I'll start
>Russia, 6.5 percent of the population is Muslim
ITT: Countries with surprisingly high population of Muslims
Other urls found in this thread:
100% of the country is Muslim.
Any EU country.
Russian Muslims aren't the same as Western, they know their place.
one more word, and Omar will meet you at your doorstep
What? No it's not.. Where did you get that from?
Macedonia, around 100000. Not as many as Russia but for a small low populated country it's quite a lot
Tatars are cucks.
i love tatar sauce
>6.5 percent
fucking more. like x5 times more
I love tatar.
I find France having 10% (TEN percent) muslim is incredible
Black Muslims to be specific
Omar "Putting Fags Into Body Bags" Mateen^
Omar "not the pump action you were looking for" Mateen
Omar "Don't Eat Ass During My Holy Fast" Mateen
Omar "Dressed in Rags and Spraying Fags" Mateen
No way. Get out of here.
I wish it wasnt, mosquees so full people praying in the middle of the street
SJW levels of doublethink
What surprises me more is that russia doesnt have a larger amount of mudslime.
>le dumb autistic finn
>le let me tell you about your country
it's 20% muslim and they import 200k muslims from ex soviet satellites every year.
t. Muhammad Ahmad
The most populous Muslim-majority country (Indonesia) isn't in the Middle East or North Africa.
Many of the former Soviet Muslim countries are not that religious, some are like Uzbekistan, but ones like Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan are not.
that's bullshit.
same can be said about iraqis under saddam.
fact of the matter is the muds are docile only when there's a boot on their necks.
without a dictator keeping them in line you have aloha snackbars.
Thats for your so called "enlightenment" and secularism. Your people deserve it
Kazakhstan is 70% muslim
t. summerfag
20% Muslim.
Russian muslims are all concentrated in their own administrative territories.
You all could learn something from us.
you're africa tier now
This muslim obsession isn't healthy. Britain fucked itself due to it being manipulated.
explain yourself
>Tying blatant anti-Islam sentiment to social justice
Wow. Talk about spreading BS.
There is a 48% chance this is a nigger
Not 52%?
The number I read online was 9.6%
I thought you had that leader once who said something like "we can live together peacefully with anyone but muslims?" have you been betrayed?
What are mudslimes like in your country?
I'll just be glad when all the wars in the middle east are over so that can go back home!
Most of these are from dirty chechens though and everyone knows how shit the chechens are.
Apparently they count Hispanics as white
>not all Muslims
yeah, because they happen to be muslim.
just like dagestan.
just like ingushetia.
and other haji nests in russia.
1/3 of russian citizens is not an ethnic russian.
russia is barely 66% russian.
Free Tatarstan
> surprisingly high population of Muslims
> Russia
> surprisingly
Only if you're historically illiterate.
88.7% of Russian population is ethnic Russian.
the hell you talking about gypsie.
>they know their place
sure they do
I thought it was 8% but Russia's Islam has been declining for over the years. 2 million Muslims converted to Russian orthodox or atheism/agnosticism while only 50000 converted to Islam. Those are great numbers also Russia's Islam is mostly in the south. Moscow refuses to build more mosques for them there are only like 6 mosques in Moscow a city with 14 million people and probably 200-500k Muslims we can learn a thing or 2 from them
>They are not REAL muslims!
He probably means Chechens are one of the most brutal kind of people not as in religion. They are like Isis themself
The situation with russia and western countries is completely different.
Muslims know they can get away with anything in western countries because the leadership is cucked and weak. The russians leadership is strong and merciless, they will literally vaporize muslims that step out of line.
In their mind victory over russia is impossible so they're not really trying. They only dare to fuck with us because they correctly believe they can win.
You mean like the Boston Bombers?
80.9% according to 2010 census.
I think you forgot a zero at the end.
>The situation with russia and western countries is completely different.
>This is what western cucks believe.
>They only dare to fuck with us because they correctly believe they can win.
How does count in your books genocide of Russian population in Chechnya? Win or not? Or it is ok because we are talking about stupid ruskies?
25% of French yourh are Muslim
Don't let overall percentages confuse you. Youth demographics are what count, they are the future population, and in youth demographics Muslim populations are 2-3x as much as the overall population percentage.
It was nice while it lasted, good bye Europe we will miss you.
>you will see France become a caliphate in your lifetime
FN win in 2017 is France last hope isnt it ?
