Anyone else do this?
Anyone else do this?
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You mean washing hands before shaking a hand? Yes, thats a good idea, you don't wanna spread your bacteria.
Are comics read from the bottom to top in Hungary?
>Touching niggers.
No but sometimes if I walk by a homeless person I hold my breath thinking they are emitting some kind of urine miasma gas that will infect me.
I never wash my hands.
Where is this from?
Nah I never touch a nigger.
"B-but S-Sweden i-is c-cuckdom of Europe"
It really isn't. Britain is far worse off and leaving the EU won't save them from that.
All aussie adventures senpai
>time to hit the road
Done this.
I've literally never touched a nigger
Yeah I do, even if my country is full of niggers I will still wash my hands.
Yes. I never go to McDonalds but did the other day on my way to class. The nigger and I could tell we hated each other. He took a long to bring my food out and acted suspicious when handing it to me so i just threw it away.
I do this with anyone and everyone whose palm is cold and sweaty, too warm and squishy, or has a greasy/waxy quality.
I just have this feeling that they carry a plethora of skin-to-skin-contact-transmitted diseases.
I wash my hands after shaking hands with anyone...
I attend an engineering college full of asians; gooks and pajeets and mehmets.
I notice that Chinese almost never wash their hands after urinating and only half the time after shitting.
Back when I was a cashier, I would use hand sanitizer liberally every time I checked an Indian.
YES, also in case touched a turkroach
disgusting subhumans
all the tince i work in club with hip-hop music and niggers are all over the place
No. What kind of Idiot shakes his hand with a nigger.
>>"certainly makes you think"
i have never shaked hands with a nigger
Never shaken a hand that dark before, but the mere thought of it gives me the heebie jeebies
Same, and also with smokers. They are degenerate.
doesn't half your country walk around with masks on already? why?