> Catolikeks
Other urls found in this thread:
>a religious man trying to spread love
What has out society come to
Now if he only convince those retards tp go to church every day and stop obsessing youtube...
>Accepts queers
>Kisses mudslimes feet
Thank fuck I'm Protestant, absolutely embarrassing.
>I'm a hypocrite and it shows
>I'm Protestant
Literally WHO are any of those """stars"""?
I'm sorry Mohammed, does that offend Allah?
When do you think was the last time any of those people went to church on Sunday?
Wait, is that real? Who are they?
Also, no DSP. i'm disappointed...
god stop embarrassing yourself
>Youtube Stars
>Implying I'm a methodist
Irrelevant country pls, do we need to come and fuck your shit up again?
>mfw you prob won't see a based pope in your lifetime
kill me f@m
Well, my gran always told me the Pope was the Antichrist, but I'm starting to think she's right.
Literally WHO?
I don't recognise any of those
The old guy is the pope.
>not (insert same fucking protestant shit here)
pls you will break up into pieces anyways. I hope Scots will have their referendum
What a cuck. I can't believe Catholics practically worship the pope. Shit, I'm really starting to think this guy's the false prophet.
>Can see my flag but posts something from Norway
I can see you typing furiously on your outdated keyboard desperately trying to find articles that prove your point.
You adorable little slanty fucker you.
The most liberal city in the country
MatPat is okay, he makes money from being an autistic man child catering to other autistic man children
the church has been infiltrated
papa francisco is a heretic and not my pope
>mfw only recognize Matt from game theorists
As I said earlier, same shit different brand
Look, there he goes again! His little yellow fingers are almost a blur as he hammers them away on his worn, graying keyboard.
"That'll show him" he mumbles through his second helping of dog his mother had stewed the night before.
>I'm an idiot who doesn't understand the desire for self-preservation.
Really makes you think
Who are these people? Shitty LPers?
only one i recognize is matpatt
what kinda pope u want senpai?
Always funny seeing people throw out their principles for whatever reason.
>b-but we have to get with the times
get real.
>Live in super conservative catholic country
>Huge-ass meets once or twice a year to celebrate holidays
>Pope Spic shows up on TV while at the dinner-table
>Grandma and Great-Grandma start ripping on him how he is not the true pope because he is a filthy shitskin
>Family starts talking how he was only chosen because of this diversity bullshit all over the world
>Say they even preferred the German one over this guy
These are the moments when I truly love my Potatorepublic, Franco is the Barrack Hussein Obama of popes and not my pope.
This Pope Fago should visit Club Pulse to "spread tolerance".
> start ripping on him how he is not the true pope because he is a filthy shitskin
He's Argentinian though
My sides
>hello fellow children
Christianity being disgusting once again