3,300 migrants !! YES! WELCOME TO UK
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Where did those two Italian lads find white girls?
Maybe if whites had bigger dicks, they wouldn't be cucked by migrants.
lol at hover hand guy
What's the UK got to do with this story, sorry? I just see the EU being mentioned.
Wait..if you come to the UK you get a free complimentary white girl? Will they mow the lawn?
>Big dicks
Nah mate. /r/ing the world wide dick chart to be posted.
so now they literally pick them up from libyan beaches ?
>African migrants
stop being stupid, 99% of them are as black as it gets
Those are some unfortunate-looking youths.
probably going to get murdered
Oh my just look at the time.
It is an Italian and a Portuguese. Learn to tell the difference before posting on Sup Forums dammit.
send them to Scotland.
>Off the coast of Libya
And they brought them back to Libya where they belong, right?
what race are the two fucbois ? they don't really look arab from the arabs i've seen irl
probably some mix with negros ?
>stop being stupid, 99% of them are as black as it gets
MIDF on damage control. Even my 4000 people village has Algerian refugees who have no chance for asylum.
> having no idea about numbers
Seriously. If you care about that number. Don't look up others, regarding that subject or you'll probably die from a heartattack...actually ...do that OP
why the fuck is Europe doing this, I mean srsly, dont we already have enough of these refufucks
not true Europeans have bigger penis average sizes
I do not understand it too.
Maybe they promised the tribal leaders, and religious leader that, if they unite against certain islamic groups, save passage to Europe for doing our dirty work.
All behind closed doors and with no offical representitive confirming it.
But these groups just keep poping up all around the middle east and Africa.
At one point """"our"""" """leaders"""" need to consider the scenario of them getting dragged into the street and executed from pissed of europeans.
Because they want to run our countries into the ground and exterminate white people.
>hand in pocket
>hover hand
>girl not into him body language
>At one point """"our"""" """leaders"""" need to consider the scenario of them getting dragged into the street and executed from pissed of europeans.
Jews would think that'd be hilarious.
> Mom I do not want to be raped!
> Shut up you fucking racist!
The only problem with the jew rethoric is that they suffer more than europe at the time.
They know best to never trust the mudslimes around them.
I mean they are getting slaughtered in their streets from brainwashed palis, they same way we do.
I really believe that the Russians and Turkey are activly trying to destroy the Union for different reasons, and certain people like Soros are helping them for the money gains.
When did the West become so weak?
Hell, just a 100 years ago we'd have let them drown. Not only that but we'd probably be the ones to pop their raft.
Goddamn it, I hate Sand niggers and you too you fucking kike.
Hitler achieved the opposite of what he wanted by losing the war.
He created a socity which would rather die than fight back.
Also the US and the EU became to greedy and only value money/resources instead of their own people.
That picture was taken in Sweden you moron.
Because of cultural marxism. They took control over media, hollywood and academia. People like McCarthy tried to warn us but nobody would listen.
When 'murica became the leader of the West. And brought Holly-jew-wood culture and fed the western youth with it.
To begin with without computer networks there would have never been movements of gay/trans/gender whatever acceptance.
Globalization is what 'murica wanted.
Fuck you.
your country is thrice as communist as mine. I guess that's my fault too.
first reply, best reply
It wasn't before WWII. Actually before 1981.
meant to reply to you
The only jews that suffer from immigration are poor ones, and they are pawns for the big kikes just like goyim.
so if I am selling a pile of dog shit and you buy the dog shit from me, whose fault is that?
how can people even compare these arabs to beaners
this shits ridiculous
fuck off
so sending terrorists in europe isn't IS' fault because eurocucks accept refugees ?
No no, that's not how it works. Because even if I don't buy the dog shit, the dog shit seller will keep on trying till someone stupid enough to buy it comes around. It's clear that the problem is the dog shit seller.
Jews are not stupid and they very well know that if you are a minority, you are in a position of weakness.
What do the """big""" kikes get from fucking over their own?
They have no problem to get money, just look at the US and them throwing it at Israel.
I do not trust them, but preffer jews over mudslimes every day.
Eurocuck, t'es fr mon gars.
Je ne m'exclus pas du panier
Let 'em have her.
Toi aussi tu aimes la bite noire? :wink:
Juste les séries américaines... Ce qui est sûrement pire
EU militaries' main job is literally fishing shitskins to cuck their countries with
Je regarde pas de séries mais j'adore sucer des blacks dans le dos de ma copine. Va savoir ce qui est le pire.
Ca m'étonne pas trop au vu de la conversation qu'on vient d'avoir.
Fais gaffe à pas chopper le sida.
They big kikes want world domination.
They want to get rid of anyone who can compete with them, to keep the jewish elite on top forever.
It might seem like their positions are secure, but they are built on deception and subterfuge and this makes them fragile. Keeping the jewish propaganda machine running requires enormous resources and it could blow up in their face anytime (as has happened hundreds of times throughout history).
Les gens se laissent étrangement facilement sucer avec popote.
> Germany
> 14,88 cm
Makes me laugh every time.
it's in our fucking genes - please liberate us from the jews, someone - set us free
Why the fuck does Statistiska Centralbyrån measure dicks?
They keep tabs on the avarage salary, what jobs people do, what people buy and how big the avarage dick is.
Well, I call that Sossarna owns it