>not rejoicing that it allows us to repopulate it with anglos
And so ends the perfidy of the French
That was before putin was in charge. If you remember one of the first things he did was to exterminate entire chechen muslim villages with missile attacks. He does not fuck around apparently.
Majority of Russian muslims are Tatars and Bashkirs who are as muslim as modern Swedes are Christian.
>Russia, 6.5 percent of the population is Muslim
>6.5 percent
At least 20%.
its over
>muh pootin
Really? Germans were condemned for life froth their """genocide""" Chechen got pat on the back and Russian Federation Hero stars. Call me back when Chechen language would be only heard in hell.
Georgia is 10.7% Muslim.
Fucking Azergoyjanis get out of my country REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>60% white
>Colonized by mexicans
>Muslims in Michigan
You're also cucked, the entire white race while be extinct thanks to the atheists who enabled the socialists.
Don't project your pessimism on others frenchy. This is the end of an era, the majority of the west is waking up. We may have been to late to save you, but we shall live on.
Wasn't the Chechen kidnapping Russian kids and funding their terrorism with child porn?
No, not at all.
Iraqis under Sadam or before the civil war in Syria were already much more radical than the average central asia Muslims.
They were just somewhat less radical than what they have become after all the wars.
And whose fault is that, Jew?
The real numbers are even worse than reported, it doesn't even count Christian or tribal blacks and "atheist" Arabs.
Not sure how it counts children of interracial couples and so on.
The situation in France is more or less irreversible at this point.
You and the UK.
5/7 europoors are muslim
solution: pic related
And for who did we do these things, Jew?
rich white people who aspire to be like rich jews
For your own purposes.
Your involvement in Iraq has made things worse for us.
We were asking you to get involved in Iran, which you refused. Had you bombed them instead... then you could have blamed us for the results.
I was forced to be baptized and do first communion and go to church and all you stupid shit.
I bet you even got the tip of your wee wee cut by Jews. You're the one who isn't a christian
>le madhurt russian
>using memesetic arrows
Hmm, no. Everything that we do in the Middle East is for protecting Israel. Overthrowing Saddam, fucking with Assad/Iran/Hezbullah. These things are for Israel.
Atleast we aren't gypsies.
> fucking with Assad/Iran/Hezbullah.
You did nothing to fuck with Iran, you ran away from Hezballah after a single bombing, and you were there in the first place to protect the Christians, which you failed to do (at least you didn't bomb them like in Serbia).
Give one thing Israel gained from the US overthrowing Sadam? Meanwhile I can give you a dozen that we lost.
The Iraqi army was already crashed in 1990 and did not recover as they did not have the money to buy new equipment from Russia, and the USSR subsidies died with the union.
Meanwhile the one true enemy we have, Iran. You refused to touch under multiple administration despite Israel begging you to do so on every public forum.
These are facts, not memes. Now deal with reality or stay retarded.
You fuck around the ME for your own reasons. The only thing you did for us was the sanctions on Iran, which you lifted after a couple of years. That's all.
>surprisingly high population of Muslims
>russian federation
>tsardom of russia around 100 years ago
If you account for territories that are now independant(both muslim and christian), their mudslim population is the same. Or lower.
You're straight up less white than FRANCE.
That is a monumental accomplishment in of itself, Burger.
>Lithuania, 0.8%
This includes the Jews of course.
Pretty terrifying if you ask me.
I think it's even higher, may be even 10-15%. Mostly they live in muslim regions. Also, some guest workers. For example, I've studied in about 5 different schools in Moscow through my life and in all classes I can remember only 1 or 2 muslims -- all of them tatar. And tatar themselves are quite secular-minded people. The most dangerous are muslim people from Caucasian mountains -- better not to concact with them NEVER.
>ou refused to touch under multiple administration
excerpt for decades of sanctions and assassinations right? and freezing assets of US citizens?
>excerpt for decades of sanctions
That were put in place because of
Nothing to do with Israel.
The sanctions that were driven by Israel were only put in place a lot more recently.
> and assassinations
Not done by the US
> and freezing assets of US citizens?
?? the money belonged to the Iranian gov... And was frozen as a result of the aforementioned hostage situation.
Please learn some rudimentary history before spewing bullshit.
As I said, the only thing you have done for us was help drive the sanctions for a few years, which you lifted before any real harm was done.
Refusing any and all military action.