The rise of anti intellectualism

>75% of people with a university degree voted remain
>people with minimal education from industrial areas which are also the most dependant on the EU voted out

Is the rise of anti intellectualism real?

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indoctrination =/= education

No but the rise of millenials not voting is
>36% voter turnout among 18-24 year olds

saged, reported, 1 post by this id

I've got a M.A and I voted leave.

Where do I hand my degrees and my intelligence back to as punishment for my thought crime Commisar?

wow this picture is a great argument

it really made me think

Fascism combats ... not intelligence, but intellectualism... which is... a sickness of the intellect... not a consequence of its abuse, because the intellect cannot be used too much... it derives from the false belief that one can segregate oneself from life.

—Giovanni Gentile, addressing a Congress of Fascist Culture, Bologna, 30 March 1925

MA in Interpretive Dance?


Most of the liberal faggots I know read like one book in highschool. They are all fucking dumb as hell and get news from facebook.

I mean, it also seems that most that voted to stay were in London with the most immigration, and Scotland, where immigration doesn't affect them as immediately. I would love to see where you go those numbers. Weird how it is exactly 75% wow, sounds almost made up.



>75% of people with a university degree voted remain
75% of university degrees are also liberal arts degrees :^)

It is not in the interests of democratic powers to have a well-educted populace. It makes it that much harder to acquire and maintain power if the people are well-informed and less likely to leap to emotion and demagoguery as the basis for their choices.

Successive governments will, over time, erode the education systems they are tasked with managing.

It's inevitable.

Why does the word trigger them so much? Its just an insult, it is not an argument. I don't remember anyone ever get this salty over faggot or nigger. Is duck somehow more insulting to them for some reason?

You don't get any education from universities these days, its just a piece of paper everyone pretends it means something.
>tfw studying programming, know much more than any profesor
>tfw barely passing cause i keep correcting them


There are only champagne liberals who doesn't know shit about real problems and Antifa type liberals who are stupid criminals together with other shitskins. And living in a shitskins neighbourhood gives you more education as reading 1 thousand books

75% of people whose only life experience is getting hammered and taking pills paid for by their middle class parents and en route to graduate with a liberal arts degree voted remain

Really fucking makes you think m8

why is the leftists nose Hellenic but the right-wingers nose Semitic?

People who got a degree mostly have revenues and living conditions which increase with the multiculti dystopia.
People who didn't get a degree have revenues and living conditions which decrease multiculti dystopia.
Now fuck off and sage.

It's actually not. Having a degree in gender studies or sociology do not automatically make you intellectual anymore.

Nor does having a degree in business (where they learn about how to make quick profit).

At least not on the matter of how the world should proceed.

"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell

"intellect is not wisdom" - Black Economics guy

Vast majority of intellectuals supported communism, socialism and marxist ideas in general, look where that went.

Intellectuals are ideas machines - thats all they are. They have very little practical experience of reality

Thats why teachers are often lefties - and their students are too until they have been working for a few years.

clearly OP's biased...

La Trahison des Clercs, mang

>90% of those with a degree have one in a completely useless subject in a field in which they will never find employment

Are you fucking serious?

Studying gender issues, feminism, muslims being peaceful, blacks and women creating all civilisations, and 7 gorillion genders, is not intellectualism.

It's literally 1984 styled subjects that create, change, mind poison, scrap, and continue with more radical lies.

Unless people are going to university to study to be the likes of a lawyer, doctor, engineer or scientist etc, then they're not a ''student'', but rather someone doing an autistic hobby that's pointless, boring and gets you nowhere in life.

Meanwhile, there are qualified electricians, carpenters, plumbers, and self made businessmen who didn't go to any university, but are a lote more intelligent and contribute a thousand times more to society than some young bitch/nu-male who's unemployed, sits in a flatmates house all day eating shit food and writing on feminist blogs.

"Cuck" allowing someone to have set with your partner

"Duck" is a bird that Flys south for the winter and is good to eat.

lefts are stupid

This as well. Thank you, refreshing to see a non-cucked German poster after several days of anti-Brexit shilling from you guys. Modern liberals are completely out of touch and are mostly middle class faggots who know nothing of the struggle of the working class, instead condescending to those old style Labour supporters and accusing them of being privileged even when the history of the underclass in England is fucking full of exploitation, anguish and suffering.

The actual, old voter base of the British left wing all fucking voted OUT because they're sick of this shit.

Lord I thank you for hiding these things from the Learned and the Wise.. And revealing them to the Lowly and the Meek

I would bet that the people without degrees are making up way more of the workforce than the people with.

