ITT: movies that trigger our fragile Sup Forums friends

ITT: movies that trigger our fragile Sup Forums friends

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All movies

>Libshits spread their anti-white propaganda all over this site and everywhere else for years
>They get upset and literally cry when people have had enough and finally decide to stand up against them

This is entirely your own fault, and you know it. We own this site now, deal with it.

Pretty much anything really.

any movie that features a man who isnt white

He's right tho.

Jesus you guys are cringey as hell

>Since the inauguration every day has been a victory
>since election night the liberals have rampaged across the United States and carried on like children
>they make theese petty threads everyday
>and it is Sup Forums that is "triggered"

Your tantrums bring nothing but laughter and amusement

Anything. Literally anything.

Day of the rope soon, libshit.

At that point it is no longer a movie and has become propaganda, my trilby wearing friend.

I don't think so.

>complain about Sup Forums non stop
>spend all day making threads about them

I voted for Trump. You dumb neckbeards are still constantly triggered tho.

But I'm not a liberal. That's what's funny. You keyboard warriors are convinced that there's a socialist in every corner trying to make you get gay married or something. If you reaized how incredibly stupid you sound you'd be embarrassed. I'm embarrassed for you.

Imagine being so delusional that you can't accept other people having a different opinion than you. Although I guess that's why your queen lost. Sad!

8 years, btw. :^)

>I-i'm not a liberal! I'm super "alt-right" like you guys!

I know goy, can't you believe it?

>he made fun of jewish fairy tales and fat people


8 glorious years. I can open a mine with all the salt. :)

>the dictator is anti-white propaganda
>anyone who disagrees with me is libshit
>ur only mad because I have a different opinion
no, what is happening is you are a dumb teenager who got sucked into Sup Forums memes

By salt you mean jewish cum.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

No this is simply liberal projections spiraling out of control

Oh god no. But I appreciate you identifying yourself this way so we can all know you're not worth listening to. If you would, please tattoo "alt-right warrior" on your forehead so no one will ever be bothered wasting their time, it'd be a big help.

8 more years of this. I hope you realize this is all your fault, btw. Maybe it'll finally motivate you to get a job and stop being a leech on society. :)

Yes goy, It will be glorious.

This thread, apparently

oh damn I watched the academy awards
welp I guess America is fucked guys, sorry, my bad

Reminder that your queen lost and the American people choose freedom. But I guess the idea of people disagreeing with you is too much for your little liberal brain to handle, that's why you rely on the mainstream media to think for you. :^)

It's more of a challenge to tell which movies doesn't trigger our aspie Sup Forums neighbors

grandpa is that you?

How can I lose if I never participated?
Remember who your owners are.

8 more years. 8 more glorious years. :)

You seem awfully happy about being cucked.

>anti-white propaganda
You people really are fucked in the head

>those 2003 emoticons
what year were you born old man

>laugh at Hillary for being overconfident about winning the election
>spout "8 more years" every 5 seconds
I know you're trying to come off as smug and cool, but you're really just coming off as a retard

good (((Sup Forumsster)))


ITT: movies that trigger our fragile /leftypol/ friends

he was a good friend

We own this site now. Don't you get it? You lost. Deal with it. :)

>thread about easily triggered Sup Forumstards
>Sup Forumstard unironically posts triggered responses
everything seems to be in order here carry on

>If it's not literally nazi ideals it's WHITE GENOCIDE!1!!
listen to yourself for fucks sake, seek medical help or something

Harold and Kumar probably

Could you maybe post something anyone has heard of?

>8 more glorious years. :)


Trump is going to destroy America you fucking retard. You'll still be buying cheap Chinese products, but this time the companies that own those products won't be American. No manufacturing jobs will ever come to America. The US dollar will be replaced, by the Euro or the Yuan or something third. America will make a trade agreement with the UK, lol. A country with a collapsing economy thanks to Brexit. I guess you guys can give each other handjobs as the ship sinks.

America is irrelevant and outside of the few wars in the Middle East America's influence is dwindling.

Good bye, Americuck. First and free world bids you farewell.

>liking Trump and being a racist edgelord is no longer the cool thing on Sup Forums
>quick do some damage control
>W-we own this site now :^) get over it!

8 years. Hope you have your crayons and coloring books ready. :)

I guess I can condescend to the level of plebeians for you user...

I have only seen the beginning of this movie. A friend played it for me while I was in Spain (this was in 2001).

A few years ago I heard the ending speech in a song. But I didn't know the speech was from that movie.

I need to watch it.

