Europe after brexit

This is how russians see influence spheres in europe.

>being part of the same sphere than Turks
>surrendering to Germany .... again

fixed that for you.
Green neutral
Black islamic shiholes

France and Belgium and Sweden all have more Muslims than the UK.

Portugal has one of the lowest rates.

>Portugal has one of the lowest rates
Alberto pls, we know about your caliphate.

And Belgium and Sweden don't have more Muslims, they only have a higher percentage. Which doesn't really make your point moot, but I love to nitpick.


Dont worry we will sacrafice your land in order to kill muslims.

Is a closed region with 7 meters tall wall that encircle islamic hunting ground.
Under Serbian jurisdiction.

toilet cleaner thinks he's leading anything

Go away russia, no one want to be with you. Or are you taking us by force? :)

Dont think that'd work, because Serbias government is cucked as fuck, meaning we probably never go for Russia and keep going for the EU, and Slovenia and Croatia wont abandon EU, ever, they are German puppet states (governments again, not the people) and Ukraine is (in this case both the government AND the people) are also kinda with Croatia and Slovenia, the only difference being they aren't in the EU yet

The only thing you lead is a gyppo life

Also you can bet #Grexit will be a thing soon, especially after OXI got fucked and everything, Greeks hate Germany more than you and I ever will

why no mudslimes in spain?

> Switzerland
> Not anti-german

shit map baka desu senpai

We kicked them out 900 years ago. Spain kicked them out 600 years ago.

The few recent Muslim refugees that came to Portugal were put in a town with this statue in the centre square, and some of them have since left for Germany and the UK.

You can say no to invaders, Sweden.


Sadly I can't. Our leftwing agenda has dominated this nation for too long.
The people I interact with hate what they have done to us tho, but leaving the EU wouldn't help anything since were dependent on gaining access to the inner market of the EU.

Here's a much more realistic view of what's to happen, dark red being i have no idea, red being EU, pink being Former-EU, green being Pro-Russia and orange being Trying to get into the EU


How is Romania partly in Russia's sphere? Most people here hate Russia.

The only solution you guys have is to wait until a serious scary event, and pray to god that your right-wing parties aren't as retarded in the other direction and decide to cut you off like the Brits trying to save face after a called bluff.

Having a prosperous country always attracts these kinds of problems, and prosperity never lasts more than a couple of centuries.

We should know, and we fucked ourselves on our own.

These statistics don't exist for France.
Though it looks more or less accurate.

That's because you colonized a lot of north Africa and have to deal with being the only european country with a common language with them.

We have that with niggers, but to a much lesser extent, because they are farther away and can't into aeroplanes, because their governments don't give them money. They also can't swim here because they are niggers.

I think that our politicians are the ones being aggressive with the NATO and our president calling Russia a terrorist state.

easy, who will not obey will be free working force in siberian gulag.

Hey Vladimir, what's the Russian opinion of Finland? Do you see them as something to conquer or more like a buffer state?

Sadly I know that, but what I said is that these figures are mostly bs. At least for France.

Epic statue!

The town also has this coat-of-arms, which is neat, particularly funny because of the clip-art look of it all.

No how.

>no muslims
oh wait, I get it, in comparison

This is basically because they don't want to move to Portugal though. Portugal is not based.

merci pour l'englando mon ami
va apprendre l'anglais avant de nous ridiculiser devant tout le monde

ahahaha it's written "refugees welcome", right?
My new favorite town.

In the sash? It just says 'very noble and always loyal city of Évora'. And this is a southern city. Up north people like them even less.

>Polish wall