How do you spot a pseudointellectual?
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You do realise that could just as easily be a mostly right wing libertarian.
so non-intellectual?
Lol he was visiting monkeys
Said by the seanigger
oh standing in line such a travesty
fucking fat piece of shit
I see what he's saying though, its not right to force chimps to go through our borders, they should be free to move anywhere they please like the other animals
Was that after he used a key to lock the door of the artificially conceived walls around his house?
>Get baffled by a superior intellectual argument
>"M-monkey!! N-Nigger!!"
Not an argument
When someone writes a lot to explain a simple thing
Where did this meme come from? How is wanting a govt to follow the constitution and not be an over arching dictatorship anti-intellectualism? You faggots spreading this need to burn.
Just compare their credentials with their diatribes.
Stand behind them, be ready to catch the bar.
Just had to pass through my wall around my property to stop members of my own species breaking into my house
Isn't this man a militant atheist or something? So why is he stupid enough to think we shouldn't have any borders?
A huge fucking chunk of the world is still fanatically worshipping fairytale Allah who teaches them dangerous shit. How is the world ready to "be as one" or whatever it is open border cucks want?
willing to wager members of his own species killed and were killed over those "artificially conceived borders"
Quads of truth
>How is wanting a govt to follow the constitution and not be an over arching dictatorship anti-intellectualism?
Such a salty liberturdian.
Underrated kek
Is the bullet that the border guards will put in him if he tries to cross illegally also artificially conceived?
Why would the chinese build a great wall if everyone is an agender peace-loving atheist?? Damn you racist, chinks!
Nation states are defined by the border of language.
Maybe if such a huge amount of humans weren't prone to violence and criminal activity it wouldn't be necessary. Letting people go wherever whenever is fucking retarded when at least 20% of all humans are evil shitheads.
All you anti libertarian faggots do is post memes and this fat fuck.
Who ever let this stupid fuck on stage needs to be exiled and there were plenty of people that were good and pissed about this guy
You have no clue why you believe what you do, and I would even go as far as to say that I doubt you know what you believe past Papist memes and yelling Deus Vult out your commie windows
Last time I checked you didn't need a passport to go to the zoo.
I'm sure he is a libertarian and wouldn't be too upset if people called him 'nigger' and refused to serve him because he is black
>expecting rational arguments
>on Sup Forums
>2016 AD
Had to break a lock with wire cutters just to steal a bike.
We The Nigger Now White Senpai
Go get those TVs. Hopefully doors and fences logic alludes these monkeys
Is this an invite to use his property freely?
I mean it's just artificially conceived perception of ownership, we are all the same species after all.
Libertardianism is not as simple as that. You're forgetting the rampant autism and disregard for everyone else in society.
So does he live by what he preaches and let anyone into his house?
Had to work for 10000 times less than a born billionaire does. I wasn't allowed to visit billionaire's bank account, even when used same procedure then a billionaire when getting money.
You don't need a passport to visit the zoo though.
Dunno, you don't need a passport to visit the zoo.
>artificially conceived
Did he go to Africa or something?
At least not black
Underrated post
>A nigger with a simple bachelors degree in science, like millions of other people
>Somehow thinks his opinion on transnational migration laws means anything
I may as well go and start applying for dentistry assistant work, then when they ask what my qualifications are, I pull out my bachelors in accounting.
Fuck NDT and anyone who is his "fan".
Anyone who is aggressive / makes you feel threatened when debating with them. Anger and provocation distort the truth and impede inquiry; a real intellectual should always debate even-handedly and in a friendly, non-judgmental manner, in order to best extract what wisdom is available from their conversational partner.
>that kid in your philosophy class who speaks twice as much as everyone else and always challenges what the professor says
>that annoying relative who holds court at family gatherings discussing "intellectual" matters
>that friend who posts long political diatribes on Facebook after significant events
Basically, anyone who's more interested in APPEARING smart than actually finding the right answer. Intelligence as an accessory to be worn and shown off.
I bet he's enjoying those artificially conceived rights though.
Which is indicative of Ayn Rand who shaped the American conservatives.
>we all the same bro
No we aren't
Could you not find the right answer through questioning all you encounter, like Socrates?
But to be fair, who loves the Finns?
>that pic
stop violating my NAP! I spend to much money and read over 200 books on libertalism
Pack it up boys, we are done here.
Not that you are wrong in general, but he has a PhD in astrophysics from Columbia University. He's a qualified physicist.
>I'm an atheist
I thought Aussies were better than this.
hey bruh, did you know, uh, that the colour of our blood is evidence of equality?
science! I know what I'm saying, i did highschool biology.
The zoo requires passports?
>we are one species
cause you know monkeys don't have their own "tribes" and they don't kill other "tribes"...Oh wait yes they fucking do. Fucking tyson man,always the biggest idiot among the scientific community.
You know ayn rand is completely retarded, right?
Just read the terry goodkind shilling saga for that.
That looks comfy as fuck.
Did the zoo put boarders around the monkey cage?
had to use artificially created rights on a piece of small green papers to be able to obtain food so i can live
i mean i deserve free food!
Haven't raped a jap today or what?
Buttblasted retard who got showed up one too many times in public detected. The purpose of debate is spectacle and showmanship. It's all for the crowd's benefit. If you want to politely exchange ideas, have a conversation, bitchboy.
Don't step into the arena unless you're prepared to have your ass rocked.
>principled independent people that aren't emotional nu-males
>must be autistic
B...b...but you're my own species, the black science man muttered as the Muslim horde threw another rock at his head
Kek, Finnish language is hilarious
>my species
You would be insane to not flip shit after hearing this nigger talk
Isn't even Finnish. OP is a fennoswede half-blood.
Your point is?
>any sentence with the term intelligence in it
>I'm so fucking clever I get butt-blasted by things that have been normal human behaviour for fucking centuries if not more.
This guy in particular is a sellout. This Marxist pandering only began when he got a backlash from SJWs threatening his career if he didn't spout what they wanted. He complied.
Ahw fuck me sideways lad.
>If I use multisyllabic words maybe they'll forget I'm a nigger.jpg
Usually you see them trying to discredit actual intellectuals.
trotsky shaped american conservatives
Neil deBoon Tyshun
is 3rd on my mother fucking hit list
I made a list of people to kill if I go berserk one day and show my power level. (not likely though I like my life)
>How is wanting a govt to follow the constitution and not be an over arching dictatorship anti-intellectualism?
Like this:
oh look, the affirmative action (((scientist))) with another brilliant award winning tweet......stupid fucking nigger
What does it mean to conceive something artificially? Is he talking about test-tube babies? Obviously he means to imply that the borders are artificial, not the conception of the borders. And why is "passport" capitalized? C-
Idk why hes against zoo walls
It's actually a perfectly reasonable argument.
Should this monkey fly the plane? No. Why? Because he's a monkey.
Should this monkey babysit your children? No. Why? Because he's a monkey.
Should this monkey be put in a position of political influence? No. Why? Because he's a monkey.
Being a monkey disqualifies him for many things, not the least of which is listening to his "opinions."