When I was in university, I had a constant stream of Leftist bullshit pushed on me.
Sometimes it was the teachers, some times it was posters, sometimes it was classes. It didn't stop. Not for the whole four years I was there.

I saw normal people slowly turn into full on SJW types.

To me, it was more indoctrination and information.

>das racist

Intellectualism is codeword for Marxian thought.

>all fascism is right wing

when will people realise this is absolutely fucking wrong and relies on emotional logic to enforce?

The hard left use this as shield so they can go and behave like animals and berate people in public for their political opinions like fucking actual nazis, beat people up in public, seek to destroy their lives by getting them fired, trashing suspected ' fascists' homes and cars.

These people have an emotional opinion, which is:

>The right wing can only be fascist, the left wing is the only moral choice

ignoring the fact that they are using this as an excuse to absolve themselves from behaving like the 'right wing' football hooligans they claim to despise.

>We are always right, you are always wrong

and they call the right wing the nazis? I simply dont get it, they did the same things you are doing, and working against the same democratic institutions they were working against:

>Refusing to give the vote to anyone they consider undesirable or have a viewpoint hostile to theirs

>Calling for the overturn of democratic decisions to suit certain members of society

>Allowing 16 year olds to vote in the anchluss

>Special 'tests' to make sure people know the 'facts' surroung the matter in order to vote

you fucks are literally becoming the left wing version of what you despise: le Nazis.

Enjoy your full circle you emotional children.

These kids are literally dumber than their geriatric predeccessors.
And maybe if these "intellectuals" actually voted in large numbers they would get the result they wanted, but they didn't.
And the reason for that is because they are degenerates, apathetic, whiny degenerates and their political views are also degenerate.
They're right, they don't deserve the result they got, they deserve all the USSR-style hell on earth that all of their stupid trendy asses advocate. Their just lucky.

>tens of thousands of dollars in debt with interest from student loans
> over saturated job market with decreasing wages and positions shipped over seas or filled with diversity hire
> pay hundreds of dollars for books when all the information is available for free on the web
> will be flipping burgers for the rest of your life no matter what degree you get

Wow you sure showed me "educated" man.

Watch the doco on youtube called "indoctrinate me"
It's long and old but a must see.

>It is more intellectual to do what you are told to do than doing what is best for your country.


You don't understand, it was raining.

The leaf knows and so does the rest of Sup Forums, these educated weenies calling about the "destruction" of their future can fuck right off.

Most of them have useless degrees and dogmatically defend the EU diversity and unity bullshit. They're on a high school level of political understanding and get their news from Facebook and the likes.

>university degree
>meaning shit all

A university degree include
>social work
>Chinese language
>ancient history
>gender studies
>popular music
>culture studies
>art history
>human resources

It literally means fuck all.

>"right" is a stereotypical hook-nosed yid

What are you, some kinda dirty antisemite?

Since when does Canada fpbp?

their ''intellectualism'' is nothing but greedy thinking for profit, burn faggots.


Anti-intellectualism is taking place via the dumbing down of universities. It has never been easier to get a degree, and it will only keep getting easier until a big rethink on policy happens.

>anti intellectualism
More like anti-pseudo intellectualism

Angry potato

This is why outsourcing is a thing

Instead of encouraging degrees based on national job need, we have a college system that doesn't give a fuck and just says "lel follow ur dreams". As long as they get the student loan money, they don't give a shit

FPBP this leaf gets it, my oldest friend went to uni recently, He has literally turned into an SJW who hates his own race and likes to watch niggers (fine African gentlemen he calls them) fuck his new Norwegian gf.

I couldn't fucking believe it this isn't a joke uni has done this to him

>Is the rise of anti intellectualism real?
Yes and it makes it easier to make money, idiots don't get capitalism and instead prefer talking about fairy tales.

In the world of the blind the one eyed man is king. Anti intellectualism is great if you are marginally intelligent.


reminder that so far "expert" polling agencies have been wrong resulting in "expert" investors to dump a large amount of money assuming that britain would remain in the eu thus causing the pound to tank more so than the actual result of the referendum itself

also reminder that a degree in women's studies and communications at best puts you on equal footing with everyone else in the country in terms of ability to make good decisions (although these people spent >40k on a useless degree so probably not)

intellectualism is an ideology, it's associating yourself with the right brands, the right websites, the right news sources etc

what we describe as "intellectualism" objectively has nothing to do with actually being intelligent, it's a prepackaged set of easy to hold ideas that serve the function of making you feel superior to others

Well-educated idiots.

She's smarter than 48% of the nation though.

Seriously, lefists think they have monopol on knowlage?

>said the idiot with no higher education...ever thought they simply know things you dont?? thats usually how it is when yoiu got no education...
Sup Forums jpgs dont count.

