We're not sorry.
We're not sorry
thank you OP
Fucking racist.
Im a fucking racist.
Did you make that?
It's excellent, and should be shared worldwide.
It seems we're the first to see that before it gets hundreds of thousand of views. Feels good tbqh
It's a mirror of this one
Why should we apologise for something we are good at, and which benefits all involved?
It's a mirror upload, obviously.
Download it. Re-upload it. Spread it.
>imperialism, nationalism and subjugation of natives isn't a bad thing
>also Jews are really evil for being nationalistic and subjugating poor Palestinians
I mean, it's a 3 minutes video, is being consistent in your worldview really that hard?
Sup Forums isn't one person
Uh, what? The person who made that video is one person. At least the one who narrates is, unless he has a twin brother with identical voice who really hates Jews.
Might is right bitch nigga
>also Jews are really evil for being nationalistic and subjugating poor Palestinians
Are they?
>wanting kek dead
kill yourself
Then why does that video condemn Jews for what they did to Palestinians? Clearly they are stronger.
That's what the video says!
Good video.... must be shared...
Look at India, lesser Korea, under white rule, strict laws were upheld and the caste system was discouraged and attempts made to dismantle it.
India gets self determination, hundreds of millions of people in abject poverty, gang rape / murders occur regularly, the caste system has made a huge comeback, and with it the return of the untouchables.
Yes, whites tend to get the better end of the stick, but we had to do all the thinking g to fix their bloody mess.
this is so counterproductive lol
as soon as a normie hears hoax and holocaust in the same sentence they will stop listening
>>also Jews are really evil for being nationalistic and subjugating poor Palestinians
i personally never believed that, i just don't give a fuck about the israeli palestinian conflict, i want both the kikes and the muzzies dead, i'm not taking sides
Jesus m8, I don't really care to argue pro or contra colonialism. I'm just finding the inconsistency in the video funny.
That's a valid viewpoint, I suppose.
For once I agree with you Flip
Muslims will conquer Europe without using a single weapon. In fact, Europeans will fight against each others to have the right to be conquered by Islam.
If you don't want to argue politics, why are you here?
I think it's pointing out their hypocrisy, they attack us on universal moral grounds, (you bear the guilt of imperialism, war, ect) while living in conquered clay and oppressing Palestinian untermenschen. It is obviously their land as long as they can hold on to it, but we should be aware of this hypocrisy at the heart of every Israel supporting person who attacks is on universal moral grounds.
That's a good question!
Most liberals condemn Israel, though.
Oy fucking vey!
Many liberal and conservative Jews and Christians fully support Israel while condemning white ethnic nationalism. They are the target here
Good, we don't want them.
You mean all?
Would be better without the antisemitic undertones. Israelis proved that jews are nation patriotic and not sniveling cowards. Netanyahu even absolved us of our guilt by blaming a mufti for the holocaust, but our leftists love the "so sorry" narrative too much.
>also Jews are really evil for being nationalistic and subjugating poor Palestinians
Calm down sub-Korea nobody even mentioned the jooz.
The video shows with Soros and Barbara advocates of multiculturalism who just so happen to be Jewish but makes no reference to Judaism or Israel.
In fact it exclusively attacks the "left", black apartheid states and Saudi Arabia.
Sadly the wonderful person who has made this video likely will be sued where at the part there is the feminist sluts mainly that big fat snorlax bitch raging, if she wants she can openly now sue the creator of this video because they have put her in the video without her permission, whilst it sounds stupid, recently the youtube ToS had changed and it is now not legal to do so otherwise, and them being feminists, expect some sort of breach.
It's a proxy.
>makes no reference to Judaism or Israel
It shows you this image at one point in the video. Well, and it makes references to Holocaust.
This video was commissioned by the Russian state department to stir up political unrest in NATO countries, fyi.
Compare with: youtube.com
Obviously made by the same graphics design team. Yes, team. You're getting played by the Ruskies. (and I do agree with the contents of the video, but don't be a tool)
South & Central American will be the last bastion of Christianity.
NATO itself is doing far more to stir up political unrest in NATO countries than this video ever could.
And this one? youtu.be
Anything that criticizes the globalism puppet of western terrost governments is from vlad. Anything.
t. not globalist interests
There's no way that millions upon millions of the actual citizens of these puppet states are 3 million percent PISSED and SICK OF THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT.
There won't ever be a civil war because of their anti-white policies, never.
Maybe you should learn to comprehend what it is that you're watching, chink.
This one has a similar message and its by Bowden so it has that inspiring feel to it.
>muh feefees
Spread it!
Who cares if some people ignore us. Others will listen.
A frustration is rising in the people of the west.
What image? That of George Soros? Sure he is on of the main backers of the cultural relativists but at no point is so much as a menorah or the star of David or anything that could indentify any of them as jewish shown.
>it makes references to the Holocaust.
So why can't you point them out?
Not that I would accuse you of talking out of your ass...
I just want to kill the jews before they kill me.
It's self-defence at this point.
Seriously though what kind of next level conditioning is this shit that you see pictures of concentration camps flashing past your eyes every time someone disagrees with you?
I don't like most of Central and South America. You guys had cool tribes and history, but you guys are still poorer than pajeet. Good luck though, if what you described happens. Just remain based for me, don't go down the path of Liberalism
keep christ alive pls based brazil
>invade and bomb Middle Eastern countries for the past 50+ years
>get mad when they are """"invading""""
kek do russians really believe they are top shit
Feel bad for the countless whites that will lap that shit up and actually believe slavs are more superior than them
If you think about it, a lot of ISIS's videos are a lot like this
Watch the video about the gold standard in Islamic State, which ISIS' Al Hayat media center made
It is so similar
This was the video in question
Watch the first two videos ITT, then watch the one in my post
Remarkably similar
delete this
pepe does not die
The videos are different, you pleb
>mfw the fire rises
It was a fucking crazy video
Even if you don't agree with ISIS, you have to admit, that was really informative, and should be a real eye-opener to the Western world