Chinese are souless thread Part II
Chinese are souless thread Part II
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We eat animals too you know
>eating an animal that has been bread for thousands and thousands of years to loyally serve you , protect you, guard your family and possessions, help you find food, protect your other animals and even guide your blind people.
>kill this loyal ally of humanity by boiling it alive in oil
nope, chinks are soulless.
They're like an insectoid alien race that landed on planet earth without any respect for her lifeforms, interested only in using up resources like a swarm of locusts.
disgusting people.
They're inhuman.
At least the nigger shows the semblence of a more primitive and stupid version of a human being.
You're fucking dumb for placing one animal above another
Why is it fine to eat pigs (or maybe not in your religion) but not to eat dogs? Domesticated animals exist to serve humans and if a human wants to eat one, there's nothing immoral about that.
Chinky pan-faced gooks are hideous subhumans and they all need to be lynched.
Well for one we domesticated dogs to be mans best friend and pigs to be stock
While I'm not saying "muh perfect morals", it is the treatment of the livestock that I have a problem with.
The chink knows the animals feel pain, they are unnecessarily souless.
I'm not saying give the dogs and pigs a massage before you slaughter them, just don't wave them around and beat them before you herd them and slaughter them
The chinese are the jews of the east
Why didn't Japan wipe them out when they had the chance?
It's a part of their culture user don't be racist
Disgusting subhumans
Their leaders weren't capable and were stuck with muh samoorie mentality
worst of all are all the men in their 40s and 50s who breed with 20yrs Chinese women so they can sustain their miserable lives and have children that have no relation to them
>it is the treatment of the livestock that I have a problem with.
You have probably eaten meat that was treated equally bad
>what is WWII
Yes but the people don't do it for fun, the chinese, they are different
They aren't human
japan's failure to remove the Chinese and Australians
Second Rape of Nanking when?
>it's a pig eaters can't stand dog eaters episode
Torturing an animal and humanely killing it are two different things. You don't play with your food
when the South China Sea issue climaxes
INB4 lefty Sup Forums comes and shits up the thread with excuses for the soullessness inherent in CHYNA
>first doge comes in wagging it's tail
The Chinese have a very utilitarian way of viewing the world.
The same way we look at a tree and think "firewood" or wheat and think "bread", they look at animals and think "food", or other humans and think "Labourer".
As such they don't particularly feel anymore empathy towards animals than we do towards wood.
You don't cut up a tree and think "oh no, this poor tree, let me do this quickly". And they don't look at a cat and think "oh no, how can I end it's suffering quickly". They just think "Let me chop this up and cook it".
Same with people. You see a human, they see a machine operator in a factory.
Ah fuck
I thought those were lambs initially
It's not just the Chinese, dude. There are people of every race that enjoy the suffering of other living beings. Be it for consumption, sport, or just pure sadism. What of it? Don't like the twisted side of human nature?
For any non vegans / vegetarians that are appalled at this behavior: There is a 100% certainty that out of all the animals that you've consumed in your lives, some were also exposed to some type of torture.
Stop giving a fuck about the feelings of your food, damn it!
Am soulless Chinese.
Thinks that humans>plants>everything else.
Doubtful, or rarely.
Australians are equally horrified at how the Chinese treat our imported cattle.
Again, they just don't have the same view of animals (or people) that we do. They don't consider the pain of the animal, just it's utilitarian benefits to them directly. It's a scary, basically psychopathic tendency, but it's inherit in Chinese culture, and it's effective I suppose. Perhaps it's reflected in their history and the intense competition they practice in their societies. Kill or be killed, leading to a solipist mindset.
Am I looking at the Chinese or mudslimes here?
>Mutilating a corpse for fun is the same as eating an animal bred to be eaten
So they're souless...
>humane slaughter
You're a Chink living in the Netherlands, right? Why else would you be defending their utterly barbaric customs? Or are you a brainless moral relativist? Either way, fuck off, subhuman.
Spoken like a true Slavic subhuman. Kill yourself.
Quick death vs being dragged around / beaten? xd
>You're fucking dumb for placing one animal above another
Why is it fine to eat pigs (or maybe not in your religion) but not to eat humans?
> if a human wants to eat one, there's nothing immoral about that.
all animals are not created equal, slavshit
Your tears are delicious, leafy. But isn't it about time that you come out of denial?
You're wrong, they're just animals. You could make similar arguments for a cow. They don't protect you, but they give you milk and dogs don't. There is nothing wrong with Asians, you must be an angry mudlime or nigger trying to deflect the negative attention you get on this board.
nice American education
>all animals are not created equal
Who decides the ranking of animals
I didn't know Mike Huckabee's son was Chinese.
>defending asians
Did you mean to say poetry?
Hey newfriend
Zipperheads are nasty cunts.
>recent video of vietnamese abattoir killing australian cattle by repeated blows to the head with sledgehammer
its not just the chinese, its all asians
They'll be raping us though, unless Uncle Sam is there for back up.
I wonder how much muscle strength it takes for her to keep her eyes that wide.
Yeah cuz a dairy cow and a beef cow is the same thing you retarded chink fuck.
