Finally, this piece of trash realises no one cares about his opinions.
Butthurt John Oliver
Other urls found in this thread:
>ad hominem, the show
any show that has forced laughing at the end of every sentence is garbage salty.
If John Oliver loves the EU so much why does he live and work in the US?
Is he pretending to be a caricature of Jewish late night hosts? I've never seen him before. I don't see where the comedy factor is otherwise. Just sounds like a butthurt leftist ad hom tantrum.
take this sham of a comedian back PLEASE
I can only imagine how he'll react to when Donald Trump wins the election... I wonder how he'll react if Trump were to win over 60% of the general electorate.
The first late night show to steal completely clear of politics will reign supreme over the rest. Leno and Letterman knew how to get in their jokes but for fucks sake they didn't try to become political voices themselves.
I never thought I'd miss either.
>making jokes in a comedy show
Shocker, i know.
Suicide is what i'm hoping for.
>US viewers were introduced to Nigel Farage as 'leader of the UK Independence Party and three-time cover model for Punchable Face magazine'.
>three-time cover model for Punchable Face magazine
>Punchable Face
What the fuck is that flag
Only surpassed by John himself.
>politician campaigned to remain
>insult him
Is there a video?
Do you think he'd have a live special just for that?
mouse over it
Please take him back and throw him in London tower for being an absolute faggot.
Seriously, is Oliver even Anglo-Saxon? His weak, cuckolded, unheroic appearance makes me think of a French peasant like Hollande rather than an Englishman.
it's pretty easy to insult Cameron though.
Dude put his penis inside a pig's head.
Daily show is all about that low hanging fruit.
Most people in the UK don't even know who he is.
Also, who is this guy's audience? Who's he trying to appeal to? He acts like his audience in the entire world, and we should all be shocked and in agreement. Fuck off you unfunny, globalist wanker.
>Nigel Farage
>Punchable face
I think current year man has gotten himself mixed up with Nigel Farage.
can you imagine this weenie in a fight?
His no "do-overs" joke was actually funny, but he's just a sad little man who goes so far as to call Cameron a pigfucker for ... Having a referendum?
>Dude put his penis inside a pig's head.
He is Colbert #2, except without an occasional funny show.
>The Daily Mail—you've probably heard of them—are serializing David Cameron's unofficial biography, Call Me Dave, in the paper this week. The first excerpt, which hit the Internet late last night, claims that as a student, the soon-to-be-Prime-Minister stuck "a private part of his anatomy" into a dead pig's mouth during a bizarre initiation ceremony for Oxford University group known as the Piers Gaveston Society.
It's a slang term for meeting with the queen for discussion.
It would be wise for his ratings.
i wish john oliver stucked to non political subject : his nuclear silo episode was really funny , but when he start to go into politic its shit
When Cameron was a Student at a banquet he and his mates thought it would be funny if he put his balls in the mouth of the pig that they were eating. it got blown way out of proportion by the media
Anything short of suicide and I would be severely disappointed....
That question needs to be answered by him.
The tooltip is incorrect though.
Anyone blaming Farage for that NHS thing being on the side of a bus he had nothing to do with just sends red flags out.
Fact check if you want to talk with the grown ups.
Why is this man not gunning for leadership?
He would be an amazing PM.
Do you agree?
If you do, tell him.
It's the Macedonian flag.
>bus says we should fund the NHS instead of sending yurop money
Swing faster, pendulum.
No, it isn't.
He gets so mad at Cameron for allowing the british people to decide the direction of their government.
This fucking leftist commie. Why the fuck does anyone watch him?
I dunno, looks like it to me.
>being unfunny and angry in a comedy show
Not that surprising by this guy's standards.
Well, wikipedia is wrong.
And Google, too?
Then what's it supposed to look like?
Nice repeating digits sir
He's just being a dick because Macedonia is actually a region of Greece and FYROM is next to it
So current year man is unironically the first to go on a hypothetical day of the rope, right?
The flag of Macedonia? Like this (see pic).
The one you are showing is the flag of FYROM.
Literally just "Cameron was infact a stupid college student like the rest of us"
sorry but in my country and most of europe and the world FYROM is just called Macedonia
stay mad
He's a Jew.
>Current Year man claiming Farage has a punchable face
Something about stones and glass houses comes to mind
the image captions in this article are pretty funny
Some feggits who think their Greek
And that whole "drinking tears" meme is so gay.
>so is saying "yummy."
>britain for the british tea kettle
thank god for current year man
If John Oliver likes Europe so much why doesn't he just fucking live there?
Whats the proper explanation for skullfucking a dead pig, Clive?
Please remember you said that when Hillary stomps the everloving shit out of Trump in the general
He likes Europe but Europe doesn't like him.
I always thought his name was Jamie Oliver. What the heck.
>Dude put his penis inside a pig's head.
He doesn't even live in this country. It's literally none of his business what we do.
He can stay in the diverse multicultural paradise that is the USA and fellate Obama's shrivelled nigger cock.
Oh yes, I was waiting for this, specifically to enjoy his defeated petulant whining.
a few minutes of crying followed by 20 minutes of russian track and field news. fuck this show is complete garbage now
He tried to be a comedian in the UK, but he tanked so badly on his first time that he moved to the USA. Over there, his major talent is acting like the world's most stereotypical image of a Victorian-era Englishman.
It's kind of funny given that he's not even British. He's an Ashkenazic Jew from Russia. His grandfather adopted the surname "Oliver" after reading Oliver Twist.
Curious. Why hasn't he ever compared a black person to a primate?
>being this butthurt
must be tough going through life with everyone constantly laughing at you
Oh look it's that president that never really lived in America. What's his name again? Click-click? No right. Barack Hussein Obama.
>comedy show
is more of a disguised "news" show that is used for propaganda
he's been funny in the past. the election is what really switched him over into unbearable. the church bit was great, I wouldn't be surprised if someone from here mailed him the jizz
It's only missing Jeb saying "Please clap"
> he's been funny in the past
>He's an Ashkenazic Jew from Russia.
Wait really ? Seriously who is not jewish on TV ?
>denying to call a country by its name because of "muh heritage"
>Seriously who is not jewish on TV ?
Laughing at us? We don't have a nigger president, son. We walked away from the EU. You're too much of a chickenshit to even elect Trump.
When push came to shove, we chose freedom. You chose cuckoldry.
It's not its name.
>highest rated comments calling him out on his bullshit
hope restored
Yep. I'm praying that God sets him straight or we get someone who is pro-Christian.
but John "current year" Oliver Brexited long ago.... he lives in the US....
he makes a whole section about trumps thoughts on brexit..
how is this relevant at all? this idiot can't go 5 minutes without making a trump joke.
Considering that Macedonians are Greeks this doesn't make much sense.
It's relevant to the (((people))) who fund the show.
9 minutes of reeeeeeeeeeee
>He's an Ashkenazic Jew from Russia
Why is/pol/ always right?
I haven't watched his show for a single second and he seems such a huge faggot that I won't even bother.
Your team came up with it, buddy.
The election hasn't come yet bong. Have some hope.
Just another international Jew on U.S. Jewish media shilling for Israel and Jewish objectives. *Sigh* How few people see that is depressing.
Christ, the guy's 'comedy' is cringe worthy, and he even has that shit written for him.
Would love to punch that face.
Its fake country so its ok if dont know it
I'm surprised Ollie didn't take a minute or two to let us know his candidate, crooked Hillary, just had an ex-UN official offed by, get this, a weightlifting accident. ahahahahaha