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>i-it's a shill post guys
>polls are rigged

LOL Sup Forums is pathetic

Extremely nervous man.

Jesus gets boring to see pop every fucking minute.

What a genuinely sad cunt you are.

Its like you aint even trying

Hillary is going to win? Oh boy! Who didn't see that coming???

I agree. Remain is winning in the polls.

Sup Forums BTFO

The polls are biased, I won't say rigged.

the 12 point poll oversampled democrats by 50%, when they only outnumber republicans 43%. the poll also doesn't take into account that there are more independents than republicans or democrats, and they lean towards Trump. crap polls for crap trolls

>Polls touch, and then bounce apart as if by magic.
>Every single time.
You guys call yourselves intellectuals and you can't see what is right in front of your eyes?

Pol because it's full of delusional autistics


What did the American voters mean by this?

(Hint: they don't like Trump)

Would you bet all your money on a Hillary win? If not, then polls aren't trustworthy.

People need to be stupid to believe that stretching the graphic marks in order to show how Trump is so (((far apart))) from Hillary
Fortunately, we arent Liberals that take polls for granted, seeing the UK freedom event
Your logic is twisted and cancerous and this is coming from a monkey


>there are more independents than republicans or democrats



you did it, Sup Forums
you made a kike-loving corrupt woman POTUS.
good job

The problem with this image is that it implies that the trump campaign has had high points.
Trump only beat Hilary in the polls for one day, for the rest of his campaign he has been losing.
And events that Sup Forums say would gurantee his election, the Orlando shooting, libs chimping out at Trump rallies, have only caused the public to distance themselves from him.
Hilary is probably the least liked Dem candidate in a long time, this should be an easy Republican win, but they fucked up majorly with this Trump fiasco.

Hillary voters don't care enough to go out and vote.

Trump supporters do.

I kek'd.

Its a carbon copy of the polls. Falling and rising.

The polls don't show him falling and raising
the polls show him failing and sometimes failing less

Too bad there are hardly any Drumpf supporters.

Enjoy wooing old white males who are already a minority.


u forgot to edit the numbers, bud

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt


>lol white males are going extinct, you will soon be a minority and have no power!
>why are these racist white males opposing mass immigration? Why won't they just roll over like a bunch of cucks?

I really, really despise the left.

his ass

>*shown the polls and the favorable numbers*
>" don't matter!"

you guys seemed pretty keen on polls back when trump was polling OK.

suddenly they are biased, eh?

The polls showed that Remain had a vast lead. The last poll before the referendum showed Remain with a 10 point lead.

Guess what, Pablo. Remain didn't win.

>The polls showed that Remain had a vast lead. The last poll before the referendum showed Remain with a 10 point lead.
British polls do not equal American polls.

Brexit does not equal the American election.

Before Brexit you did not have that argument.

Well now that the BRexit happened you should expect a higher turnout from liberal americans.

Exactly because they are seeing that something nobody expects to happen can still happen.

That's a lie, Liam, and you know it.

Brexit only had two to three polls showing remain in the lead. It was a consistent 52-48 leave favor for the majority of the last month and a half. Quit being a lying cunt. The only time when Remain peaked was when the that crazy man did the crazy thing and hurt that woman.

This is why Sup Forums shouldn't be too angry about polls being manipulated in Hillary's favor because it can actually serve to help Trump by making Democrats get complacent and not turn out to vote.

That's what happened in my state of MD which is very liberal and went 60-40 for Obama back in 2012. The libs thought they had the gubernatorial election in the bag but then SURPRISE a republican won because nobody bothered to show up.

Bullshit, Remain was always ahead


Trump will win if he can keep within 5.0% of Hillary.

Remember there are people who wont tell their political opinions to shady (((pollster firms))).

You can't trust the polls, Hillary should look at Brexit and redouble her efforts.

>b--but the polls don't matter because of these inane reasons!
>nevermind the fact that almost every single poll has Trump losing and his favorable numbers are worse than Hillary's!
You trumpcucks are acting exactly like Obama supporters. Trump is is the cuckservative version of hope and change.

Really makes ya go hmm

No it fucking wasn't you Kangaroo, fuck. Hell, I was dancing a jig with all the drunken Irishmen here about how Leave had a slight leave in every other fucking Brexit thread. Bogans should neither be seen nor heard.

I just view it like this: the polls are all on the side of Hillary so if they show Trump is close to or above her then it's obvious Trump has the advantage.

If Hillary is shown as winning, then you don't really know whether it's genuine because the polls, like the rest of the media, are biased towards the left.