> Donald J. Trump for President Policy Speech
> Tuesday, June 28, 2016
> Monessen, PA, Alumisource
> 2:30 PM

> Trump on Hannity 6/26/16
> Trump on Fox Business 6/26/16
> Eric Trump on Fox and Friends 6/27/16
> Manafort on Meet the Press 6/25/16

> Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech 6/22/16
> Trump at Phoenix, AZ 6/18/16
> Trump at Las Vegas, NV 6/18/16

> 10 Legenday Lies of Hillary Clinton #1


> The Wayne Dupree Show [RSB]

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself.

please don't

When Trump gets his shit pushed in by Hillary Sup Forums is going to be a goldmine of tears.

Everyone saw it coming but you :^)

why don't you think trump will win?

Does anyone actually believe he can win? The polls are worsening, the gap is widening. Too many women will vote for the clam. Non whites are also pro shillary. Why did Trump cuck himself so hard with all the hate speech? He could've been smarter about it. Way smarter.

but the brexit odds were like, 5 to 1, so anything is possible! :^)

there's ads on the trains here supporting trump

Based Japan. I want to move there so badly. Your culture seems to be somewhere in the future when people have transcended. Send visa pls

It begins.

What begins? Jews are running away from EU, not immigrating to it.

Sup Forums

Wayne Dupree made a joke about this...
"while Trumps friends donate to his campaign, Hillarys friends are all dead"


Just got back from Japan for a while. You guys are so pro-Trump, it's insane. Can't wait to be back.

trump fan here. latest polls showing crooked hilary actually still gaining ground after the horrible 2/3 of June. not to mention they report that hardly anyone wants to speak on Trump's behalf at the convention. hell, few want to attend.

Manafort isn't impressing me at all. this isn't looking good at all

How are your elections going, m8?

Threadly reminder: if you're so autistic that you can't see an anti-Trump post without having to respond and derail the whole thread, please go back to Rebbit. Endless conversations about polls and electorial maps are pointless.

>latest polls showing crooked hilary actually still gaining ground
The most recent poll had 50% more democrats than republicans and he still tied with her.

>hardly anyone wants to speak on Trump's behalf at the convention
Except, you know, Farage, Wilders, and so many celebrities they had to add an extra day.

>few want to attend
Tickets sold out.

>Manafort isn't impressing me at all
Nice knowing you.

Get pictures of them next time you see them.

Man, portuguese bro can't come back soon enough, she's not gaining ground, nobody in the media or in the generally population cares about Clinton, they only care about Trump; people will vote with what they're familiar with when all else fails.

Also, Trump has invited Geert Wilders to talk at the convention, and maybe Farage, but I know many from the Trump train want to talk.

Fug, posted before I hit post on this.

None of us know or care.

It's a fucking boring shitshow.

We're fucked if the liberals win.
We're fucked AND cucked if labour wins.

I think most of us that frequent here are just focusing on Trump, because if he succeeds it might change the tone of the political discourse down here.

>tfw Sup Forums Sup Forums is filled by summerfags, plebbits, and legit shills.

it seems like the left have given up, so it should turn out ok


The polling is corrupted as fuck. They are throwing these shitty, skewed polls out to try and demoralize and drive narrative. They are going to do this for the next 5 months. They want voters to believe that nobody actually likes Trump's policies. Hillary's has thousands of bought and paid for media cronies integrated into the networks to shape agendas..

Ah shit.

Were Abbotts' policies not well recieved?

Guy up there thinks labour is worse, IUNNO.

Wait a minute, why is a General full of self admitted "NEETs" supporting the candidate whos main focus is jobs? Why are a bunch of people with no desire for a job supporting him? I'm starting to think all the NEETs only want Trump so more of us wage cucks can fund their NEET lifestyle, are we being tricked?

Life long michigan Democrat here.
Living near Detroit Michigan.
Voted for Obama twice.
Voting for Trump now.
Liberal degeneracy has gone too far.
Cancer needs to be purged.
For the emporor.

Silly shill.

You are confusing leddit's SandersforPresident with Sup Forums's TrumpGen. We are all hard-working, America-loving patriots.

Trump will help us all get jobs so we can afford gf's.

>Except, you know, Farage, Wilders,
fug, really? you got a source on this?

Manafort is one scary Mother Fucker.

Oh shit, DIRTY ABC POLL has gone mainstream. It's on Fox News this morning.

>voted for Obama twice
Why are there so many people like this on Sup Forums?

Farage is top mates with Rand Paul, so he's still negotiating stuff like speaking time, but an announcement should come soon, especially after Brexit.

Also, this faggot that always stands outside Trump tower is always so fucking salty about Trump. Get a new guy to cover Trump, Fox. This guy clearly can't remain unbiased.


this image says a thousand words regarding Labor
they've given up, their policy is more debt in an election that prioritises economic policies

Not sure about Farage but Wilders already said that he was going to speak at the RNC this July. He confirmed on his twitter.

>Mcain, Palin
You tell me

Because they fell for the hope and change meme. It pisses me off because now that Trump is offering real change from the status quo, it's cheapened.

