Name ONE, just ONE reason why psychedelics should be banned.
Name ONE, just ONE reason why psychedelics should be banned
Fuck off, hippie
If not banned they should be pretty strictly controlled. These things aren't for everyone.
Brain damage
Uneducated masses are unprepared for such wisdom, it must be guarded closely.
it doesn't really matter if psychedelic mushrooms are banned or not. You can still go and pick them and eat them, unless you're some kind of robotic uber-cuck who can't break a law even if you practically can't get caught.
Psychoactive substance that heavily alter people's minds and reactions.
May put people in dangerous situations for them and those around them without the subject having control of himself.
They are degenerate, and liberals enjoy using them.
They shouldn't, but their consumers need to fuck into the woods and never come back.
Laws exist to protect you.
no taxes
Because we can and there is nothing you can do about it.
I believe all drugs should be legalised. If you're dumb enough to use them then go ahead, ruin your body and die, you fucking degenerate. It will help the natural selection a bit
I can't.
Most people don't want anything to do with them, and many who do decide that's about enough and then don't care much to try it again. The small fraction of people who go full retard over it are shunned by everybody else in the same way the people who go full retard over anything else are.
Ban alcohol!
Pretty much this. If they aren't banned, there should be places where you can go and take them in a safe setting and you aren't running around in public causing problems. It would be a win/win for the person taking them and society at large.
>You can still go and pick them and eat them
The simple things.
Driving under psychedelics
Using a hydraulic press under psychedelics
Disciplining a child under psychedelics
Walking across the road under psychedelics
Stock brokering under psychedelics
Cutting vegetables under psychedelics
Neurosurgery under psychedelics
College exams under psychedelics
I agree sorta the problem for me is the non degenerates that get pulled down with the druggies
life is simple and easy mang
>Psychedelics ruining your body and killing you.
Because psychedelics are like any other Drug: Retarded!
I spend many Years in my Life taking drugs. It was such a senseless time.
because i dont like them
only liberals do and they need to die
Because you enjoy them.
Socialist health care makes us pay for their hospitization.
tell that to Evola and see what happens, burger
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
Also imagine every third person you meet being a psychedelic advocate like joe rogan and talking about their experiences. Sounds really annoying. Should probably just keep them banned.
>apply socialist healthcare
>use cost as an excuse to ban anything sjw's/puritans dont like
and this is why I hate the government
degenerate, makes you complacent, but we need everybody to stop the online fundraiser of Sacramento Antifa:
They can be used as weapons.
Read up on LSD.
Fuck off, Huxley.
because bad trips are the worst thing m8
t. had a bad LSD trip
Ego Death would be widespread and cause even more mental issues.
People are dumb and will put other people in danger
It should be banned to sell, if you pick them you will have a better knowledge of them. Idiots will buy them and just take them for the hallucinations
It is very sacred to trip balls and asses oneself on mushrooms
But you have learned from this. So dont do Drugs!
>i can't get a grip on my life so we should ban everything for everyone!
because you are a degenerate autistic libtard
That's part of the bargain. I assume you knew the risks beforehand.
Drugs are for fags who can't take harsh reality
I learned to never touch psycho drugs again. quit weed several years later.
feels based. fuck drugs, fuck them deep without any lubricants
They are degenerate and against God's law.
This x100.
Unnecessary death and injury to others.
this desu desu senpai
I was a troubled depressed kid. turns out drugs can't solve anything, only you can change your shitty self
Aldous Huxley was so lucidly aware of his reality that he basically predicted the next 100 years of political trend.
>le escapism meme
Wise words.
Every Drug user i know miss something in Life. Most of Them just want to get high to leave reality.
To prevent the goyim from seeing the truth. That's all.
Don't blame drugs on your shortcomings then. They actually made you realize that you were a piece of shit. Bad trips are basically wake up calls.
Because they're capable of causing a complete loss of control causing the imbiber to become a hazard to public safety.
This isn't that difficult to figure out. If it caused the user to become catatonic, I wouldn't even care.
>too pussy to handle a bad trip
makes the goyim too happy and then those stupid tax cattle might not spend all their money on prescription pills from big pharma
Thats what i want to hear! Fuck Drugs!
top kek
mom, stop coming here on Sup Forums please
I'm scared I'll pick the wrong one and die though
you'd sure need some LSD to realize how shit your arguments are :^)
>Drugs which exist in reality and are a part of it
>Drugs are for fags who can't take harsh reality
Doesn't make logical sense m8. It's actually quite the opposite.
"Reality" is just the sum of what you're able to experience. Poor nodrugcucks cannot understand that. The reality you construct in your mind is not real, it's your version of reality.
I agree, ban alcohol.
>smoked weed everyday for 16 years
>quit cold turkey 14 month ago
feels absolutely based. I changed, turned me from an autist akward vampire to a responsible man caring for his loved ones
They can trigger psychosis
Disabling your ability to think logically is illogical.
Pfff...if you would get your lazy Ass from my Couch and stop smoking weed all Day i wouldnt come here you little Cunt!
