Would she make a good Vice President?
For those who don't like her, why?
She works hard, and she isn't afraid to keep trying or to call out the Republicans for doing nothing and being obstructive.
Would she make a good Vice President?
For those who don't like her, why?
She works hard, and she isn't afraid to keep trying or to call out the Republicans for doing nothing and being obstructive.
Who? You mean Pocahontas?
Yeah I get it, she has some native american heritage. And?
>For those who don't like her, why?
she's a anti-white commie
>she isn't afraid to keep trying or to call out the Republicans for doing nothing and being obstructive.
"wah why won't you pass gun grabbing legislation, open borders and muh equal pay?"
She likely has 0.0000000000001% Native heritage. She used that as a ploy to get free college, and still uses it today to garner sympathy for herself, as well as to play the "das raciss" and minority card. She's your typical Tumblr-tier SJW who believes that there's 800 genders and that we should all be no-guns. She's really ugly desu and just looks like someone who would complain and play the woman/Native American card the moment she begins to lose anything (election, board games, etc). She's a weak vp for Hillary because an all woman ticket will likely ostracize men.
And you're a Nazi. Who are you to talk?
I know a family from Oklahoma that uses the """NATIVE AMERICAN""""" card all the time. They get a bunch of extra business because of the special government incentives and shit.
It's fucking bullshit they are evangelical christians not woo woo indians.
Lol. Ya she's super Native American.
Honestly she's a terrible candidate and barely beat a republican in Massachusetts! And she had to hide behind the Gov Patrick every time she was criticised
And she was never attacked for Native American scam/ house flipping scam/ teaching one class for 300,000 and complaining about college fees scam.
She comes off as kind of dumb . It might help Clinton with the bernouts but she would lose any normal dem voter
Have you seen her tweets? She's more crass than Trump.
Her last few speeches, she sounds like a whiney cunt. Like she is on the edge of tears. Reminds me of when my wife is on the rag.
She reminds everyone of the substitute teacher from hell who has 20 cats at home
Clinton won't let her for VP. She will steal her spotlight as first lady president.
12/10, most Indian looking person I've seen.
>doing nothing and being obstructive
If they're elected no the basis of doing nothing and being obstructive in regards to certain policies, then they're doing their job
She is selling out to Clinton for political. Regardless of what you think of her politics she is compromised goods now, just another hack pretending to be an injun
Salty you can't do it?
>She used that as a ploy to get free college
But there are far better options for this election and a Hillary Administration.
Warren should get her ducks in a row and prep for a 2024 run ... or just decide to stay in the Senate and become Majority Leader. She's fucking fantastic where she is right now.
I'm 0,0003% neardenthal as every fucking non-black human. Can i have special treatment too?
Fuck them, I hate whites like that. I know a girl who married a part-Mexican and now all she talks about it Mexican culture, all she eats is Mexican food, she tries to speak broken Spanish. Ridiculous. She never acted like that before. Once she figured out acting like a Mex got her attention, she couldn't stop.
Oklahoma get the fuck out of here.
Not in England
Nah, I'm from a better state than giant wheat field
>She works hard
Considering people like her want to use government to dictate what private businesses and property owners can do she is by definition a fascist.
With goals that are along the lines of Marxian inequality shit but her means are by definition fascism
>call out the Republicans for doing nothing and being obstructive
oh wow what a valuable service
fuck politics lets just whine at each other when we aren't working like a single party
Shed be a fool to take a VP spot
Its a powerless position and career wise she's probably better off not associating herself with Hillary
I hope you're aware Pocahontas wants white people to become a minority in their own cities and neighborhoods. But maybe you don't care because you're a spic.
Google "Warren Pocahantas"
Then fuck off shill
Except she doesn't...
>Wanting to regulate business owners so they don't pull shit like the great recession
Don't know what you're smoking but I want-- actually never mind. You keep it.
Well, as someone that actually lives in the country, and as someone that's more informed on American politics, I'm pretty sure I know what she wants more than a Nazi does. You're actually sounding more like one as you talk, fear mongering whites like that.
Not getting anything. By the way, calling someone a "shill" doesn't mean you don't have to cite your own argument. You probably aren't experienced with debate and rhetoric so I forgive you.
Every few years people start memeing about her again, but it's entirely unclear to me why other than that she doesn't suck total donkey dick or something like that. It's never about what's actually good about her.
Consequently, I've never looked into it.
>implying she wouldn't shoot Hillary with a bow and arrow to kill her in order to get the presidency.
In all honesty, though, some other user said it but Hillary likely won't pick Warren because it takes away the hype from Hillary being first woman president. And we all know how self centered Shillary is.
Thing is about Warren: she's a bitch
>consults Shill playbook
>poster laid out a bunch of facts
>type "Source?" to create doubt in lurkers observing your conversation
>no one will notice you if you reply or don't reply further
Advanced tactics.
Heh heh
You're done buddy, you're finished, you didn't follow the laws of argumentation. I've defeated you.
*sheaths katana*
Maybe next time, kid.
She's a retarded cunt.
Seriously, who is Hillary going to pick? Why have neither picked yet?
I mean, he did reply. If you're gonna shitpost, at least have some intelligence
>if you reply or don't reply further
Nice reading comprehension.
Too bad the lurkers viewing our discussion wont notice that you are tag-teaming this thread on a pay roll.
How does it feel that your career is what we do as a hobby?
Asking someone to cite their source isn't shilling in a political discussion. It's basic common sense.
