What's our endgame, Sup Forums?
What's our endgame, Sup Forums?
sage and stop the online fundraiser of Sacramento Antifa:
Conquest the world.
outjew the jew,therefore becoming the jew
I no longer want this anymore. I want things to go back to what they were, before consciousness
You lose. End of story.
I think the endgame is trying to oppose Muslim domination. Western Europe will probably collapse. Eastern Europe and Latin America will stay relatively uncucked. The Anglosphere could go either way.
Defeat the mongrel hordes and restore white civilization to its former glory
Unlimited power.
Yell at each other about what should be done in the world, but never do anything.
For Eternity
najebać sie przy weekendzie
>Roman Empire
>Defeat the mongrel hordes
make the normies suffer
This ride never ends.
hurt åpeople current year.
confuse internet authorities
For men to be free to take pride in their culture and their achievements, and freed from pernicious and degenerative influences.
I'm not using this ironically, by the way. I mean that the endgame would be a fiercely nationalistic society that takes pride in itself - Is aware and tolerates outside influence, yet does not seek to be devoured by it.
We want a society where the men are tall, proud, strong and fearless and the women are beautiful, wise, and capable of nurturing and raising the generation to come.
Ultimately, what we want is what every man - in his heart - wants: To bestride the world like colossi, and to each be a force that works together to build wonders.
Global white supremacy.
No more streets
Chaos, shitposting, meme magic
To see the human race succeed and reach it's peak or die out trying.
To defeat the Globalists.
Live in harmony and raise families, and eventually die a good happy God-fearing man.
WW3. It's the ultimate happening.
There is none. Sup Forums of today reflects what Sup Forums of old used to be like but with more organisation and shitposting.
It's a madly chaotic cauldron of angry nigger faggots who just want to see shit happen for the sake of it happening then laugh when it actually happens.
I can agree with you on that.
Add to that my zero-tolerance to bullshit, so my goal is also to promote a well intentioned, yet strong no-bullshit organisation.
Those are just our weapons/tools.
End goal is manifestation of Lord KeK into the real world so that anime becomes real
Speak for yourself, Nigger Faggot. I'm neither.
That's my interpretation of the board and it's motive. You're welcome to disagree, or surrender, whatever senpai.
Gas the kikes. Race war now.
This really made me think about my sides.
the leaf is right
Chaos, let the galaxy burn, blood for the blood god, skulls for the skullthrone.
Destroy the establishment through truth and rebuild anew. As KEK wills it.
7th Apocalypse soon.
Mah fellow Singaporean.
Too bad all the other young people are thirsty for liberal cock.
A type 3 or 4 civilization with a united humanity and one singular culture that is constantly changing rather than "fixed" or "establiahed". If anything is "established" it is our willingness to "adapt" and "emerge" :). Let's do our best, senpai!
only whites
The universal acceptance of nationalism and the death of globalism.
A bright future for white children
Galactic Reich
To end this simulation and start a new one. I hear that Earth Life 3 will be coming out soon.
>potato niggers
Pick one
Free white ethnostates, untermenschen isolated.
This guy
Create a country
meme singularity
we will become the memes
Well put.
Monarchy under our King Jesus Christ.
Fighting Sharia Law
>implying we're not only just making the opening moves