Black girl savagely assaults white boy while he listens to music
Black girl savagely assaults white boy while he listens to music
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Backstory or sage
What's the fucking context? The kid starts crying like he has autism
Jesus Christ. Why are so many boys today so fucking faggy? If that were me, I would have smacked the bitch and made her my wife.
Fucking autist deserved it he can't even defend himself. I bet he watches animu. Fat gross neckbeard
>listening to moonman without headphones
You have no idea how sage works do you jackass?
Blacks in white community + feminism
>omg romania why do you have town rapists omg omg omg
this is why
He looks like a spic.
I would have joined in and beat him up.
Would kill, would gut.
lmao what the fuck was that scream
why doesn't this ever happen to me?
i would love to claim self defence while beating the fuck out of some cunt
guy is clearly a turbotard, this shit ain't cool man
lmao that counts as white in the US
yes because you're a neckbeard whiteknight
>american children
lol gr8 country
Definitely hope she was/is arrested for that shit. You can't just wail away on an unsuspecting persons face and walk away from it. And I'm 99% sure he's autistic as well.
Cuck. Well he desirved to be beaten.
>Sjw vs Sup Forums
he deserves it if he reacts like that desu
Why do niggers always suckerpunch
She is black and a female at that...
She literally can do no wrong.
Nigger attacks a kid with autism
>expects to get away with it
>on video
lynch mob when?
>clearly a spic
I think she broke his orbital bone on the first punch. Anyone would cry when that happens.
i died
For the same reason they steal.
The only way they can get anything is from stealing and not actually working facing life like men
Therefore they suckerpunch because they cannot fight like real men, face to face.
Niggers can't in2straightupfighting
They always lose when they do
Fuck off you white pussy I'm not black but if you have a problem with it then do something about it instead of crying on anime forums oh wait you wont because you're a sub human pigskin bitch
I wouldn't do it for her, I would do it because he was weak, you assumptious cunt.
If you want to find out if i'm a neckbeard, i'm in Coventry.
> one drop rule
The weak should fear the strong. Little bitch boy deserved it.
Nixon should have gone full emperor mode
Never should have left the office
>average muh waifu weeb
damn, feels good to be strong
>nigger chimping out
wow i'm shocked
Where are you from, paki?
I can't find any info on this incident. We should go wide with this thing and dox the fuck out of this cunt
As said, she's a nigger and a feminist so it's basically our duty to destroy this girl's future like we did with Dr Anjali
What's this Tom & Jerry bullshit?
Tell me where your from and I'll come to your house with mymans
yea it's a rapegang
confirmed shitskin
>boy claims to be transgender muslim
>black girl goes to jail for life for islamophobia and transphobia
"Sup Forums goes outside.webm"
I don't know the context of this, but...
>sucker punching
>hitting somebody from behind while he's wearing headphones
How much you want to bet that those dudes are there to back her up? I mean, it wouldn't seem like it from the way they look compared to her and to her victim, but somebody knew this was coming to be filming it. And it's not like they did anything to her in response. Bitch probably brought extra manpower like a fucking coward.
As a side note, what was she saying in the beginning?
hot bitch, I'm in love
Ayy looks like she just wants his dick, thats is the only reason girls do shit like that
Nice confirming your "Asian" heritage.
>needing your lovers to hold your hand
Naturally from a inbred-mongrel paki.
White boy got cucked by the superior black female.
She should have fucked him after to further show dominance.
>If you want to find out if i'm a neckbeard, i'm in Coventry.
l m a o
what a fucking mug
>beating up autistic kids
This is why we have cotton fields.
No, go to him alone you pakipussy.
Don't forget to pack a plastic spoon for self defense.
>those hits
That couldn't have possibly hurt. That boy had autism, and I doubt it was even a high-functioning variant.
Cucks. Get the fuck off this board and Sup Forums whatsoever.
This apparently happened in Fort Collins, Colorado
area code 970
i wouldn't doubt this at all, it's a city of cucks
Submitting a tip to the Fort Collins police department ATM. I encourage others to do so as well.
Fuck this nigress
Poor kid
Most edgelords on this board have had similar experiences I'm sure
Luckily they all weren't documented and posted online or who knows how many more mass shootings we'd have
I hope he gets a therapist before the trauma really starts solidifying on his pshyce
Mya ______ from Fort Collins, CO
this can't be that hard to dox
How do you know this?
DO IT LADS! I am similar from many standpoints to that white kid and I understand him. I wouldn't enjoy being assaulted by a mad ape who cannot use words.
The YouTube channel that it comes from is called FoCo970 fights and when you click on the channel, the channel description says "This account is only for fights that have happened in Fort Collins 970 area"
Poor kid.
So who will lefties defend? Captain Autismo or Shaniqua?
this tbqh
This is either staged or the cuck has some manner of extreme autism that exploded once his safety bubble popped.
The niggress in the video kept hitting him with her wrist, there's no way that could do any damage. Pretty sure she hurt herself than the poor little white boy.
Ever watch gorillas or chimps fight? Same behavior. Run in, sucker shot, run out. In and out. Jigs do literally the same thing.
Agree svergievän
Shaniqua of course.
I totally understand his pain, maybe he was listening some folk or black metal like me.
Blacks are similar to gypsies, I am afraid when attacked by a 8 year-old gypsy because they walk in packs and they may call for five teenagers or young adults if I try to defend. And maybe that white kid did thought the same, he seems bright though.
If you consider this boy to be white, you're part of the problem.
Google Fort Collins Police and follow the link to report a crime OR
just submit a link on Fort Collins Police's Facebook page or Twitter
Her first name is apparently "Mya"
Perhaps it's today's medicine that suppresses testosterone or something. Any normal male kid would've stood up while taking those hits and went full retarded-MMA on her until she starts blubbering in quivering sobs.
when Sup Forums uses "nigger" in real life
Spics are white, but Mexicans are mixed with native Americans so they're shitskins.
Same, his reaction make me so mad.
She definitely fractured his orbital blow with that first sucker punch
people can go blind from that shit
my bad orbital bone
It was his mistake to react that way. Lose one eye, return the favor. Instead, he turns his entire back to her and lets her play the bongos on the back of his skull.
he's a fucking autistic/retarded kid
Lad, orbital bone breaks make professional fighters cry, and you think that some autistic kid is going to stand up and give it right back?
rumor has it he actually lost an eye
'white' boy
>I think she broke his orbital bone on the first punch. Anyone would cry when that happens.
No family. I had mine shattered, and a few other eye socket bones fractured, in a freak accident when I was 12 years old. I didn't cry like a bitch, I just sat up and asked "what just happened" as I couldn't see through my left eye. Had my nose broken too.
Crying like a bitch is a primal reaction to "AAAAAAAAHHHHH COME HELP ME" which is probably what this dude felt and wanted. And I think someone should have joined in and fought back but obviously the person behind the camera was more concerned with getting world star to back his video.
I still have a fucked up nose but my eye healed without surgery.
did you watch the video?the first punch isn't even close to his eye
>I had mine shattered, and a few other eye socket bones fractured, in a freak accident when I was 12 years old.
Gonna have to elaborate on this one senpai
Never had a father to teach them any better
Are you retarded or blind yourself?
In what way? You're the one making assumptions and are too scared to face up to them.
You're as bad as the paki saying he'll being his boyfriends to fight. Just admit it, you're a faggot.
I wish a qt brown girl would beat my ass like that.