How can one man be so based?
How can one man be so based?
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Very based.
He needs to be so based to sell his RPG "myfarog" to edgy autistic teens
Otherwise he can't afford his
NEET life on the French countryside
autistic teens lives matter
If you google search that image it thinks he's lana lokteff.
I like Varg and his videos are quite educational. I could only hope my family will be as beautiful as his.
Hypocrite. Claims to be nationalist but doesn't live in his the country he calls his own.
He destoyed european cultural heritage, churches, how can he be based?
>making money about European folklore
>not the shittest 'country' in Europe
He was forced out of Norway by leftists. France still shares Germanic roots with Norway.
>destoyed european cultural heritage
Jewish books are not European heritage. Paganism was the true culture of Europe before Christianity spread like ISIS.
at least he didn't continue to burn down churches in france.
Did you already help to stop the online fundraiser of Sacramento Antifa:
Catholicism was far crueler than Orthodoxy. Whilst Byzantines have spread the word peacefully, the Franks and Englishmen would usually burn houses, kill pagans in their places of worship, desecrate those places and rape their women. So this man has all the rights to be revolted against that branch of Christianity.
But the churches were really nice and ancient, it was too extreme from him that he burned them.
so go back to your pagan gods worship
do they exist btw?
he is basically exiled
he cannot live anywhere in norway in peace
>i actually lived 15 minutes away from him for his last 2 years in norway without knowing
Get jelly.
Burn houses and kill pagans in France by the orders of the Catholic Church?
Varg is a murderer and should've been executed.
Only weak SJW nu-male faggots oppose the death penalty.
How does he make money to survive?
This is what Charlemagne was doing, besides kicking those stupid Avars from our lands.
I'm an Orthodox, but maybe I would turn to Orthodoxy as well if I were to be born in a Catholic household. It seems weird to me that there can be more than 5 gods, one controlling each thing. Wouldn't they fight over our fates? Anyway, heathen stories seems really good, top tier fairytales, I would give anything to live in the Middle Ages.
C-cum ai făcut rost de ea?
it was self defense though. and even if it wasnt he killed a mongol. im all for the death penalty, shit poster, but not for based whites.
Burzum merch and album sales.
>he killed a mongol
He killed in self defence, Euronymous had sadistic passions and was a leftist satanist.
>self defense
he went to his victim's home and murdered him in cold blood
Thats enough to feed a family of 5?
It was not self defense.
The Church never told Charlemagne to kill pagans, burn their house and rape their own women...
Actually, France was already almost fully catholics by the time Charlemagne was made king.
You mean we as Orthodox shouldn't worrry about protestant and catholic heritage? Interesting idea to be honest.
But by architecture those Norwegian churches very resemble North-russian Orthodox churches. So I don't think it's a good idea to destoy them. We had that so much at atheistic communist time and now we don't have much of our heritage, not only churches, but historical architecture in general.
>Making a living off promoting European folklore
How is this a bad thing?
The Pagan Gods were as archetypes, or roadsigns, nobody actually believed they were somewhere in the sky, underground or shit like that, that's exclusive to abrahamistic religions.
This board is pants on head retarded when it comes to this nutcase. When mudslimes blow up temples in Palmyra you all whine and shudder, but you praise a man that has burnt down a 12th century Stave Church.
Fucking stormfags.
He also uses permaculture
Yeah, but Charles Martel and Pepin did the same I guess, usually if someone repels the western Christianity, he is made to kneel to that religion. This is what happened during early middle ages in France.
We don't have any Catholic heritage, let alone Protestant (fine, I might have, because I am 1/128 Austrian, but as a nation we rather have Turanic heritage than Catholic). Even if the church sundered in 1054, the western church was different, warmongering and cruel since its start, and was separated by the Orthodox (eastern) one.
>those Norwegian churches very resemble North-russian Orthodox churches
I have pointed you to the fact that I consider the arson a bad thing, Varg exaggerated a lot with his edginess. His destruction was similar to commies.
I get your idea. No, I'm not implying that we Orthodox have some protestant or catholic heritage, we don't.
I'm just arguing that their (protestant) churches have a cultural value. Basicly Norway is our Russia's neighbour, though I'm not any fan of their culture.
Did you read my post. I'm clearly against this pagan-nostalgia of Varg
Charles Martel was in a 100% catholic country, he repelled those filthy muslims that tried to invade and conquer France. Not exactly the same as 'made kneel to that religion'.
Clearly you have some anticatholic views.
That's fine by me, but at least blame the Church for something it has actually done.
I am aware that Charles Martel has repelled the Umayyads from France and I am also aware that the Catholics have done lots of good deeds to European peoples. But I have only said that Catholicism is quite cruel and doesn't truly respect the word of God.
Don't answer to the redneck with Polska t shirt and socks and sandals.
I don't see where you reach with this discussion. I stated clearly that I'm against the arsons and we share the same standpoint.