Sad Kek
They use tiny black or beige eye strips directly above their eyelash line that literally adheres their inner lid to their upper lid, when I lived their I bought some thinking they were an eyeliner shortcut and was so confused. My Chinese girlfriends just laughed and explained that almost all of them used them everyday.
The biggest mistake Japan ever made was not finishing the job.
Fuck oath nippon
Well i have to agree with you we really are the jews of the east
Have you not seen slaughterhouse conditions? Their whole lives are torture and their living conditions are absolutely awful.
Hate dogs. Would eat. Would recommend more humane killing methods though.
Jesus christ, I've never seen a better encapsulation of Sup Forums.
Their food causes brain rot.
There are some videos about this on youtube. Check it out. Disgusting as fuck though.
At least they eat it.
Cows are cows, just like dogs are just animals. Animal rights faggots are the true subhumans. Can't even have a proper zoo these days.
nor really chinks may numbers but that means nothing when you cant run your ships planes and tanks
what they lack is oil or gas they depend on Russia this means we could one on one them
White """"people"""" are soulless
Some faggots had to interfere by putting an embargo on oil
Tried to teach them a lesson but fell right into (((Roosevelt's))) trap
Spanimoors hang galgos after the hunting season so they don't have to feed them anymore, atleast the chinks use dogs for food instead of just sadism.
And they try to keep this secret and sweep it under the rug because white culture hates shit like this. That's the difference.
you know they treated their people like shit right? and their communist party is a fucking mess
also why the heck am I posting this cringy shit?
Chinks are literally not human, you fuckers look like aliens
excess my bad spelling been drinking
What are you trying to proof with a handful of incidents?
It's like me saying that all whites are mass shooters because a handful of them are. A part of a demographic never represents a whole, especially considering China's population
And it's not like your slaughter houses are any better either. Stuff like battery hens are basically animal abuse, but for many years
Where's the gif of the guy throwing a dog when you need it?
And who says China does not have animal abuse laws? And I disagree that it should be swept under the rug. It should be shown to the public how brutal these people are
is that a mudshit moon on your flag ?
I was a tutor for exchange students at the university, and in the training it was said there's one nationality that can feel rude and you should not be bothered if they don't give a fuck about you trying to be nice. That's right, the Chinese. Robots, that's what they are.
>m-muh doge torture
post the real shit
Are the japanese the only asians who dont eat dogs?
Wait, I thought you were talking about niggers. Nevermind.
beep boop, chinese diaspora here. I've come to tell you that abducting dogs and bashing their brains in is equivalent to whites creating efficient and less cruel slaughterhouse systems for their farm-reared animals. My cousins defecate in streets. I am not a robot in a steamy concrete shithole with no culture and robot people.
Falun Gong is a dangerous, thieving moneymaking cult that masquerades as a religion of peace, don't believe their propaganda. They are predators pretending to be victims. The Scientology of China
Actually Cheng, there are different breeds of cattle for either meat or dairy. Having never left Toronto since you got there from shanghai, i can understand why you may not know this. In any case the two sorts are bred for the sole purposes of either producing food or being food. This is unlike a dog which is bred for a wide variety of different purposes, none of which in a civilised society being food purposes.
They're still scared shitless of the US' military power.
Just like last week I think, when one US warship went "patrolling" near Scarborough shoal, they didn't do anything but watch.
You can find this video with sound. It's horrific. The dogs all crying and screaming. Why don't they just insta kill them all at once? Quicker and less horrific.
> i was asking a question instead of answering you instead deflected it by saying i used deflection
i really cant make this shit up
answer the question cunt
>Why don't they just insta kill them all at once?
pick one.
To be fair, I've met plenty of Chinese who seemed to be pretty nice people. But those were all people who left China.
Here on 4chins, we may call other people countries shitholes and make fun of them, but let's remember that china is a scary place. The "you will go into the black markless van and never come back" Meme is not only real there, it's the normality, among other things that other posters will no doubt post here
When you post that asians are "Master Race", keep in mind that countries like Japan and South Korea have strong relationtions with the west, america in particular. China and North Korea is what Asian Societies look like
so what you're saying is you're a sociopath like chinks, you're not helping you.
not the whole population but chink government is pure trash and should be nuked
those people get to be honorary humans.
fucking chinks
Based nip bringing the heat
geen gekanker, holland moet blanker
>What of it?
Another chink tier sociopath. The difference is with chinks it's the whole society while with the west it's a minority defect.
yea i am saying there not a threat
they depend on Russia for resources
also there tech is like 20 to 30 year below us on subs and aircraft carries
and who ever has the most subs and aircraft control the sea and air
it's half the reason even trump would not risk making us pay for protection our island is a unsinkable aircraft carrier
Chinese deserved Nanjing.
Because the Chinese believe the meat is more tender when you torture the animal first.
You can't make this shit up, google it
You are the Chinese disporia.
They just don't give a fuck m8, they know we are living in an organic matrix, I remember being told once that during ww2 they would play games on their planes have a gamble and the loser would have to jump out of it.
Dogs are bred for food in Korea.
go back to Morocco