I have a question. Won't Trump's wall and his plan to deport illegal mexicans deny the american capitalists an abundant and cheap labor force? And won't that, in adition of punishing them for moving their operations abroad, end up hurting the bussyness owners?


>this is what Sup Forums unironically enjoys

>muh pol
>meme chaplin movie

bye rddit

forgot image

So who gets to be the new big guy after america is done memeing itself out of power?
I vote for australia and canada

>I have nothing of value to say so I'm going to repeat the same bullshit so I feel like I won
just because it works when your Daddy annoyingly does it doesn't mean it'll work on an anonymous imageboard.

It's about the decolonization of certain African countries. Let me sum it up for you:

>colonial powers make no effort whatsoever, despite being there for centuries, to improve the native's situation
>they're fine as they are for manual labor and doing the things deemed not worthy or too hard for colonials
>colonials are forced to abandon their possessions
>some outraged dingbats make a documentary about the natives acting like they've always acted after the colonials have left

I hope it's not China. The world cannot withstand multiple Warcraft sequels. We're just not strong enough.

For fuck sake lads can we please just talk about some fuckin films


alright alright alright, user. I know you're a simple guy, pic related.

mitigating the success of business owners so that their workers can share in some of that prosperity? isn't that kind of the point of government post-industrial revolution?

I was thinking of buying a book containing all of Pasolini's written work, has anyone read anything by him?

please stop showing them we're triggered

>we own this site

You own Sup Forums, which is unfortunate. Lots of boards don't give a shit about you.

keep spamming, this board will be much better with you banned

>mitigating the success of business owners so that their workers can share in some of that prosperity
that's commie talk

>Butthurt shitskins detected

So you admit that we own you now. Good.



>8 years
You keep repeating it like it means something. I'm not even American, I'm glad you morons elected a complete fool to lead you. Now I get to watch a country I don't like slowly deteriorate.

Prices will rise, but your shitty minimum wage job will still pay $7.25/hr. You'll have to pay huge import duties on everything you buy, or buy American, which is twice the price of everything else.

>8 years
You voted for him, now you have to live with it for 8 years.

yes, reddit has owned this place for quite some time now

Iv been too busy to read his poetry, but its on my list of stuff to get to. Iv heard that his Heretical Empiricism is amazing. If I could make a suggestion the biography Pasolini Requiem by Barth David Swartz is a great resource and gives backstory on pasolini's written and cinematic works.

Are you ironically trying to pretend to be a Sup Forumstard to make fun of them? I can't even tell anymore.



>So you admit that we own you now. Good.
and everyone's quickly getting sick of your shit. So don't worry, it won't be for long.

Thanks for the recommendation user, I might buy that actually. I hadn't heard of it before. I was thinking of buying the collection of his essays called 'In Danger'.

Apparently Fassbinder was a playwright, too.

How long will Sup Forums remain right wing with trump in office? I give it 6 months until commie, the contrarianism will eat itself

embarrassing-tier post

you mean you would put all the salt in a mine? or you would sell the salt and buy a mine?

It's probably going to take him more than 6 months to tank the economy. I'll give it a year or two, if Congress doesn't block half the crazy shit he's proposing.

Sup Forums secretly loves stalin, I can't wait to see that handsome devil posted everywhere

havn't watched any fassbinder yet, what would you recommend?

>literally nothing in reply
>1 pic of an ugly guy seeking approval
>vs 10+ pics of clearly autistic edgelords

this was a /fa/ meet up and has nothing to do with what you're talking about

there are hilarious images of a Sup Forums meet up if you'd rather use that

No, the people didn't choose. The electoral college chose.

They're not my friends.

Putin chose

memes aside, I really liked his speech at the end of the movie

actually, asian-moot owns this site

he chose wisely

no cause the 3 million votes in California were all illegal immigrants. Cause the Democrats were really worried about carrying California. It makes perfect sense guy trust me

he always does

I've only seen two of his movies so far. I really liked Fox and His Friends, although the other one I saw, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, is probably more accessible. The story behind it is pretty funny though.
>Fassbinder gets Morrocan male lover to play the lead in his anti-racist film
>later gets married and lets the Morrocan literally cuck him
>Morrocan ends up stabbing three people so Fassbinder smuggles him out of Germany to France
>ends up going to jail in France and hanging himself in his cell
That was less funny and more dark and sad now that I've told it

The electoral college is still the one that chooses

Not that guy, but I'd recommend 'Berlin Alexanderplatz' and 'World on a Wire'.

thats /fa/? hahaha Thats exactly how I imagine they look