Who else concerned for these developments?
British pound in freefall with no end in sight
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Did the 'legendary investor' Soros predict this ?
Well, I'm making bank selling GBP on forex, so I hope it continues.
But that's just me.
I wait until the pound is 1 to 1 with Euro and go on a shopping spree on Amazon UK
>not make it happen on purpose
Baaaahahahahahahaha. Soros thought he actually wielded power. Cant beat 51% of Brits. Soros BTFO with a nigger dick in his throat
>Implying he's not flooding the market with undervalued pounds to decrease the value and create panic
>Muh digital Mario coins
holy fuck
If he is long before, and sells his positions, it will push pound down.
This confirms it was his plan to crash the pound to punish the Britons.
Pound will recover, article 50 not even triggered and there is 2 years after that. Current dip is only panic reaction. Give it a few weeks.
Enjoy paying to the customs jews
> zerohedge.com
>Graph starts at 1.22 and tops out at 1.30
>Shill harder.
With Sup Forumss tendency to look for conspiracy theories im amazed nobody has mentioned that the main beneficiaries of these events are british exporters..
It wasnt hard to guess the pound would fall if brexit passed...
But how do I make money out of this if I have cash in sterling? Should I buy some safe British blue chips once we've bottomed out?
Anyone got any advice for a pleb like me?
Sell low buy high lolk.
if you got dollars and aren't buying pounds right now I feel sorry for son
muh British vacation is going to extra cheap.
Literally a 2% drop
Everyone in the EU dropped by 6% or more
Britain is clearly the one burning.
Not everyone else who pays into it while trying to figure a way put before they carry 90% of the load for a bunch of freeloading countries.
Drinks are on us, its a fucking party right now.
No customs since we are still in EU with them
From 1.4 to 1.1991 is 2%? Are you clinically retarded ?
>1% drop
wow its fucking nothing
Everything is worth sacrificing if it brings an end to the capliphate of Europe.
1% of tons of money is still a lot
Coming soon to a wallet near you.
I'll be worried if the pound is still on free fall in a week. So far this just market panic, the fundamentals just don't support this, the slump on the markets or the slump in commodities like oil in long term scenario.
Really? When was the last time it dropped this month in the past 5 years? Never.
>this much*
When was the last time the UK voted to leave the EU while the entire market predicted they would stay in the past 5 years? Never.
Unless this trend continues for another week after this one this is just the market in panic.
>barclays trading suspended
Britain is basically going to get the sme thing every country got that pulled out of a system of economic integration during peace time:
a currency crisis
There go your salaries leave cucks
I don't know, maybe a mild bump up but not an improvment. I'd like to think it would but the pounds been declining over a year. The uncertainty will make it decline at a faster rate, I just hope it bottoms out soon.
So the globalists are mad at the UK and are sabotage them financially?
Didn't Germany do this exact same thing back in the 30's when the pulled themselves away from the international banks?
>Political change results in unstable market
From 1.4294 to 1.2 is NOT 1% you imbecile
>investing with GBP
What does Britain produce that i can buy with my strong eurocoin?
You can have a field-day on amazon.co.uk soon when the pound is 1 e or lower
Go long when you think bottom is reached, go short if you think it'll fall furter
i am not very knowledgable at economics (implying anyone is), but i thought it works like this:
>high demand of a states prodcuts/stock market leads to a high demand of the currency
>high demand of a currency leads to greater value of a currency
does this mean that some rich people immediately selled of their assets or stopped importing from the united kingdom immediately after the brexit poll won? why would they do this if the united kingdom won't leave the eu for atleast 3 years?
seems like a terror/smear campaign to me.
>i am not very knowledgable at economics
>does this mean that some rich people immediately selled of their assets or stopped importing from the united kingdom immediately after the brexit poll won?
pls stop
From what I understand people were worried that other people would sell so they tried to sell preemptively. The Prisoner's Dilemma, kind of.
>implying it's not 100% speculative loss
>implying banks are not doing this on purpose
what actually changed trade-wise in the UK that devalued their currency?
Leave voters out smarting the jews
if you can give a better explanation do it
the point is that NOBODY knows what s going to happen in UK.
there is NO PLAN and NO strategy.
would you invest in a country knowing that?
Its going to get worse once the EU cuts your free trade deals. Merkel is literally the only thing standing between UK pound still having value or being more worthless than a Mexican peso. Everyone else is pushing to axe you totally. She's saying they shouldn't rush.
if you read the thread you'll find the answers to your questions
How many Hillary donors will have to pull out now that Brexit has hit their wallets?