>smoking weed everyday for 16 years straight in the first place
well, there's your problem.
So many good goyim here. Yes! We simply want to keep you safe. Now, be sure to go buy that bottle of tequila tonight! Don't forget to take your Prozac!
>"Reality" is just the sum of what you're able to experience.
This just in: Scientists dumbfounded: drugs able to alter your perception!
Exactly. user-kun made that mistake.
I think he needs to take a hit of this fire to clear his mind.
I was an atheist before I took shrooms. I believe in a supreme being now, though not the one the Bible describes, more in line with pantheism.
except i don't smoke weed everyday. worst i've done was couple of times a week for a month.
no wonder you guys hate drugs, you basically fell for the addiction meme for decades.
>Start doing drugs because some old jew told you to not take them
Based as Fuck!
So constructs of the mind are not real?
Then where do they come from?
i dont see why people bitch about the legality of
drugs its really not that hard to get a hold of them
and if you cant afford them you shouldnt be doing them.
Psychedelics isnt about altering the input, its about altering how you experience it.
The difference is pretty big: for example if you put on sunglasses, you alter the input of your vision. But if you took psychedelics you understand that what you "see" of the world is simply just what your brain sees, and its not "reality".
Weed, alcohol, cocaine, heroin etc. arent psychedelics btw and should not be discussed here.
I agree but unfortunately alcohol is too easy to make. Better to have it controlled
i believe its on* psychedelics and clearly you have no fucking idea what your talking about,
i doubt a neurosurgeon would even make it to work on a decent dose of shrooms
>my drug experiences are the same as everybody else's
Just because weed makes you autistic and LSD gives you bad trips doesn't mean they do the same to me. I've smoked weed daily for 10 years and am high functioning, it improves my sociability and I always attend business events while high. LSD greatly improves my creativity and I use it once in a while when playing music or doing sketches. Shrooms have time and time again helped me recover from depressive slumps that have affected my work.
Alcohol is like any other drug. There will always be some people who have a problem, and it's up to the rest of us to help them so that we don't need a police state to keep bad behavior in line.
>and if you cant afford them you shouldnt be doing them.
Nice bait. Access do life-enhancing and enlightening substances should be a human right.
They're harmful to some people's psyche, and extensive psychedelic use turns people into retards.
What other reason do you want? It's not like it matters if it's banned or not anyway, mushrooms are way too easy to grow and find for it to be successfully eradicated.
>If not banned they should be pretty strictly controlled. These things aren't for everyone.
Weren't shrooms legal until 2004 in your place?
Not an argument.
>the fucking shamans of siberia
>You can still go and pick them and eat them,
All our cows are in the mountains, that sounds like a nightmare of electrified fences and suspicious as fuck locals.
>Name ONE, just ONE reason why psychedelics should be banned.
They shouldn't be.
>I halucinated while taking drugs
>My halucinations consisted of seeing and feeling things
>Therefore God is real
I guess you were just a fedora who never gave much thought to things
Psychedelics are good fun and make you a better person. I think they should be legalized and regulated. Psychedelics don't even function in a way that allows them to become addictive. You get an extreme tolerance for LSD after one dose that doesn't go away for weeks.
ahahaha so true, to the point where they get butt hurt defending laws they dont even understand themselves
Bad argument. Most of us are "missing" something from our lives.
Unless you're a Buddhist or other spiritual who reached a state where you dont have needs anymore.
Just because you don't understand even yourself that doesn't mean you're not missing anything. Maybe you miss more adventure, or more connection to people etc. and your frustration manifests itself in ways you cant understand.
But I agree a lot of drug users are simply just doing drugs as an escape mechanism, but psychedelics arent like that.
However a lot of psychedelics drug users came from other drugs. But this is not a 1-1 relationship.
>Hey guys I just did acid and now I understand everything.
>We're all one consciousness.
>God is a woman.
>We need to get beyond ourselves man.
>The South Americans know so much.
>Did you know that drugs are only illegal because evil puritans didn't want you to have sex.
Yeah, that would be accurate if I actually concluded that what I hallucinated was real. But I didn't, you're misunderstanding me.
Psychedelics inhibit most functions of the brain, but accelerate pattern recognition. They make possible associations of seeminglt unrelated pieces of information you were already aware of.
This is how several notable scientists, doctors and mathematicians have achieved important, verifiable realizations on psychedelics which among other things led to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA and the PCR method for duplicating it.
They should be as banned as alcohol and tobacco and bacon
Heavy use can give you aspbergers and make you socially retarded and distant. It can easily induce psychosis which leads to emotional scarring and fuck a person over for months.
Because they can make you lose your mind for life.
pointless, shit grows everywhere, including the lawn of your local police station
you need to go to a pub m9
literally 10% of the fucktards there have some kind of problem
Some species do, other species grow only in certain countries.
then go pick them yourselves? your stupid if you think everyone should have access to cheap and legal psycedelic substances,
you know as well as i do that some people should just never do drugs period.