I miss hipster garbage Sup Forums

I miss hipster garbage Sup Forums

Fuck this lowest common denominator, radio rock/rap/pop normie shithole today

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i choose Hurley.

Here's a great album most would probably consider hipster bullshit

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poseurcore was such a powerful meme that it ended elitism on Sup Forums. hats off to the user that was behind that one

Is Xenakis the ultimate poseur composer?

And turned the board into /billboard/

fucking great

>Fuck this lowest common denominator, radio rock/rap/pop normie shithole today
You say that as you listen to Kanye West...

2014-2016 was shit but 2017-2018 soycore soundcloud rap is promising


No, he's genuinely very good
The ultimate composeur is Phillip Glass, second place is Stockhausen
Both of whom I enjoy, mind you, but I am under no delusions about their skill levels

Frankly it is a relief that most of the posturing avant-teens fucked off.
This board's attempts at discussing any sort of experimental music were always embarrassing and 99% of the people here who claimed to be way into experimental/avantgarde music didn't actually have even the vaguest fucking clue about any of that music or its context.

>soycore soundcloud rap is promising

The board filled with juggalos would be better about now.

Quit arguing and post good elitist hipster bullshit music

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It doesn't even have to be experimental/avantgarde music, just something other than this Sup Forumstier shit plaguing the board right now.

Just something, anything other than the same talentless dross.

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that sounds really interesting as it goes

we went from ironically liking bad music to unironically liking bad music.

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And when they left waifufags, gookerlovers, rapfags and Sup Forums took over. Nice going cumgobbler.

>waifufags, gookerlovers, rapfags and Sup Forums

These have always been here, though the quantity varies.
The way I see it it's one pest less on the board. So good.

That's why I said took over, and not came over. Lern 2 reed

It's actually very good, some really nice blues cuts on there interspersed with high quality throat singing

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i feel you man i miss pretentious and indie stuff like this being discussed. it actually shaped a lot of my taste today. those first essentials charts, the Sup Forums core ones, every single album on them was great. i remember looking on mediafire to download them on schoolnights and then put them on my ipod for school the next day, and being blown away so many times.

im not even that old, but honestly i feel really out of touch these days.

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Not exactly obscure if you know anything about music, but most of Sup Forums doesn't

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Gonna post some American primitivism

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Personal favorite here

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Kill yourself

More Basho

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The only effect I will ever let this board have on my real life is when I check out music from share or similar kinds of threads and I end up liking it. Sup Forums is a useless board not worth browsing otherwise

That's the end of my American Primitivism knowledge, barring other releases by these same artists
If you have any recs for similar stuff, please let me know, I love this music

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Not American primitivism, but here's some good Russian waifufolk
Just Ada Yakusheva and her guitar

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Sandy Bull - Fantasias for Guitar and Banjo

Here's something I wouldn't strictly call "good", but if throat singing/90s EDM sounds like your thing, give it a listen.

Thanks, user, will listen

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I listened to this the other day after going back through my saved charts from Sup Forums's prime and picking out some albums of interest

I was surprised at how it was nothing like what was advertised, pretty good though, I would have liked to have heard some good free improv for violin though

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It funny cuz it truee

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i miss fushitsusha masturbation threads


A favorite math rock EP of mine, never seen anybody but me mention it
If you like math rock at all, check it out, it's free on Bandcamp I think

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Solo album from a lesser known member of The Velvet Underground, quite good

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>lesser known member of The Velvet Underground

Not sure if anything with these names on it can be considered obscure, but this album doesn't get brought up often, or if it does I don't see it
It's really excellent

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Based Montie

Weird bandcampcore plunderphonicsy stuff, just listen to the first song. If you like it, you'll like the whole thing, if you don't, you'll hate the rest. It's called Native Cell, super comfy imho

I feel comfortable applying that mantle to anyone other than Lou Reed, John Cale, and ironically Nico
If you walked up to half the art thots wearing le ebic banana shirt, do you really think they'd recognize the name Moe Tucker?

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Death metal duo with only drums and a bass. If you typically like death metal or any "extreme metal", give it a shot. It isn't the greatest metal album of all time or anything, but it fills a timbral niche nothing else I know does.

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fuck this album

Absolutely unknown trip hop masterpiece, not much else to say.

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Well known bassist, almost unknown album
Really great, if you like free jazz or know richard davis at all, check it out

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Sup Forums was so much better back then, you actually found interesting music, sometimes interesting AND listenable music too

Honestly, I have no frame of reference for how well known these guys are, but Siloah's some good Krautrock

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fucking christ what a garbarge shit

Now I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if you don't already love Terry Riley, fuck you

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I think this album might be downright popular, but possibly only in the UK
It's some great math rock, though

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First of a seven-album anthology of noise and experimental electronic music from the label Sub Rosa. Check out all seven, they'll definitely introduce you to SOMETHING new

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Here's a weird darkwave album, instrumentals are almost disco tier, but the vocals are strangely abrasive to the point of sounding straight out of a metal band
Very bizarre, check it out
Only seen it mentioned once

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A few well-known drummers doing an hour of free improv drumming
Even if you like their bands' material, if you aren't specifically into drumming, there's pretty clearly nothing for you here
Then again, maybe this'll get you really into percussion
Give it at least 10 minutes either way

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Some great "nu-jazz"/breaks from Norway, some really beautiful cuts on here
I'd kill for a vinyl copy or even just a FLAC rip of the LP, it has one track not on any other version of the album but it never crops up for sale, I think it was a copyright issue
Anyway, beautiful album, regardless of which of the three versions you listen to

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it's harder to find good and interesting music nowadays but it's not impossible. ask for recs in /daily/ or check out the share threads for anything that piques your interest

These guys are super well known in the throat singing world, but the fact that I have to preface the album that way means it's probably pretty obscure everywhere else
It's fucking excellent, though

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Considering it's a supergroup of members from two legendary bands (Ween and Boredoms), you'd think it'd be a lot more well known than it is

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Alright, this is my last post, somebody else post some shit
Here's some weird Russian avant-folk, enjoy

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I've been really into this album lately. It's a very emotionally sincere album, reminding me of Pinkerton. Recommended.

きのこ帝国 - 渦になる

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>This board's attempts at discussing any sort of experimental music were always embarrassing and 99% of the people here who claimed to be way into experimental/avantgarde music didn't actually have even the vaguest fucking clue about any of that music or its context.
Enlighten us then. You sound like a typical pseudo-gatekeeper.

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mah nigga these are great

this is experimental minimal neoclassical from two virtuoso players

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Despite being a complete cunt he did at least inject some interesting music into Sup Forums's ecosystem that today is starved of anything but the most pedestrian "indie" music journalism approved music.

Agreed. He was an annoying fuck at tiimes but at least he pushed for variety, exploration and had a passion for all different music.

Might as well go to Billboards forums now. Same shit.

This. I unironically miss the days when this place was considered some impenetrable and obnoxious hipster club. I don't give a shit if it was full of contrarians, or if people weren't the most knowledgeable about music, at least interesting music surfaced regardless of who the people were that listened to it.

2016 irreversibly ruined this site when a bunch of genuine retarded people flocked to it, now the old hasn't been replaced with anything more interesting, it isn't contrarianism taking place here, it's just idiots calling all the classics "soycore" and that's that, not actually offering up anything in return.

Fucking sucks.

Montie was not an user

Patrician inquisition when?

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posuercore was a stupid meme all because a retarded trip liked a radio-rock band

and the whole ''prove you're not a hipster and post something you like in the charts'' threads, literally fuck off

Is Kinoko Teikoku? I've only heard Whirlpool from them like half a decade ago, but I liked what I heard

I will post experimental music now

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As soon as we can get people to stop using shitty insults like "soyboy" and start genuinely bullying people with actual criticisms

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Start saging

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Variety, I want variety.

If ''muh patrician genres'' comes back it will be just as bad.


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saging does nothing dude

>claims patricianhood
>ascribes to a genre-centric philosophy of music
Keep making me smile, Sup Forums

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No, I don't give a fuck about CLTs stupid buzzwords, ''pleb/patrician'' is as bad as ''soy''.

But plebs are real, soy was just made up to try and trigger people

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Patrician and pleb literally meant music CLT liked or didn't like. That was it. It doesn't mean anything more or less.

Yeah and faggot used to mean a bundle of sticks. Plebeian / patrician refers to having unrefined vs refined taste which is just as real as having taste in the first place. Even if that's not how the words started out it's how we use them now.

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There was a thread the other week asking what people think those and some other buzzwords mean, there was not a single agreement in terms.

A plebeian is the exact opposite of a patrician. While the musical preferences among individual plebs vary as widely as music itself, all are easily identified by obvious tendencies and behaviors stemming from inner conflict between the compulsion to maintain a self-image of being "really into music" and a stubborn refusal to act accordingly. The pleb is threatened by critical discussion, openly hostile toward anyone who presumes an authoritative position no matter how legitimately, and rankles at any suggestion that he look inward to inspect his own biases or assumptions about music, or even that he has any biases in the first place.

What plebeians believe to be a keen interest in music is in reality an obsession with "taste". This is why they can entertain themselves for hours examining scrobble counts on last.fm, maintaining contrived parabolas of their RYM star ratings, or meticulously assembling a Top 50 chart which displays their grocery-list "eclecticism", but won't read a music text. This is why they loudly proclaim how their virginal taste is unsullied by any reviewer's opinion, yet memorize each of those opinions to cite in endless "drone" accusations. It is why they will evade addressing specific musical assertions at any cost, shifting the topic to popularity, fan image, or imaginary concepts such as "entry-level" or "fedoracore", all of which are better suited to their interests and expertise.

Plebeians on Sup Forums should be converted if it is possible and driven away if it is not. They cannot be permitted to exist unchecked or they multiply exponentially, legitimizing worse and worse behaviors among one another until music discussion is all but impossible.

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montie didnt start poseurcore you fucking newfags. he was some loser who got embarassed and doxxed and tried to play it off like he was a confident facefag like aaron or xuosis. montie is the soyboy's aaron.

>tfw aussies are still banned from opening threads on Sup Forums because of aaron
He was truly the greatest shitposter of all

people who haven't listen to this should be banned immediately

Heino is a fucking loser praise Mizutani ok

Sup Forums "patricians" (jfl at that word) have always been posturing pseuds who love dinosaur age avant garde, are addicted to literally who music that other spergs have put on a cool chart and are allergic to listening to new music of their own volition. This board has literally never been good.