How do we undo this blunder?

>Be british expat
> Spend all day memeing about Brexit
> "Rule britannia". "Muh Independence" ...Topkek
> Wake up Friday in cold sweat
>Start googling , trying to find out what the EU is and what the implications of leaving are
> Pound plummets to 31 year low , stocks in freefall
>Find out Boris was lying about funding the NHS
>Find out Boris was lying about there not being a recession
> David Cameron steps down , fleeing a sinking ship
> Scotland and Northern Ireland plan to leave the union too
> Everything John Oliver , Michael Moore , Obama , Soros had predicted about Brexit is coming true
> The experts were right about needing to stay in the EU after all.
> mfw when I listened to memesters instead of experts
> Come back based Cameron , based EU . We were just memeing!!
>mfw when we crashed the UK economy and dissolved the union because of memes

Guys don't vote for meme politicans like Farage and Trump . You'll regret it. Meme magic can't fix the economy

remain shill.

The fucking shilling has been off the charts since Friday.

>Scotland and Northern Ireland plan to leave the union too

Wow, is it 8am on Friday morning again?

Fuck off pussy. Britain has been through worse than this. People like you are the reason why this country is in the shit, you've got no backbone. Coward.

>predicted about Brexit is coming true
>le short term fluctuations indicate long term trends

> Scotland and Northern Ireland plan to leave the union too
No they aren't.

>>mfw when we crashed the UK economy and dissolved the union because of memes

Are you saying that's a bad thing? Scotz wuz kangz an sheit. Norn Iron is riddled with bombs and elects terrorists to power. The economy rewarded people who hate you. 6/10 for getting me to reply.

>John Oliver , Michael Moore , Obama , Soros

Faggot OP's heroes

shut up faggot

>> David Cameron steps down , fleeing a sinking ship

>1 post by this ID

Nice proxy Merkel

>a nation's economy is in shambles
>events could trigger a global recession
>shill shill shill cuck cuck cuck

what the fuck are you??

They were right though.


> Be british expat
m8 our salaries just effectively went up by 10% in 4 days, what the fuck you crying about

Real men see this chaos and uncertainty as an opportunity, not a threat. It's like the "creative destruction" techies love chirping about; certainly you did blow up the old political-economic order, but that's a cause for excitement, not worry. Evolve and prosper.

just embrace the chaos m8, we all wanted a happening and we got it..

Fuck off Randy you yellow Muslim shitstain

I voted to stay and will probably lose my job over this but there you go.
No point crying or pointing fingers, just get on with life.

Northern Ireland isn't leaving, the SNP doesn't have a mandate and remember a million scots voted to Leave as well.

The economy isn't broken, the government's just playing silly buggers because it's butthurt that the proles voted against it despite everything (HOW ABOUT THAT £9 MILLION THEY WASTED ON LEAFLETS, HUH?).

It's a temporary dip and by this time next month, we'll be back where we were before the whole referendum was started.

fuck off randy

>Scotland and Northern Ireland plan to leave the union too
>No they aren't.

keep telling that to ya

>blaming Farage for Johnson's lies
>the two are unaffiliated

>listening to scare stories from the experts by grant of their EU-funded PhD
>not listening to the stories of hope and passion from the 52% who believe in a stronger Britain

You're a cuck for Brussels, evidently. Shilling will get you nowhere. The biggest problem however is this:

>believing politicians on their word
>not reading their sources

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother!

>le short term fluctuations indicate long term trends
>GBP will be back on it's feet on Monday, you'll see

does it make you stink?

I screen shot this and put a reminder in my calendar for a month from now.

The ship is going down dumb ass.

Oh yes, taking in hordes of shitskins for half a century, disarming your populace, covering up Paki sex crimes and banning fucking plastic knives was all EU's doing.

i didnt know they had trump rallies in europe

The markets will settle down and then flip. The smart money will figure out that London will remain as a financial center, as will Zurich. But there will be no such center within the EU because the politicians have a mechanism in place to outlaw short-selling at their discretion whenever the markets say they are wrong. BREXIT is the survival of Britain, not its demise. The crisis brewing is eight member states will ultimately follow Britain and hold referendums.

The EU is done, put a fork in it.

Britain will be fine

Still worth it for the keks.

>Pound plummets to 31 year low , stocks in freefall

Why do people keep saying this?
I checked the stocks and it was lower in february???

It only lost 6 cents of value!

where the fuck does this "Lost 50% of value, 31 year low!!!" fearmongering come from

You have no idea how real life or economy works. Your post is bullshit.
Oh, never mind ...

Oh snap, (((Traders))) lost their shit after Brexit happening. Can't you fucking understand that all these exchange markets are held by jews, who'll try their best to crash the economy? This shit is ruled by small groups of people and whole world just listens to their bullshit.