Is this a real account? He only has 1 tweet and I can't see that one there lol

It's been said before, but it bears repeating: media are pushing clinton hard. But what really needs to be understood is that most people aren't buying it. Top Google searches for clinton are negative, about jail time and her health. Top trump searches are about policy and Scotland. And when you think about how many of trumps base would answer a phone poll or an internet poll, it's fairly obvious that none of the charts and graphs being pushed are particularly compelling. Hillary is in hiding. Trump is already acting as a president. People are asking what he thinks. Trump is going to win in a landslide because hillary has no platform, has no momentum, and has no allure other than her being feminine.

Trump has this in,the bag, and it will become more and more obvious with every passing week.

As one who actually follows the statistical math of all this, I agree that national poll numbers don't really tell much. That said, what they do serve is to allow donors and potential donors an insight into whether or not they should pony up cash for the candidate of their choice.

With Trump trailing badly -- and this is getting into "historically bad" range -- and seeing his numbers getting worse, it is giving a lot of potential donors pause about whether to invest their money in what is appearing to be a doomed-to-failure campaign or putting their money elsewhere (such as Senate or Congressional races).

As for the polls the do count -- the state-by-state ones -- my current map shows Clinton with a 227 to 142 Electoral College vote lead over Trump with 169 still in play. My "toss-up" map is based on a +6 MOE, as in, either candidate must have a +6 or better lead in the state polls.
Here are the current averages from the battleground states:

Utah: Trump up by 5%
Kansas: Trump up by 3.45%
Georgia: Trump up by 3.1%
Colorado: Trump up by 1.9%
Missouri: Trump up by 0.75%
North Carolina: Clinton up by 0.2%
Arizona: Clinton up by 1.6%
Florida: Clinton up by 3%
Ohio: Clinton up by 3.5%
Nevada: Clinton up by 3.9%
New Hampshire: Clinton up by 4.2%
Pennsylvania: Clinton up by 4.3%
Iowa: Clinton up for 5%
Virginia: Clinton up by 5.4%

Notes: New polls this past week from New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Utah, and Arizona

was joe a c uck this morning?

You coulda stayed home instead of voting for the Kenyan, Muslim, socialist.

that's pretty cool

Its his real fucking account. He opened an account as soon as he was hired by the Trump Campaign.

Manafort only speaks when he needs to. His gentle persuasion must have crushed any rebellious spirits the delegates may have had.

Don't double cross this man.

>Top Google searches for clinton are negative, about jail time and her health.

>Hillary is in hiding. Trump is already acting as a president. People are asking what he thinks.
I love this.

Yeah but donors aren't such a big deal. I think Trump is at the point where he would leverage a building before letting Hillary win. How much will his properties be worth if she plunges the country into a war with Russia and Greece style debt spiral?

A Saviors of the Western World are finally uniting...

I fucking love Boris.

>Trump is already acting as a president. People are asking what he thinks.
Yeah, I've noticed this. Literally any world event, the news and international media are like "WHAT DOES TRUMP THINK, WE NEED TO TALK TO TRUMP, GET TRUMP ON TV".

No one fucking gives a shit about Obama anymore, less so about Clinton.

When is he not a cuck?

Don't be fooled, Boris is a leftist. His father was an EU guy. He's just a clever politician that saw which way the wind was blowing. I liken him to Newt over here in the states. Talks a good anti-globalist game, but actually is one.

>how many of trumps base would answer a phone poll or an internet poll

Guttfeld was talking about that this weekend on his show. He posited Trump supporters just hang up when they get the calls.

Abbot had some decent ideas, but was a barely humane autist with the charisma of a half eaten raw onion. He also had some fucking shit ideas as well.

At the end of the days both parties have some really stupid policy directions. Liberals are probably slightly better across the board, as well as being more socially conservative.

Labour scares me a bit to be honest. I genuinely fear that once in power they would completely sell out and pander for votes, and let the loudest liberal/left voices push their policy directions so as to get a second term. I'm just glad Shorten is their leader, he couldn't sell a root at a brothel and as one of their (increasingly) few non-sjw (by politician standards) representatives he's trying to sell the election mostly on shitty (they think we're America and can just print fucking money) normie policies instead of headline grabbing social nonsense which might have added some energy to that side of the isle.

Liberals should win fairly easily. In my mind all that does is buy us some time though. We genuinely need a more nationalistic and rational direction.

I'd love boris a bit more is he fucking ENACTED ARTICLE 50 and took the UK out of the EU ASAP. None of this "free movement" stuff.

Come on, Boris, you can do it!

I voted for him because he wasnt a fucking idiot.
That's why im voting for Trump too.
Obama gave us quiet reason and acceptance, let us heal our wounds and fatten up a bit.
Trump will put us in the gym, work us out and get us ripped.
Both men are what this country needed in exactly the order we needed them.
Generations will look back at the young age of their home world and wonder how we got so lucky.
I'm proud as fuck to be alive in such times.

What do you think?

