Ask a Saudi anything

If it matters at all, I was born and lived for some time in America. Also I am non mudslime so I won't lie to anyone about how life really is. Anyways yea ama

Other urls found in this thread:

How much money are you worth? How many slaves do you have? How many wives do you have?

are you citizen of saudi arabia?

thanks for the flag, been waiting for that one

>not muslim
sure thing buddy

Whats your job/pay?

are stonings a community event or is it done by a small group?

Oh, how inbred are you? Are your parents first cousins, or closer?

best AMA ever

I've heard that Muslims in SA are extremely hungry for western culture like Christmas etc.

Is it true?

What are you doing in Saudi Arabia if you aren't muslim?

What ethnicity are you?

Can you describe some of the stuff you see around you on a daily basis?

Have a friend in Saudi. Can confirm. Her family celebrates Christmas.

Did you ever visit a beheading?

No; why not? You could make money of your movies.

What city?

>inb4 Jeddah

Like in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christus or just a tree with presents?

Israel or Iran?

take a wild guess.
Its just like "oh its from this weird unknown culture so cool" just like Japs tend to run into any given KFC on christmas eve, you even have to put in a reservation on christmas there.
Kind of grown after the yanks came.

Why is all your furniture so tacky?

Plastic diamond chandeliers?

I think OP is off to Yemen to fight Iran.

>implying we celebrate it for the birth of jesus
>implying its not just mindless consumerism

When are you gonna take in some of those poor refugees lad? :)

My dad has some friends who were stationed in Saudi Arabia back in the 90's. I heard these stories through him, about how the traffic lights there hang directly over the middle of the intersections. So at a red light, the car at the front of the line can't actually see the light, since it's up too high. So they only know the light has turned green when the cars behind them start honking their horns.

Apparently, it was a favorite pastime of American airmen to honk when the light was still red, to see if they could cause an accident. They said they called it "launching Saudis".

Is any of that true?

Have you ever mixed in some solid afghan kush with that hookah?

I pay the salary of the grunts that defend the poppy and pot fields in Afghanistan, I have a right to know. Since 15 of your countrymen flew planes into buildings and stuff.

Taxpayers probably paid for their hookers and PPV movies too.

How can we destroy Mecca?

So when is your country going to turn into a syria 2.0 ?

abondon ship, OP went to finance terrorists and left the thread

Behead any infidels lately?

Never. Yemen is Syria 2.0.

I am spanish guy that wants to make money doing business with some saudi. Any ideas?

are you going to reply again

Here’s a teaser

Why did your country do 9/11?

Part 2

Did you get beheaded since you started this thread?

So do you guys hate Turkey like every other country or we cool ?

Do SA plays vidya? Online vidya?
Do you guys do drugs?
Do you fuck maids? What maids are best?
Is that true that half of SA marry foreign wives?

If you aren't a muslim then what are you doing in the most islamic country in the world?
If for work then what work do you do?

How much power does the Ulema really have? Are the Royal house of Saud and it at odds with each other, or is that an exaggeration?

Also, how do Saudis feel about the fact that the Najd desert is pretty much the center of power of the kingdom?

You mean… more islamized than yours?


هلا و غلا
1) do you like any contemporary authors who write in arabic?
2) which 5aliji youtubers do you like?
3) italy or spain?

>france scolding others on islamization
that's quite rich

also fuck this retarded arab OP

>1 post by this ID

OOOOOoooooooh FUCK!
Shills are BACK

>Frenchie tells me that my country is more islamized than his

It’s true, though.


I hate you fuckin newfags get out here

Well they do recognize Jesus as a prophet
You have no right to speak frenchie

Kek sand nigger civil transportation engineering

I live in Hawaii. The local elitist enclave is the Outrigger club, where puppetmasters and heads of state go. I have it on sound source that the local white supremacist elitists are pissed at the influx of Saudi and other sandnigge- uh I mean Arab rich guys joining their little club, and not being able to exclude them. Know anything about this? Are there any ISIS leaders there, under U.S. military/"C.I.A." protection?

Tell us. I can't do anything about it anyways. All the elitists get to carry guns here and I am just a poor non white without Masonic connections.

He probably got decapitated shortly after posting here.

These are in my spank bank. Got any more gore from that beautiful day?

is it true Saudis like to drive in Audis?

does this bomb vest make me look fat?

Lol this nigga dont unnderstand physics?
This was their best psyOP ever.
No Planes bruv.
Pre-loaded explosives in buildings.
3 agents acting together.
Saudis (patseys)
Pentegone was actually under construction at this time and required demolition at that specific area lol, worked with a guy on that project he said it was 2spookey2talk about.... Like he said it was fucked up how it played out, it was obviously an operation.


>1 post by this ID

Get scama'd summerfags

Nice air ducts

How much for a pack of ciggies? Any good brands you recommend?

I mean, if someone were to actually look for "ISIS" or "Al Qaeda" leaders there, they would quickly be spotted by the feds and SOCOM guys who pretend to be crazy homeless bums.

If I tried to take an AR and went to try to take out some of these white supremacist child rapists who worship an imaginary transvestite goat monster called Baphomet and some of these Ayrabs leading ISIS and Al whatever from the cushy, protected dens provided locally, I would not make it 3 steps out of my door, thanks to the invasive illegal snitch and surveillance net here. (I am a paraiah for my numerous references to the US Constitution and attempted, failed defense of human rights.)

I guess they have to be protected to fulfill the plan to bring us all into a new world of light.

Did you serve? All that death and suffering. These guys may have been the shotcallers, you may have been under fire from their minions, friends torn apart, but get over it. You can move on up to private contractor work or S.A.D. assignments, get some real money and power, and be on the right side of things by protecting them.

>I am non mudslime
Reporting you right now.
Be ready to be stoned