Kek wills it. You know what happens with those who oppose Kek.

How is the EU at fault for your cuntry being shit? Only you Britons are responsible.


He's correct though

EU stocks have fallen further than UK stocks; investors are more concerned about the future of the EU than they are the UK because there's a lot of anti-EU sentiment now and a number of EU member states who want out on top of the migrant crisis remaining unsolved and causing additional friction while the markets still haven't recovered from 2008 and it's looking like there'll be even more economic issues in the near future.

The EU is unstable as fuck right now

>Meme magic can't fix the economy



>not even 3 days have passed
>people have already announced the coming of locusts and the death of every first child in every british family

gotta love the erasmus generation

What are you talking about? None of the doomsday predictions came true.

Just did some grocery shopping and it cost me exactly the same as it did last week.

The only people who are affected are banksters. Fuck em

>where the fuck does this "Lost 50% of value, 31 year low!!!" fearmongering come from

From the (((media))).

Get a hold of yourself ffs

Only Russia will benefit from this.



u r my greatest ally
don't let (((Traders))) to fool you

stay strong brits, youll be back on your feet in no time. some of your people are going through cuck withdrawal

The economy isnt broken.
The EU is broken, that is why every single one of its major policies is in chaos.
Eurozone sovereign debt crisis?
Shengen zone immigrant crisis?
EU army, when EU members cant even meet their bare NATO spending commitments (due to the other failures above).

Seriously, the EU is something from the 20th century. Its the present year.

We will activate article 50 in October/November (if EU isnt dead already by then).

I only know your country because of a french song about a family where both parents are cheating degenerates.

>mfw when we crashed the UK economy and dissolved the union because of memes

I think it's pretty cool.

The Brexit will define an entire generation for better or worse. But at least it will change history and shake things up.

It gives the rest of us something to talk about for months, even years.

Stability is boring, chaos is exciting.

EU stocks have been in decline for a while and quite a number of them have been in continuation patterns to the downside. It is nothing unusual for them to drop. Btw, Euro is also in continuation pattern (forced by ECB) with a lot of currencies and is likely to drop below 1.00 with USD. Because of Brexit, that process might speed up, but Brexit won't be the cause of it.

Remember this post, because Sup Forums will falsely think EU is shit and UK is not when this happens.

I'm not claiming EU doesn't have problems, it does and it needs lots of reforms, but it's far from being done. If you ask me, a lot of members are probably relieved because we lost special snowflake UK.

UK on the other hand is mostly service based economy and usually gets hit hard when crisis occurs. And on top of Brexit, now they also have political crisis.

Expect UK economy to suffer in the next months.

Pretty much this. England is so fucking cucked that it can't possibly be the EU's fault and I don't see how their cuckoldry is going to end now that they have independence.

I mean, good job and all on leaving the EU but until you stop arresting people for being racist or having plastic knives in public, you're still cucks.

Like all the 'screenshot this, Brexit will never happen' shitposters?

All of those things were done by pro-EU politicians who wanted Britain to be closer integrated with the EU.

the EU is literally a faceless government. It has no accountability and no transparency.

This is a democracy issue.

>I'm not claiming EU doesn't have problems, it does and it needs lots of reforms, but it's far from being done.

How likely do you think those needed reforms will happen?

We don't think they'll happen, that's why we voted to leave.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

I don't think they'll happen either, which is why I don't get the still existing support for this shitfest.

But then again, I'm from a net payer country while this Slovene is from a net receiver country. A tick doesn't complain when the dog it hangs on stinks either.

The European Union is fast becoming a Soviet Union, the voters here in the country saw it and the leaders were too detached to notice .
This vote was a last chance saloon before European Soviet Union.

Considering this just happened, I expect massive shitstorm on EU political front since Germany and France are doing just the opposite from what would be needed.

So not very likely, at least not in the near future. That doesn't change the fact that EU won't go to shit that fast. It might, but not that fast. It is in the interest of all of us to stay economically connected. Merkel needs to be shot though.

We can be economically connected without this apparatus taking away our sovereignity and trying to dissolve our people into a brown consumerist horde.

Good for England! They will thrive because of this. Negative you are seeing is just growing pains.

Now British friends. Kick out those Muzzies and enjoy white living again!

>I'm from a net payer country while this Slovene is from a net receiver country
Shit meme. UK also didn't leave because of money, but other reasons. So pull that stick out of your ass.

Agreed, hence my post about reforms and worries when Merkel and Hollande are trying to do just the opposite.

>muh banks are losing money

A recession was due anyway

"ehhh bud old pipol sdole our fiutur!111""

>things gets a little tough so you want to continue to be a little bitch

You never had the balls to do it.