Also, be sure to ignore shill copypasta regarding states voting trend. Polls are vastly oversampling Democrats and undersampling Independents. They are frightened and manipulating polls to drive narrative. Don't fall for their trap.

Obama must be so fucking mad after the media propped up his narcissism for 8 years. They barely give a shit about him anymore. It made me so happy to imagine Obama raging in the oval office that Trump's turnberry speech got 10x the coverage than his own response.

>Were Abbotts' policies not well recieved?
He was fairly based, but super easy for leftists to make fun of.

Roger Wilco.

He's right. I've answered one poll call. By the way, it WAS a push poll. That black bitch tried to shame me for supporting Trump. If this is indicative of all polls, no fucking wonder the numbers are skewed.

Yeah, every time he goes on TV, it's always "OBAMA RESPONDS TO TRUMP", or if not related, no channel covers it live.

He must be so fucking pissed.

When Obama announced that he was kidding with putting the UK at the end of the queue for trades nobody fucking cared, it's great.

Will he be PM because of Camerin's resignation?

Socially conservative liberals? You really are upside down, and I did hear that Abbot was kind of a sperglord, but Attlee was one too and he did a >fine< job.

bullshit. where?

Obama is a chill dude, he doesnt rage really. He was good for what we needed, 8 years of rest and relative lazyness.
Now in the next 8 years we have work to do rebuilding this great nation to a grand future.

>Both men are what this country needed in exactly the order we needed them.
We needed 8 years of crippling regulations and taxes while corporations that are friends of the Obama regime don't have to comply with either? The only good thing about Obama is 8 after years of his corruption and incompetence, people are desperate for ANY change from this.

I've heard pollsters have hung up on people who said they were trump supporters.

Donald, you really think I'm going to let you get away with talking smack about my father? You're in for a BIG surprise, see you at the convention.

>Obama is a chill dude, he doesnt rage really.
Until the sociopathic mask of civility falls off.

>He posited Trump supporters just hang up when they get the calls.
same reason the brexit polls were off i imagine. fucking farage basically gave a concession speech before the vote even came in. i think most trump supporters just keep it to themselves, especially if some random pollster calls them.

Polls have been getting worse and worse as time goes on. Now it's hard to get anyone on the phone and internet polls seem to spit out crazy results like Reuters.

Polls in the primary have been terrible, a lot of polls were terrible in 2012 and polls got worse in governors races and the lot.

>corruption and incompetence
Kek its almost like you were born yesterday
Welcome to the real world my NEET friend

gyrocopter pilot identified

Politico article about Stephen "Thousand Year Reich" Miller

They all but call him a modern Goebbels

>There is something eerily vintage about Miller's stump speeches. The combination of their substance—vilifying immigrants as killers, the promise of nativist glory days ahead—and their delivery with a calm face around a loud, droning mouth, slicked-back hair and sharp suit, floridly invoking powerful cabals against the people: All of it harks back to an earlier time. It’s as if the video should be in black and white, and the microphone in front of Miller an antique, metallic affair.

>[A former staffer with the Republican leadership on the Hill] pauses as a thought dawns on him. “Oh my God,” he says. “He’s going to find out that I spoke with you and I’m going to end up in a camp somewhere.”

Yeah, the UK just told him to fuck off.

Johnson is the new likely PM, yes.

I saw them in Osaka and one in Tokyo.

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply, that Trump is corrupt or incompetent? My point is that Obama was supposed to be "hope and change". He ran on helping the middle class and "leveling the playing field". Instead of equality of opportunity, it turned out to be equality of outcome; socialism.

People forget that Obama was funded by the same corporations and globalists that Hillary is. Even Soros contributed to Obama's campaigns. This is why people like Trump, he doesn't have a corporate brand on his forehead.

Anyone else get gay vibes from Stephen Miller?


Yes.... yes....

Keep normalizing nazis.
This will surely never backfire.

Yeah it was shit, but at least it wasn't all of that plus thousands more American lives sacrificed in the ME.


>Obama let us heal our wounds
Where do you live and can I move there?

>people vote for this

>if we vote our fears
>or if we dont vote at all

he knows nobody is going to show up to vote for her. if hillary wasn't such a horrible candidate he wouldnt have to get involved in the election at all.

Obama sacrificed plenty of American lives bro. I don't like Bush either, but at least Bush didn't try to subvert the Constitution at every turn. Obama is now ignoring the SUPREME COURT in their ruling on the immigration case. Bush never did anything like THAT.

So none if you are concerned with these polls? You're going go keep your tin foil hat on, and insist they're skewed until the #'s go in our favor?

I think the moment we get complacent is the moment we continue to lose ground. This campaign is treading water, they're just not doing good enough.

He'll continue to keep the voters he's got, but I don't see him getting any fence riders.



>making Nazis look good again

Need I remind you how this video turned out?

>Whites are fascists, we were in our right to stab them

What the fuck is wrong with the left?

so is it true the Democrats used their sit down in parliament as a fund raiser ?

>This campaign is treading water
We're riding on Brexit until we fucking kill that bitch at the conventions.


i'm in tokyo-chan.
i'll look around.