Yeah, I kinda thought you were trolling.
Saving it for convention. You get a spike in votes when you announce your VP, so if some awful story were to come out about either one, they would likely announce their vp to off set the negativity. Well, actually, something bad comes out about Hillary every day.. People just seem to ignore it.
Yeah but just imagine the next two weeks full of Trump Rallies after she announces her VP. I can't wait.
Man, this is what it's like to be a conservative--to make wild accusations based on paranoia. Tell me, is the sky falling?
Allowing women in politics was a mistake
Because she's a globalist pawn like the rest.
top kek at "works hard" tho
Is it just me, or can anyone else tell that this user a newfag? Something about the way you type.
Because she lied about sharing my heritage to take advantage of affirmative action
She epitomizes ivory-tower academics who have never had to do anything, get any real results, face any actual consequences.
For this reason there's a significant contingent of NPR-listening pseudo-intellectuals (fucking retards) who think she should be made dictator.
Reminder that Elizabeth Warren met with Brianna Wu while GG was going on to try to create some way of banning it in MA
> Unironically thinking Fauxcahontas is a viable VP candidate
Whew lad
She began described herself as a "woman of color" in order to get her gig teaching at Harvard.
You are on a fucking anonymous image board.
I dunno why you testosterone-lacking faggots think we care about formal debate.
This is a place to express feelings about political topics.
You are so shit at subverting non-normies. You should stick to the Reddit division.
Let me talk to your supervisors, you clearly don't deserve your jobs.
>a leaf trying to be an aussie
sad and kind of pathetic desu
Pocahontas needs to fuck off
>me takum scalp from white man
>me takum scalp from aboriginals
>me takum scalp from you
No. She betrayed Bernie and left him to dry.
How did she betray him?
She works so hard that she can spend all day shitposting on twitter about Trump
I'm Geronimo and I say fuck this fucking kike puppet whore bitch.
I pray to God Hillary picks her so she loses in a landslide.
Go ahead and let them run a bitch ticket. I double dog dare them.
really makes me think
>appropriating our culture
I want to fuck her ass...
She profited from foreclosed house-flipping.
How do politicians earning a $$$ salary have $$$$$$$$$ in the bank?
shes about as native american as hitler. see leftist
as for the cunts record, its shit, just like all politicians. they sell there assholes to the highest bidding jew lobbist and from there they fuck off back to there state and wait till election time again. this system is a bad joke and the useful idiots that hold it up are the problem.
source would be REALITY , look into that leftist scumbag i know you run from it alot try embracing it.
why are people on Sup Forums seemingly unable to cite the things they believe?
Democrats consider dipping their hands in the jar and selling access to be a well-earned perk of being an elected official. They do not believe private sector success to be legitimate or deserving of reward, and they see "public service" as the ultimate achievement and the only legitimate way to get rich, even though by default to get rich as a politician you have to be corrupt. And yet their constituents praise them for abusing public office powers for personal enrichment, as if it's some great accomplishment to be proud of.
>she has some native american heritage
She isn't Native American. Has 0% indian blood in her.
It's common knowledge that she lied about her heritage to exploit the system. Would you require a source if someone claimed gravity is real?
>it's common knowledge
>everyone knows
That's a logical fallacy of an argument, not proof.
ban what exactly?
why are leftists so afraid of reality they desperately beg for sources about any and all things that go against the dogma that maddow shits out at them.
If you haven't heard about it and refuse to do a quick google source then you probably don't care whether or not she's a liar.
this cuck thinks he smart. his shill account must be huge and shieettt
>asking someone to cite their source is a leftist thing
I already googled it and couldn't find a reputable source. Do you have anything or just fallacies?
Because you don't understand how logic works. If you agree then you're right. Otherwise, you have yet to provide adequate proof that you're not wrong.
Just look at the eyes. She has the wide eyed nut job stare
I wouldn't trust her with a knife around me
both sides think that. dumocunts and republicucks both sell access to highest bidder. thats why this system dont work.
dip shit sheep like this would say things are fine.
>reports surfaced that she described herself as a minority in a law school directory and was touted as a Native American faculty member while tenured at Harvard Law School in the mid-1990s.
keep shilling kid.
the (((source))) is called real life. go out there and look into it. stupid cuckleftist
next you will say OMG GUISE HES NAME CALLING
that play book is stale shilldawg
he called for help LOL shills are desperate.
What's being shilled here exactly? Expectations of proof with claims?
I don't know why some of you stupid fucks get so confrontational over being asked to back up your words.
Thank you.
>but neither is there any evidence that she benefited professionally from these stories
Kinda settles that then.
you see this shit....this is what the leftist shill kikes will do every time. this is how you spot a dipshit jew
>faggot begs for (((source)))
>says its not reputable.
dont play there game, just shit in there jew hat and laugh at them.
Quick! They're going to downvote this if we don't upvote it enough!
No one gave me a source that I said was not reputable.
>sources for arguments are jewish
its like hillary wants to lose
this is the 3rd line in his shill handbook
>3. claim not shilling by asking (((whats being shilled exactly, can y ou site some sources boobbala)))
ima shit in your mouth again goldburg
oh look its line 4 of the book now
>4. if the goyim know your a jewrat cast some doubt with brillant bullshit like (((sources arent jewish , are you even a human person??)))
chew them turds up goldburg
dont forget to call me a muslim next or a nazi, you dirty jewrat