Pride will lose you more than 1/3 of your landmass. That's fine with us, if you'll let us go peacefully.

Why act as if reforms can make this thing that's inherently bad better? Why act as if "reforms" are an acceptable excuse for their wrong-doings?

The EU needs to die. Its key figures need to die.

Once that's done we can start making something that works and doesn't inevitably devolve into a great playground for kike shenanigans. The EU will never be that because that's what it was designed to be.

I think you should look at the remainers' main talking points instead if you want to make that argument.

I am going to Great Brittian on holiday now because the Pound is lower. I just bought 236 worth off English Products from ebay

The Scots had their referendum about their future in the union.

NI should go back to Ireland however, I agree.

Globalism destroyed the economy, not Brexit, now you have to rebuild it.




David please go.

I dumped my sterling

The UK is turning into a failed state.

The future is memes, user. We're just ahead of the curve.

notice how nobody replies to this, who's the real cuck

You Germans and Austrians caused the decline of EU with your fucking 'refugees welcome' bullshit. This caused so much shit in recent past. It was supposed to be economic union and was doing just fine until you faggots started to invite browns and now it's becoming more and more like a federation. It's your fault faggot, your superiority complex fucked all of us.

>Once that's done we can start making something that works
Start all over again and make it the same? Right...

>I think you should look at the remainers' main talking points instead if you want to make that argument.
Immigration argument won Leave (claimed by many non-deluded Brits right here on Sup Forums)

Dave's NEET now
Fuck else is he going to do but shitpost on pol?

Meme magic cannot be stopped


Show us the graph with 1 year selected.

British people won't even notice the difference in day-to-day life I doubt, apart from (OH NO) slightly more expensive holidays.

check the stock markets and the pound, in the long term this is just a ripple on the surface of global economics.

>You Germans and Austrians caused the decline of EU with your fucking 'refugees welcome' bullshit.
It wasn't us that let them accepting them at the border, violating the Geneve convetion on refugees, and letting them through, violating Dublin II. That would be Greece's and Italy's fault - if you really want to blame someone for that.

The EU has been centralizing power way before the refugee crisis by the way, so you're basically just deflecting.

I don't understand this hostility when you were acting as if the EU (you know, the one we're part of and appearently ruined) just needed some reforms two posts prior.

USSR was WAY more socialised than the EU could ever be. Countries give 1-3% of their annual budgets to the EU (UK is 1.6%), the USSR necessitated control of the means of production, banks, almost every aspect of everyone's lives. There's no comparison.

Moses Did Nothing Wrong

>Be 18
>Have to live with these people for the rest of my life

kekekek top post GB

0.05$ were deposited in your account.
Thank you for the daily shill.


They agreed to a UK within the EU. They're not getting that. The UK also didn't fulfil on any of Better Together's promises. Scotland will vote to leave if a referendum is offered. If they're not offered a referendum they will secede, fuck all we can do about that other than to invade.

>some reforms
Actually I said lots of reforms. Still better than to crash everything, have several years of uncertainties (the result of which will be seen soon with UK as example) just to form something that will (like it or not) look very similar to what we have, if not worse. Now that we're in a union smaller countries can influence on possible changes; if we crash everything it will be as Germany says. Do you want that?

I like satire too, well written :)

>implying I want to fix anything
>implying derailing the train isn't the only way to change tracks at this point

Wew lad

You and I both know that no one voted to stay in the UK because of muh EU.

>If they're not offered a referendum they will secede,
No they won't because it'll just be a referendum on being in the UK, they won't be in the EU regardless of what way they vote.

I'm taking some years of "uncertainties" (oh no) over the slow and possibly irreparable descend into the turd world ruled by some faceless oligarchs and kikes.

And yes, I'd pick Germany over that, even though I doubt it would come to that. Things weren't so shit before the EU, it's pretty far fetched to assume that they'll be utter shit after it.

Not to mention Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays' stock both froze today.
The idea that coordinating labour and use of resources globally destroyed the economy? By what mechanism?

Will you dumb niggers chill

It hasn't even been a week are you guys too young to remember the last 8 years of stocks this drip isn't even the biggest recently. It's temporary volatility as investors try to feel out what happens to the Euro

Of course things like this don't transition smoothly. It's a fact of life in every way. You can't take a part of a whole and abruptly pull it away and expect no stress as both sides try to regain a sense of balance.

But for this to happen at all it had to be abrupt. And things may take a years to fully settle down, but when they do, the UK will be the better for it.

Pointing out that there is turbulence is no argument against having done it, because both sides should have expected that. It only comes across as your ignorance or stupidity or that you're fear mongering.

The only thing they haven't predicted is RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS