If Indians praise the cow so much why don't they praise cow manure as food from the gods and eat it?
If Indians praise the cow so much why don't they praise cow manure as food from the gods and eat it?
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Dude, they do, they make soap out of it too.
They burn it as cooking fuel so they probably consume some of the smoke.
They do
But they do.
They also drink and use cow piss as for skin care and myriad of other shit.
I did not know that. Thank you Sup Forums.
I am now culturally enriched. And disgusted.
And whats your beef with we not liking beef?
You are welcome. Also aren't there any mirrors in Portugal that it took Sup Forums to disgust you?
India sounds spiritual as hell. I wish I was in an Indian mob about to lynch a man for eating beef.
They do.
>ingredients: cow dung
That's about as organic as it gets.
You ever hear the phrase HOLY SHIT! Well indians believe cow dung is holy and has special properties. I'd be more than happy to tell you about all the wondrous properties of cow dung.
Scared of radiation leaks from Fukushima? Rub cow dung on exterior walls of your house, don't you know, it blocks radiation!
Nuclear war with Pakistan and there's fallout, no problem, ok? Rub cow dung all over body, the cow dung will protect you.
Want to bless your child? No problem, toss them in fresh wonderful cow dung! See video below, kids all happy yelling being thrown into cow dung head first!
Have tooth pain? Brush teeth with dry cow dung and then rinse with cow urine, it really works, try it.
it also grew psychoactive mushrooms.
>The reaction of cow dung and ghee when mixed releases oxygen into the air.
So where is the chocolate filling?
You know I always wondered this. Pol is a pretty conservative board so I assume you are a conservative Indian. Does this mean you support things like the caste system / untouchability? Because that's degenerate as fuck.
if they get a new home they allow a cow into it in the hopes of it shitting on the floor to make the house holy
i'm not fucking around.
manure isnt that bad if you think about it.
There is the ma, followed by nure.
>any mirrors
12yo fag detected
Designated Shitting Streets, here I completed it for you.
Yup, we have lynched many muslims for that.
Yes I do. Lower caste people are like Indian niggers. Trust me, India would be 10x more shittier without caste system.
>Got kicked out of India by Indian army.
>Gives dual citizen ships to Indians living in India.
>Indians rejects its citizen ship.
WTF!!! I'm an Indian an I don't give a FUCK about cows or cowdung.... it's those fucking Hindus who worship cows.
Not every Indian is Hindu,so don't judge Indians on the grounds of Hindu religious practices. India is a diverse country and this cow dung thing exists no more...... except at few important Hindu cities like Varanasi etc.
Think before you post/shitpost..