and the solutions we have are now "wrong"
It's subjective. Not everyone has the same moral values nor is there any ultimate authority on what values are "good".
From a practical standpoint, the winners are the good guys, the losers are the bad guys. Always.
>Read your bible
>Needs a book to tell him what's right and wrong
The sign of a weak willed sheep. You are no better than any other sheep being fucked by the establishment.
Different Shepard same sheep.
Only comment I will ever have for such threads.
>pic related
fucked up dude
burn it all
This. Place faith in meme magic.
Praise Kakukek, he will show us the path.
Just fags who want some unrealistic Victorian era morality.
I see people decrying things, but not anyone trying to ban things. Calling something degenerate is for the sake of ostracism, not prohibition.
We barely agree with each other, it's a stretch to characterise us as a homogeneous group
Not like those faggots over on reddit though
i just want to preserve the beauty and the true diversity of the human race.
i believe that every human needs and has the right to feel a sense of familiarity and closeness with its surroundings: your family, your friends, your lands and, by extension, your people, your culture, your nation.
everything bad stems from discomfort, powerplay and greed. immigrants bring their culture here because they can't detach from what they are.
and no shit, i would not fucking detach from my culture if i was ever moving to Afghanistan.
pushing this globalist, we're all equal, let's have tibetan teas together agenda is inhuman. it's a byproduct of bored boomers and even more bored millennials that never took a look outside of their shitty boundaries.
we're not equal, we're not supposed to get along with everybody, cultures are not supposed to mix unnaturally, forcefully, by someone's command. that only creates hatred, social and cultural clash.
fucking hell i am much more a fucking lefty than those pieces of globalist shit that claim to be lefties.
10/10 best quote, i'm typing with an army of darkness shirt on
Bro, everyone is someones bad guy. If you're nobodys bad guy, you aren't standing up for yourself.
>thinks the bible happened randomly
It was a result of trail and error. It was the best memes humanity had.
Think about it. Homosexuality morals were probably based on past people's interpretations of stds. Plus the people doing it probably went mad quite often.
All we've done is said "let's start to not follow the memes that actually kept humanity alive in the first place"
We failed natural selection, not the other way round.
We left morality for ignorance.
I've more or less always been thought of as the bad guy in most social situations as it is. If I really am one it wouldn't change any opinions anyway.
>i am much more a fucking lefty than those pieces of globalist shit that claim to be lefties.
Unironically this.
where have you been? of course we're the bad guys
>Yes, history will revile you just like the Nazis are today. Your grandchildren will be ashamed to carry your blood like Germans today.
The reason why I hate so many people is because I have this constant, crushing feeling of loneliness and nothingness. At my age, my father had a home, a wife, three children and a career. I'm angry I don't have the things my ancestors treasured most.
So I look for people to blame. To blame for this cultural shift into decadence that focuses on material gain and abandons traditional gender roles, family, happiness, safety, togetherness and happiness.
Are we the bad guys? I believe we're mostly good people who have just become frustrated, sad and angry.
>It's subjective. Not everyone has the same moral values nor is there any ultimate authority on what values are "good".
It's objective.
Meme's follow the rules of nature user.
You must begin to understand this.
Most morals are similar from religion to religion. The ones with weakness lose.
The west's weakness was the tolerance of sin.
Only solution I can see now is genetic modification, just of intelligence.
The world's problems are linked to our on physical and mental limits on average right now.
If niggers had a brain, they wouldn't be so bad at building their country.
what exactly are you implying that is """bad""", saged 1 post by this ID?
He's referencing a Mitchell and Webb sketch about two Nazi soldiers questioning the skulls on their uniforms.
>everyone is wrong except me!
pls seek medical advise
Really makes you think
>There is not enough brains in the world if white people vanish.
Mate the asians are smarter than us and far more ruthless and patient, if whites vanish they'll have the jews and radical muslims wiped out by the end of the year so they can sell iPhones to brown people for the rest of eternity.
That's what I don't understand, whites are the best most pacified consumers ever, why do they want to destroy us?
>Don't fight us you ebbil nazzi be nice and let us win
Ok prof. Goldstein, you having fun harvesting nig nog babies for organ shekels over there?
Maybe they're trying to prevent history from repeating itself? Maybe they're getting revenge?
Sup Forums is the bad guys just like SJW. It's not precicely the opinion that is held but the path that is taken to reach those opinions that dictate if you're making the best choices with the best information.
Goodguys interpret new information this way.
Information>Results = Opinion
Badguys do it this way
Information>Opinion>Results = Stronger original opinion.
The good way leaves open plenty of room (arguably more) for difference on viewpoint but removes bias from the process of getting new information.
there are no good guys and bad guys, just 7B people, and nearly all of them take more than they give
The only asians that can compete with whites are japanese, and maybe koreans. And japanese are being exterminated to.
Chinese are antpeople clones that are good at following a blueprint, but completely incapable of creativity. They haven't invented anything in thousands of years and never will.
Vietnamese, thais, phillipinos, etc are mestizo tier trash.
>prevent history from repeating itself
>do the exact same shit
t. Seo-yeon
very simple, make money, climb corparate ladder, outjew the jew
Libertarians are fucking morons anyway