Trump likes the Jews. Putin likes the Jews. Japanese people, also Korean, Chinese, Indian...

Trump likes the Jews. Putin likes the Jews. Japanese people, also Korean, Chinese, Indian, and all the Western World in general too. All the educated and rational people on earth like them; or at least don’t care.

People who hate jews: mudslimes, uneducated conspiracy theorists faggots.

Which side are you on?

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-4812983,00.html

I am Jewish. If there's a conspiracy to rule they world they didn't invite me, the jerks.

I don't hate the Jews. I just want them all in Israel and out of white people's affairs.

Most but the edgiest here and the MIDF agree.

>Which side is mine?

Mine, not the jews one.

I'm on the bright side, moving to Israel very soon to protect the Holy Land.

If you think hard, Islam is really a religion of peace. It brought all of us together to BTFO them.

Islam of course.
we will be victorious again.
uh also no worries, we will kill you and smash you like a cockroaches along with the jews. don't worry

>omg they like juice :DDD
What the fuck do you expect them to do? Go to Israel and publicly declare "gas the kikes race war now"?
Putin also supports Palestine, Syria, Hezbollah and Iran, the main enemies of Israel.

they stole my foreskin, they can all go fuck themselves

Thanks. I was very worried.

>Putin likes the Jews

Since fucking when, Russia is very tight with Iran the main enemy of Israel. RT runs pro-Palestine news all the time.


Nope. Unlike the retard western world chinese run their own media, banks and goverment, retard westerners let Jews with double Israeli citizenships run theirs.

Let me tell you what chinese think of Jews

"Yes I think it is obvious that Jews control western world. They tell you who to wage war on, who to fight, who to support and how to spend your money. This is what we Chinese want to understand when we study Jewish dominance and hegemony of west." Professor Xu Xin stated in the recent IB interview.

The professor took things one anti-Semitic step farther stating,

"There are literally so many instances of how you have fallen for Jewish tricks. Hitler was the last person to openly contest Jewish rule and look how he is viewed. He is hated because of what Jews taught you with their films and books. We Chinese are amused at how gullible white men are. We want to find the same way to shape your thoughts. This is why we study them (Jews)."

Purin and Trump? So what did they do that you consider liking JUICE?

> Ethiopia and Macedonia are muslim
Shitty map this is.

>he thinks if they stay in Israel they won't be who they are anymore

Read this. Google everything, it's not even any secret everything is public knowledge with it's own wikipedia or MSM news articles

...,7340,L-4812983,00.html (BASED)

So? USA is funding Israel to destroy mudslimes. What’s the problem?

Lol. Zionism obviously exists and isn’t only for Jewish people. Christians are supporting zionism actively. Do you even know the meaning of this word?

tfw surrounded by the scourge.

>Trump likes the Jews
No he respects their ability
Stop mixing lies with half truths

Greece-Cyprus-Israel alliance when?


Putin & Co. has scores of Jews in the Russian government and you get fucked up just as hard for attacking Jews for being Jews as you do for attacking Orthodox Christians in Russiastan.
Russia is pro jew as fuck
Next your going to meme to me about how they hate Muslims even though they are literally 20% of their population
Shit the fuck and stop posting from your fake country, you can peddels your pinko bullshit elsewhere

>Relations with Israel are deep
Yeah, they are "deep" with our "Western partners" too, but we're still geopolitical enemies.

>Vladimir Putin told a visiting delegation of Jewish community leaders
Again, what the fuck do you want him to say? He would say the same thing to visiting Muslims, Hinduists or aliens.
It's almost like politicians say a lot of things and deal with anyone as long as it's in their interests.

>So? USA is funding Israel to destroy mudslimes. What’s the problem?
Oh boy, it's another that French JIDF faggot episode.

Most of our greatest men, from leaders to scientists and artists hated the jews with passion.
They saw them as cockroaches.
Then jews took command, parasiting politics and medias through finance.
Then, magic happen: it's illegal to state you hate jews.
No one hate jews anymore.
