Why do white supremacists love Taylor Swift?
She's not a nazi you know?
Why do white supremacists love Taylor Swift?
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Fuck off muzzie.
Its a meme
I can only handle being BTFO so many times OP!?!
Then why dies she say stuff like pic related?
Checkmate, denier
My collection
Does she moans that while in bed with Kanye
>She's not a nazi you know?
haven't you seen the original cut of her Africa music video?
I was going to call you salty but then i remembered taytay is also a trump fan
the lights look like a penis
Boy that looks nice on her
Heh, hehe.
>they're still falling for the le aryan queen meme
I'm still laughing about this.
>implying she's not a racist shitlord
I want a version of this that could be laser engraved on a gun.
>those legs
Didn't she get gang blacked recently?
Trump returns the favor.
She does everyday, as she always has.
>taylor refuses to get blacked for real
>oy vey you stupid goy shiska! you'll push racemixing whether you like it or not!
>CGI her into bed for a kayne degeneracy video
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Taylor Swift?
Everything that is not PC is racist.
Kek will turn her into a nazi.
Why americans call her a "country singer" when she's just another shitty pop slut?
I've always wondered this too, Turkroach
That light looks suspiciously like a dick.
She is the pinnacle of pure white beauty.
This is some sort of shill campaign, not only its spammed here but some news outlets made news about it
at some point they are going to force her to be with a nigger
Well, I love this girl, no aryan pride and bullshits. One of the very rare cases where I can fap to a girl (instead of ponr) with some effort eventhough Iam a misogynist who turns into asexuality day by day.
>manheight tall
>shoulders wider than hips
>pinnacle of white beauty
please never post this again. The grammatical incompetence is unbearable.
Well, I love this girl no aryan pride and bullshits, one of the very rare cases where I can fap to a girl (instead of ponr) eventhough Iam a 24 yo misogynist who turns into asexuality day by day.
god i want her to take a hot steaming dump on my chest
she is the only woman i feel about this way
is this degenerate
>she refuses to acknowledge her privilege
Its just a meme. The truth is she's a raging feminist and a huge slut. There's no doubt in my mind with how promiscuous she is that she has burnt coal at one point
What really makes me think is how people are retarded enough to ever fall for this meme.
The guys she goes out with leave her all the time because she won't put out.
She's a Christian Republican, not some libtard whore (miley)
You honestly believe she wont put lol. I'm sure it has more to do with what a huge feminist she is. Most guys can't stand to be with girls like that. I've only been with one in my life and went no contact on her after a week. They're unbearable
That's her sister, Nigger Swift.
No. She remains pure.
Eat this:
It is a fucking wax model of her you retards
She is a closet lesbian tbqh.
maybe guys are more you thing...
Not a Nazi, but #1 with Nazis
>while in bed with Kanye
No room in that bed due to that huge Kardashian ass.
>wax model of her
>this is what keks actually believe
Because she's cute.
She's not country. That was her avenue to become a shitty pop singer. In turn, she made current country music pop, shit music.
>that cat
He knows. He knows pictures of him have been posted on Sup Forums millions of times.
shes a qt grill that isn't degenerate like most other pop stars
She a neo nazi?
The fear is real
reminder Sup Forums named that cat
>she's besties with Lena Dunham
into the trash with TayTay
She started as a country singer and then switched to pop when all of her pop songs were more popular than her country songs.
Oh sweet summer child. Country became pop long before Taylor Swift. When I was a kid (80s) country was already becoming like pop music.
Look closely at the fingers.
Rather poor job of wax sculpting.
By now we defenitally scared her off
I'm still laughing about this, idk how soon she's posted but the cause and effects of this crack me up
>post literally a few years ago, just random talk hoping to get some fun out of Sup Forums
>years later she's being reported by the news under "neo nazis consider Taylor swift an aryan queen"
Fucking KEK
oh shit
the blurry lights in the pic looks like a bnenis :DD
Tay Tay blessed me
everything not sjw is nazi to these people
Muhammad, pls...
I'd love to fill her womb with my black seed
For the same reason errbody else does. Because she is hot.
Blacks hate blacks more than they hate whites.
Unbelievable. You see black/brown as something already destroyed. You are SICK!
Protip: if yer seed is black u prolly have a terminal illness.
Link to kanye's taytay nude music video please
It's a meme dummy
She's getting the Ben Garrison treatment
Look up the controversy over Kane West's newest music video. It features wax models of Swift, Trump, and other celebrities in bed with him.This was done without their permission and it's possible he'll be sued over it.
Never thought of it that way. Great point.
Yeah, sure. No where near the level of trash it is today. Pic related, summer boy.
She's pretty much the symbol of Aryanism and her kike overlords are going to make sure she gets blacked soon
Mark my words
Genes for breeding post race war.
I lost interest when I realized she wasn't wearing a strapon desu.
She's a feminazi if anything
Yea, I didn't put up with a raging feminist so I'm gay. Apparently you're not only a virgin but a moron too.Keep kissing ass white knight I'm sure you'll be swimming in pussy in no time lol