You realize that every country outside of the EU, and even a few inside the EU, are itching to get bilateral trade deals with the UK right now, right?
You realize that the German auto industry just can't survive without the UK right?
Source or bust. From what I've read, even their commonwealths aren't too interested.
Look at the time scale longer than 3 days, sourkraut
without EU trade agreement UK can t trade with state inside of EU
UK has 0 leverage in trading agreement without EU free market access
>UK has 0 leverage in trading agreement without EU free market access
You're right. It's not even 1%. Its 0.2%
>not taking risk with potentially yuge payout
that's not why this is happening either
It will be great for tourism. I haven't visited the land of my ancestors since 1998
the whole point of uk economy was to be a gate from the world to EU market...
and btw
on one side you have a country that in 2 years have to sign dozens of trade deals with dozens of countries or is going to be fucked up because has no partners, all of the while multinationals are leaving (tata, samsung,nissan), pound is sinking and the economy is in recession...on the other side of the table you have countries with stable economies that can wait as long as they want and can survive without the deal
now, tell me, what s the leverage of uk
OMG, you can t be that stupid
the leverage is that several other countries are considering leaving the EU for several reasons and Brexit gives them encouragement that they, too, can leave.
Merkel has done this herself, through bullying other countries into taking in refugees and other extortion tactics.
That's why the central banks are punishing England right now. To send a message to others that may want to leave. It will get worse before it gets better .. it always does ... but leaving was the right move.
The pound was lower than it currently is exactly a year ago
This board is absolutely retarded
true, this board is retarded, but the average ForEx investor is even worse. You never saw such a pack of reactionary non-thinkers as the typical investors
Buying pounds.
In long run Euro will fail.
Uk will become finacial safe haven and pound will rise up
> Pound changes by 8 cents
> OMG the sky is falling
The Aus dollar fluctuates by 8 US cents on a normal Tuesday, you soft faggots
>Domino's in freefall
I'm waiting a few months. It will bottom out by then.
>effects of a drop in currency exchange rates are the cause of the drop
It's the media pushing it's retarded narratives again and pol is just reacting to the news. If you watch tv they're saying britain is crashing and all hope is lost. They're talking about the leave voters wishing they could switch their votes when no evidence is given. It's all bullshit, I actually wanted to go long GBP and british stocks while short EUR and german stocks but upon checking I saw that this "crash" was 3%. They talked less about the august crash last year and that was 5x worse.
how is the fact that a couple of nations are considering leaving EU going to help uk to trade with china, usa, india....?
how can that be a leverage for uk on the trading table with those countries?
Jäbä, ei se niin paha o kun kaikki luule.
You faggots blow everything out of proportions. It's a little stumble, nothing more
> Jews are globalist puppets who hate the nation-state
> They also run customs
He's making a point about correlations, dumdum
when was the pound lower than 1.32 dollars?
Not me, made $400 this morning off it, should have put a higher take-profit on it coz i could have had $750
That's actually good for their exports to the EU.
We now can afford and buy more of their shit.
and the fact that in that exact time there was the greatest financial crisis of all times i bet that doesn t matter...
on 9/11 i bought a new bike...that means that if i buy another one now terrorists are going to crash planes in the USA!!!
t. Trump voter
nor can you, hopefully
ITT: Spastics who know literally nothing about money.
Have fun trying to go to Ibiza and a) being stuck in the non EU queue and b) not being able to afford anything when u get there.
the cost on life is going to increase a lot....so not good at all
uk import more than export
That's literally the point we're making
Its shorterm you fucks. It's a loss to the EU and it can be a gain to the UK
Just get the fuck out quickly
so to you the fact that the moment Brexit won the pound crashed it was only a big coincidence right?
"24th of June".
I'm pro-brexit, and you're making us look like plebs.
Soros and 'people' like 'him' are fucking international criminals.
>he was suggesting that obama was the sole cause of that drop
>he was not simply pointing out that currencies vary with major global events
>he was not simply making a point about correlations, as said
shut the fuck up
it's unbelievable that people are genuinely worried that there is instability days after the largest political decision any of us will ever contribute to. how do you children even get out of bed in the morning without worrying about the day ahead?
you're using a strawman, none of us suggested that. if you're going to argue like a child, you're going to get treated like a child.