Sure but in what ways is it cruel?
I won't respond to your statement on the theological stance of the catholic Church as I'm not qualified to debate about it.
>thanks to lindy beige
pair of niggas I like it
Says Romania lol.
Yeah, my bad. Sorry/
You do realize that if it werent for the christian expansionist and globalist agenda, islam wouldn t have even existed, right?
This is only a half truth, why would do you feel the need to lie like a lefty? Euronymous was going to end up dead from the shit he had been pulling within the black metal community. He had made a lot of threats and one such person happened to defend himself, Varg Vikernes. Varg confronted Oystein Aarseth and a fight broke out leaving Aarseth dead. He was a commie and a bully who tormented Dead into suicide.
That doesn't equate to cruelty.
And, which 'christian' expansionism might you be talking about?
The brutal way of conquering, similar to the Muslim one. The Kievan Rus didn't have any pogroms and the heathens weren't purged when Vladimir I became Christian. The whole country accepted the religion without violence; whilst Charlemagne was killing the Lombardians for not becoming Christian.
there was the "power struggle" between varg and euronymous too. Euronymous was starting some bs black metal mafia
It was a territorial conquest, not a religious one.
I still don't get how islam is related to that.
He don't claim to be nationalist. Stop your faggotery, he even made a video about his view on nationalism today.
You may disagree with him but don't bullshit.
Turks did exactly the same.
No problem, bro.
I am talking about the nature of any Abrahamistic religion, which is believing that it will be suited for every people on earth, in complete disregard to things such as culture, race, envoriment etc. Muhammad just made the sacrifice of chosing to fight fire with fire, realizing that little tribes of people wouldnt be able to resist something like this, having taken example from the pagan tribes which tried to ward off christianity unsuccesfully.
You still didn't answered my questions.
Ottoman were muslim, they conquer in the name of allah to create a caliphate and make a dar-al-kufr territory into a dar al-harb territory.
Albanians and Bosnians are their heirs though. They were harsh against Christians, and the most submissive ones did convert to Islam.
I aspire to have at least a somewhat similar lifestyle to his. I don't even know if he really is self sufficient, but owning a large plot of land and forest with a homestead and a large family would be nice.
He was my first redpill back in 2010.
He's truly a unique character and I am grateful for his wisdom.
But he's an obscurantist, idealist, mysticist LARPER. You can not take a lot of what he says seriuously.
He killed a sami
Is Varg really pagan?
Be a pagan today and your grandchildren will be muslim tomorrow
Was aarseth a sami?
give this man a visa
Weird I just randomly stumbled on his youtube vid and was watching it while I saw this thread.
Who is this guy and why do female boomers hate white babies?
He has pagan values, but he doesent believe in gods.
Oh, leaf. If you kill your criminals, they win.
>Iron dawn
Check out his own channel
>About Breivik & Hypocrisy
Thanks. I found his video because he posted the "Cook my burrito" guy.
Thread is dead, but my ID is immortal.
Look at this non-country over here.
Butthurt roach detected.
Nobody knows.
The guy is sure charismatic as fuck. He influenced with his music and ideas literally thousands of people. And let's be honest, that has nothing to do with his artistic skills, but with his carisma.
And now, autistic teenagers don't make the core of his followers, although they are a significant part (but so are people on Sup Forums)
>Claims to be nationalist
He talked AGAINST nationalism several times
You can't call Belgium a country...
The visigoths were the ones who brought the moors into the iberian península in the first place, to fight in their stupid civil wars.
Also, why didn't other europeans help? Because they were too busy killing each other on stupid "crusades"
He is more like an "agnostic". He claims nobody can know anything about the origins of the universe, and that anyways, that is of no use for life on earth. And I am mostly agree.
Does Varg support Brexit? On the one side he always talks about superiority of European culture, but on the other side he supports Mary Le Pen who is strongly euroskeptical. This fact confuses me.
He compared being in the EU as being gangraped.
>And let's be honest, that has nothing to do with his artistic skills
>He talked AGAINST nationalism several times
He has talked against nationalism when talking about nationalist movements and such, which are always infiltrated and don't really represent many of the most important issues to nationalists.
He is a nationalist.
He sure showed that commie and everyone who supported him. Now Oystein is just a joke.
>Cultural marxist detected
Kek. You missunderstood me. I hate that shit, and pretty much my entire life is dedicated to fight it.
I love Burzum music, but it would not be the same if it was not Varg. He is charismatic, and that has a lot to do with what he achieved.
>He has talked against nationalism when talking about nationalist movements and such
>He is a nationalist
It has more to do with the fact that modern nations are artificially created entities.
As far as I understand, his theory is you can be more or less european, and thats all. It doesn't matter if you live on Findland, Norway, or France.
>You missunderstood me
My bad.
>It has more to do with the fact that modern nations are artificially created entities.
That too, and him being 100% apolitical.
>european cultural heritage