not only funny, but he's also right.
Britroaches never contributed anything to the world or the EU
Britain third world country by 2017
German Jamie Oliver BTFO's brits
Other urls found in this thread:
german jamie oliver?
That's just straight up fucking retarded mehmet.
he moderates cooking shows on ARD too.
Last week you were begging us to stay.
Remember the whole "hug a brit" thing.
You fags are salty as fuck, stay ass mad.
>German Humour
this is from last week.
and this is what our right wing thinks
Britroaches roasted.
Germany and Turkey will be the last countries in EU by 2017. Pretty pathetic.
Why is a Comedian judging a cooking show?
Just imagine how costly independence will be ten or twenty years from now when the EU is some kind of failing superstate. It's not too late to drop out eurofriends
Somehow I lost when it wasn't even a YRYL thread.
>Hahahaha I voted for the enslavement of my whole country and people because some Jew sold a black guy to somebodies great great great great great uncle 500 years ago.
Germany is the biggest joke.
Because German cuisine is a JOKE
I'm sorry Germany that was uncalled for.
I apologize for making such a mean and direct comment at your entire country.
I hope we have a England/Germany semis for the Euros. That would be interesting.
Sure Hans, whatever you say.
Your country's fucked and you know it, taking pot shots at us for abandoning a sinking ship wont change the fact that you've been colonised and are soon to be replaced, I would make jokes about how that process is going to happen but frankly, I feel sorry for you.
Best of luck
t. Britbong
>pic related
>"ugly" british woman that is mistaken for a "man"
you've become so multicultural and "modern" that you think this is masculine, there really is no hope for you.
Ukraine and Albania will be there as well. Sweden too, probably. That's about it.
"German comedians"
We don't have comedians, but only thiefs who steal all their jokes Form US comedians ans Shows.
>German "right wing"
Basically America's far left.
Nothing makes me smile more than burrhurt Germans
>Britain has never contributed anything to the world
That may possibly be the lowest quality bait I have ever seen in the entirety of my time on Sup Forums.
ok britbong, enjoy your nice little third of the british isles after the scotish and irish referendum :^)
Scotland is welcome to leave, however they're a tad fucked if they do.
>German Comedians
>brexit is good for britain trust me
>Scotish independence is bad for scotland trust me
nice little arguement you have there
The only reason Scottish people voted remain was because we don't want another Indy ref you pillock, we will vote No for a second time.
I should know, what with me being scotish.
>German comedians
Independence was bad for us because the SNP incorrectly though we could pay for everything with oil money.
All the disillusioned snp voters are slowly starting to realise that they fuck everything up they come into contact with.
US comedians are Geman tier
A never ending cringefest
Scottish "Independence" is just Scottish Euroservitude
would you vote for or against scotish independence under the current circumferences?
seems like a tough choice for me
Brought civilisation and reasonable living standards to savages
Lost 2 world wars.
heute show is leftist propaganda
ive stopped watching it a year ago or so
arent they insulting themselves with that headline?
"insulting our horsefaced queen"
Not even stealing, its a set agenda/quota what they show in the public channels.
they get scripts send from the US gov.
What do you expect?
>"Britroaches never contributed anything to the world"
>has to introduce some literal who as a German version of a Brit
kek nothing better than sour Krauts.
Things that Britain hasn't contributed to the world:
>crop rotation
>stainless steel
>modern anaesthesia
>blood transfusion
>machine guns
>black holes
>sniper rifles
>bullpup rifles
>supersonic and hypersonic aircraft
>ultrasound and MRI
You're welcome
theyare not that bad, at least they are bashing all partys equaly hard
dont the germans get offended at this chant
wow, I'm definitely a #CruzMissile now
The Queen isn't even horse faced, what the fuck is wrong with Germans.
They just cobbled random incoherent shit they've heard other people say together and tried pass it off as a unique joke.
>German comedians
>mexican intellectuals
>female athletes
How many days, do you guys think, until this german butthurt calms down?
American anorexic.
There isnt much difference between them, aside from Turkey having less "Syrians".
>Turkey having less "Syrians".
"Fewer". We speak English here :^)
>brits take a piss out of everyone
>the second someone pisses back they get all uppity
Holy fuck, I know that was pretty cringeworthy but man, just chill and enjoy your freedom.