Thread reported

stop it Merkel

left: stupid facist genocider

has 'cuck' become thr right wings version of 'racist'

This, maybe decades ago when university just offered shit that was useful to society op would be correct but not today.

>1 Post by this ID
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>1 Post by this ID
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Never trust an OP who does not respond in his own thread.

Art is beautiful

I have a BSc Hons first class.

I voted leave.

I can't quite believe it's actually descended that far.


OP is a faggot

stuck onbase in Okinawa eh

>Seriously, lefists think they have monopol on knowlage?
Seriously, do leftists think they control the monopoly on knowledge?

Correcting your sentence it does feel like bait

Niiiiiice. Thanks for pointing that out.

Same here, friend. It's tricky not to be swept up in the agenda after 4-6 years. Good on you.

Well it's democracy. Not leftist utopia that some want it to be. So you either get leftist utopia with only highly educated middle or upper-middle class people that are not taking religion too seriously. So their cultural inheritance wouldn't matter that much. You just have to fucking cull over 80% of population that are running the country. Because working class has monocultural communities that usually enforce unity and keeps the overall peace better that way. Then the idealist cunts say they have to live with people that shit on pretty much every value they have. In this case the people are less educated. That is also leftists fault for making media such a bullshit machine that you can't trust anything.

>tfw you created the education system
>tfw you tried to make them hate themselves for being born without silver spoon up their ass
>tfw you demand that they put up your bullshit and live in peace with people that hate their guts and want to kill them if they could
You might as well cull the leaders that are fault of all this shit.

They will find a way even through recession. They always fucking do. You take a setback in economy always as a wrong answer you fucking Jew. Even if it's to make other things to work better.

>said the idiot with no actual knowledge...ever thought they simply pay attention to reality?? thats usually how it is when you got no rationality...
Social Justice degrees don't count.

The left these days is far from liberal, and I understand now why 5 years ago Americans were calling "Liberals" retards.

You only need to look at all the hate for old people that comes from the so called moderate left these days.

Imagine if you replaced the phrase "old people" with "blacks" or "jews" in this tweet. Disgusting and retarded. Plus its self hate since most of these idiots will probably live till 120 years old anyway.


I wonder what they could implement to stop this sorta thing it's getting pretty annoying f am

This is a parody account m8

better than getting news from Sup Forums or breitbart. On facebook, people actually have to stake their reputations on their shitty opinions.

>the intellectual bourgeois is more important than the working class

Really makes you think.

>Highest ratio of people 18-34 in europe (and US) are living with their parents since great depression
LOL why would someone trust these literal nothings more than people who have actually contributed to society?

What makes you think a liberal arts degree is worth more than toilet paper to wipe my ass with?

SPBP. For a such 'well educated' demographic, they sure as shit haven't figured out the link between actually voting and getting what they want.

>muh education
people thrown into a pool gets wet

i thought this "Marxism in schools" and Frankfurt was a meme too

>work at school IT dept
>last day before summer speech
>school head proceeds to quote Marx
>shit its for real

sjw shit, lack of logic and pseudo-intellectualism

"cuck cuck cuck" and lack of logic

Actually intellectual, smart, rational and superior in every single way people.


Yes it was difficult, but critical thinking actually lent itself alot to my opinion on this, glad I didnt get cucked by the machine I guess.

Its also interesting seeing how emotionally unintelligent, lots of intelligent people are. Refusals to accept reality should be the wake up call people start need to begin slowly moving towards the right with the rest of the country.

what about an engineering degree? or a modern history degree or economics degree? do you think these people may be a bit more informed than regular voters

This a million times lol.
funny though, the people calling for no old people to vote are far from the bourgeois they associate themselves with.
"Having a degree" is by no means a difficult feat, especially when its in some retard leftie subject like labia studies

>university degree means they're smarter

Nice meme

These old fucks will send my generation into a pointless war without providing sufficient military equipment and training.

While my generation is out dying for some stupid cause old people talked them into, old men will start fucking young women.

So please tell me why should I not hate the people who will try to send me into a war that is likely going to kill me and after I'm dead they'll try to starve my sister into prostitution?

all it takes to be 'informed' is to have a look out the window

Yes. Poor people from industrial areas suck and their opinions don't matter.
t. Leftist.

what the fuck

Has anyone tried hacking the EU? Good time for a nice juicy and incriminating leak. I'm sure there's huge Jew money behind this all and EU was a prototype of New global megacorps

The cosmopolitan intellectual young championed by the media appear to be the most easily controlled bunch of tards in the world.

>for an anime picture
Why the fuck would you ever do this you foolish normalfag.

People who use kikebook should be holocausted.