Due to the possibility of Corbyn being elected.
What do you think guys, should we meet them in the middle?
Due to the possibility of Corbyn being elected.
What do you think guys, should we meet them in the middle?
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Isnt that the bitch who got mad at Brexit?
Yeah man, she has done a complete 180.
Looks like she's just emulating a proven success.
Naw we won holmie USA USA USA
>Due to the possibility of Corbyn being elected
HAHAHA, what? A pro-EU globalist friendly radical leftist with an impotent base being elected during a massive swing to the right?
Who is she and why should I give a fuck
I'd buy Hillary thongs
>Due to the possibility of Corbyn being elected.
>possibility of Corbyn being elected.
>Corbyn being elected
What did she mean by this?
Remember that time Sup Forums got REALLY UPSET and butthurt? She's the culprit.
Oh thongs, I get it.
>most leftists are just random people who follow what is popular and in vogue
Well no shit.
>HAHAHA, what? A pro-EU globalist friendly radical leftist with an impotent base being elected during a massive swing to the right?
He has been Euro skeptic the whole time.
Sup Forums gets really buthurt and upset a lot these days
this is where he can actually provide decent opposition to the government, so yes, we should support his attempts at brexit which he will be more keen to fulfil quicker than many of the tories.
Just support him until he changes his agenda, brit/pol/ are giving hm meme power to cast out all the Blairites and go full anti- EU.
His advisors were caught celebrating after leave was announced to have won, and he refused to confirm that he had voted to remain, its pretty based desu.
really makes you think...
are we pro globalism now?
Paha dat image. Making me quite excite.
I've been on here long enough to see a lot of instances of butthurt. Nothing rings a bell. Is she the retard who posted that pro rape refugee amv
>entire media telling us brittania is sinking
>she seems upbeat and remarkably chipper
think you might wanna rethink that
Labour isn't going to be a party in a few years.
he sabotaged pro-remain campaign
fuck you i was always pro brexit
>Arrow of progress points backwards
Corbyn definitely seems to playing the whole situation in his favour, he's playing the role of the good guy for the upcoming election so that he can step in as saviour, it's weird how he's been somewhat quiet about everything but I guess he just doesn't want to say anything too outlandish in case it loses him potential votes.
So now UK is going to put a bunch of cucks incharge to negotiot how britain will Keep every single EU regulation, keep paying fee's while losing its member vote.
I really shouldn't have expected anything less.
> meet them in the middle
confirmed shill
corbyn is a communist ya? If so I hope he gets assassinated too.
These people really are living in the instant. The exact current instant and not a minute ahead. This is impossible to tell what they really want. It's like children...
They're flip-flops! REEEEEEEEEE
Thanks, brochacho
I'm in favour of his move to the left but against his euroscepticism. Is there not a candidate for me!
who is she ? is she politically relevant somehow?
5.8m followers quite famous leftist done 180
I think it would be grand if Britain could bring together the Nationalists and the Socialists.
>What do you think guys, should we meet them in the middle?
No surrender. No compromise. Sorry, not sorry.
Nigel for Prime Lad.
>Pro EU
>Pro Globalist
>Impotent baase
He's not Pro E.U. (much to the anger of his party), he's not a Globalist (probably sings the Internationale a lot though) and his base was the deciding factor in exit the E.U.
He is a fucking Commie however.
>leave EU because of muh migrants
>elect leftist government who will flood you with even MORE migrants
Well done retards, thank god we're getting rid of you at least.
Rock and a hard place.
His actual base, the working class, want out. They are getting fucked by the policies that the E.U. brought to the table.
But most of his party are champagne socialists, so he has to go with Remain.
Poor bloke. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a fucking Red.
now Sup Forums contrarian faggots will be pro-remain
r a r e
Worse actually. If they put him in charge you're going to get a card carrying Trotskyist on the throne.
That's not rare. I see a honduran every day to clean my house.
Brexit was the only way to get true reform within the EU, shame we will never see the benefits of it.
Aren't most leftists anti-globalist a?
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
It's producing much needed reform reform within your own political system as well. That is something that you'll benefit from.
>I think it would be grand if Britain could bring together the Nationalists and the Socialists.
We going NATSOC out here.
>What do you think guys, should we meet them in the middle?
What is the middle?
>corbyn wants to send rich people into the gulags
>pol wants to send jews, muslim, slavs into the camps
Meeting in the middle would be sending jew into the camps because they belong to both groups.
>yet another anally destoryed german in a brexit thread
Go away, roach.
>i wasn't here when Sup Forums was atheist
>i wasn't here when sky-fairy was an insult
>i wasn't here when libertarianism was sweeping the nation
>i wasn't here when redneck was an insult
>i wasn't here when stormfront "infiltrated"
>i wasn't here when defending moots sjw bitches and attacking Ben "cuck a duck" Garrison was the norm
No. Liberalism has been hijacked and destroyed from within by globalist shills. Ever since, being anything but left-wing publicly has become a crime and class/wealth has become a taboo topic in leftist politics, lest someone dares to suggest that a Ukranians orphan is not oppressing Obama's daughters by having blue eyes.
>Should we maybe compromise with the left?
Faggot, that's why faggots are everywhere and the hottest debates of the year are about where trannies shit. Fucking Orlando shooting didn't even have the media lifespan of trannies pooping.
She's actually right though. You need to cut ties quick. It will shock European economies more than it will yours and they will plead with you (and give you better terms) in exchange for you slowing down the process and negotiating. Chaos is Britain's strongest bargaining chip right now.
of course the GERMAN on pol would suggest that
who is she? is she the sister of that game of thrones actor?
Yeah. She's a singer. She even wrote a song about her brother. Pretty based.
David Camerons revenge.
>David Miliband will take control of Labour.
>UK Parliament will vote Brexit down.
>Article 50 will not be invoked.
People keep talking like without the EU we are Romania, no we are still one of the most wealthy places on earth where people spend lots of money constantly.
A Vote For Blair, Is A Vote For Chaos
Cool I've never seen 17million people march to number ten with hanging ropes before
You can now get odds on Blair being the next leader of the Labour party.
>a socialist taig supporting a socialist politician
who would have thought
media, establishment, parliament, antifa isn't going to allow that to happen
All of those things will cause it to happen
They're just pissed you'll be spending it on American and Chinese products instead of shitty Volkswagen cars.
They are happy because the far left is maneuvering into positions of power now, while they know the right is celebrating.
They are setting up their new talking point in a much smaller sphere of influence
They are garnering money from the EU and her Shell organizations for support
You guys are going to be in the fight of your lives and are going to get hit with levels of leftism never before seen. Not Eurasia maybe not even Oceania, but defiantly "Airstrip 1"
>That last minute meowing from liz kendal before the video cuts
I'm an Anglican from Zambia. Ain't no Taig, senpai.
wud fugg tbph famalam
looks like me naked. fkn fgt.
pix pls
You're alright, cunt
They don't seem to realize that the political climate is already shifting, and that's why Brexit was possible-- it's shifting against the authoritarian left.
>user as no body hair, puffy nips and nice hips
Get naked for me, user. Seriously
I thought Corbyn was done for, but apparently not.
There has always been some euro-sceptic leftists. Are you really that suprised?
I think that Hillary and Obama have fucked up so many times, Trump started to run, which then started to give way to people waking up to the truth.
Germany already has maximum migrants.
Like MAXIMUM. There is not a way to get EVEN more.
Likely realized that the stronger and more alpha males supported Brexit, so now she is adjusting her views quickly so to remain appealing to them.
Women don't think, they just react.
Reality is memes
This. For men, being a turncoat is discraceful, but for women it seems to be their default nature.