What the hell went wrong in this fuckers campaign?
What the hell went wrong in this fuckers campaign?
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There it is...there it is!
not being white
He's a little guy
>cuban spic
>tried to stump the trump
He's a degenerate lizard person.
Christie confused the twink for a twinkie.
Chris Christie blew ruboto tfo. Sad, but in politics it literally only takes one thing for the people to turn.
It's why the fbi needs to get off their asses and indict Clinton. Her ass has been covered when it comes to her corruption in Arkansas real estate, the deaths of people around her, Benghazi, her husbands rape issues and the cover ups and contributions to the Clinton foundation. Something must stick
Turned out Obama actually didn't know what he was doing
obama knows exactltly what he's doing
He's literally the Republican version of bongo, minority race establishment "chosen one" with no credentials or experience, no powerbase of his own and no free will to defy his political masters. He's like the definition of a bought politician.
/thread sage the slide threads
Stop Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
Too much water
It got harder every day
He didn't appease der jude enough.
Hence why trump will win. He will secure the zionist future and destroy Palestine. How can you fools not see. Hitler loved palestine. He knew.
You damn yourselves to repeating history. You kill the white race.
Only slightly more energy than low energy bush.
I'm from florida
No one likes him
>implying the Jews don't want Hillary
Hillary will invade Syria
Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto
Hillary would destroy Israel.
Or did you miss that series of emails?
Pretty sure she just wants to start war all across the middle east and flood the country with rapefugees with her open borders
He won his seat as a Tea Party candidate, then immediately got in bed with Schumer and the RINO's.
Turncoats don't usually have long careers in politic's
He couldn't dispel that fiction.
Steve Sailer had an excellent article that perfect explains it. Rubio's entire support came from a bucolic circle of friends who all hung out at the same hotel bar and never obtained information from outside their group. They never had any idea how unpopular he is.
You mean the one where she proposes to overthrow Assad and think about invading Iran later for the security of Israel?
>cuban thinking he was white
thats pretty much it.
>Not being white
Marco Rubio is white
It got dispelled
i am cuban and i will fight you if you consider me one of those yankees.
how confused are you thinking you're white, let me guess you think Mexicans are white too ?
You're not cuban, what's the password?
oye there is none, which is why i can clearly tell you you're not cuban but tu gringo blanco..
you're probably one of those brainwashed batisto's who believe america can do no wrong if you are.
"Mexican" and "Cuban" aren't races dumbass
My grandfather was a batista goon that beat the shit out of rebels for the government.
needless to say he was one of the first ones out of the country.
He was ran for office as an anti-establishment tea party candidate and the second he was voted in he wrapped his lips around the chamber of commerce's cock to pay for his huge debts. In exchange they made him into the token Latino member of the gang of eight who attempted to ram amnesty down the American people's throats. The majority of the voting public have short memories but his turnabout was too rapid and obvious. This is the sole reason he lost his home state of Florida but of course the mainstream media shied away from reporting it since they try to censor anti amnesty and anti mass migration sentiments as much as possible.
Trump has been stumped multiple times by based Hilldogga
Not like trump supporters are in any position to support major turnarounds.
He lost because he didn't bring anything new to the table. He was unable to get the muh feels votes of the less educated people.
they're cultures stupid but you damn yankees are so fucking toxic that any one who speaks a language other than americuuuun isn't considered white.
i've seen you white fucks call us spics on buses.
i've been to Jacksonville where you like to tote confederate flags and scoffed at my family because of our culture.
fuck you.
Popping pills and hydrating constantly
Being a foamer
Trump has been consistent on immigration and trade which along with the second amendment are the main issues the GOP base care about. Just like with Eric Cantor, any republican who pushes amnesty too hard is dumped by the base.
maybe you should go back if it sucks so much
t. Mexican btw
Did something happen?
I remember him dropping out quietly.
You act like he only materialized into existence when the primary started. Ignoring his past as a democrat and wanting assault weapons bans.
He got BTFO in the debates and with Trump's harassing and name calling him until he dropped out in humiliation like Jeb. It was great.
He gave up re-running for the Senate to make a presidential bid. Then sulked off with his toys to cry alone at home and refused to run again.
Then, about two weeks ago, he started making noises about entering the Florida Senate race.
I hope he does and gets even further humiliated. He's a sad, stupid puppet. Not even bobble-head tier.
Robots are incapable of independent thought so really the fault lies with his handlers.
he's going to win the senate race pretty easily
redpill me on how someone's height is relevant on presidential run in america
Not ur personal army faget
stop cross-posting your stupid low energy thread
pic related
This is an election cycle all about charisma. So Rubio had to beat Donald Trump's natural 9.
Unfortunately, he fucked up his character sheet.
>He has a really unlikable face (natural 3 charisma)
Then he traded luck for charisma.
>He got pumped when Chris Wallace said "In all likelihood, you will be President some day" (+2 Luck, -2 charisma)
After winning a state, it was time to level up.
>Rubio decided to get the Cyborg perk, hoping it would give him an edge (-2 Charisma, +15 speech).
Unfortunately, because of the drop in charisma, Rubio now had a very low Speech Skill.
>Rubio attempts to bully Trump. (-5 Charisma, -20 speech, -100 Karma)
So Rubio ended with:
>Charisma: -6
>Speech: -40%
>Luck + 2
>Cybernetic upgrades for +5 DT
He tried to stump the Trump.
If the rest of the platform were as cookie cutter as him he might have had a chance but to his detriment, some of the candidates he was facing actually had personalities.
Hey guys, something is off about Mechazawa. I think he might be a..........robot.
He decided to attach his lips to John McCains ass and vote for amnesty then take pictures with terrorists.
He talked florida repubs into supporting him over Charlie Christ because Charlie was weak on immigration. Then Rubio buried a knife in their back and went 10x further than Christ on gimmiegration.