Give me one logical reason why this plant should be illegal Sup Forums
>pro tip: you literally can't
Give me one logical reason why this plant should be illegal Sup Forums
>pro tip: you literally can't
only fags use it
Because it funds organized crime, stupid
Organized crime doesn't rely on just weed for their funding
it shouldn't but only people that work should be allowed to have it. No student, no neets, no jobless parasites. It would be a pretty strong incentive for these type of people to grow up already.
The Hearst publishing empire couldn't handle the competition for paper made from hemp vs. their holdings in American forests, which they were cutting down for profit.
You gotta go back to 1936/1937 and read up on the retardation going on then. It's pretty insane.
because it creates retards
yea what do you do when gangs dont have as lucrative a business model and resort to kidnapping for the sake of pimping more often
It turns people into complete morons?
That's retarded, what about the disabled who need it as medicine?
Alcohol is far worse for you, but is legal? Also hemp is illegal, which you can't even get high on
Funding CIA ops and other revolutionary shit to destabilize countries.
It's easier to get away with than hard drugs and the populace along with most governments really don't care about Marijuana or are pushing for legalization.
>argue this
>protip: you can't
Sure maybe if all you do in life is smoke weed 24/7, but still shouldn't be illegal.
>let's make this not a crime
>no way we'll be funding crime and criminals
I hate you
because fags like you want it to be legal.
It isn't?
>Alcohol is far worse for you
And if it was legal you would just smoke it 24/7
Alcohol Is legal but do you drink 24/7?
I smoke weed not daily and only before going to sleep, why is that different than my Father for example who enjoys 3 Beers every evening?
Take down entire gangs at once for selling hard drugs along with kidnapping, racketeering, and human trafficking.
It would actually make the job of police, especially narcotics, far easier. You don't have to shift through shit just to put someone away for 6 months max before you make real busts and put away real criminals.
A lot of arrests are made, with having to work overtime with paperwork, just to have them get released or get a misdemeanor at best. Maybe they go to county jail for 6 months to get let off after 1 month for good behavior.
>$100B worth of weed is about 640b tons of weed
>being this retarded
>Alcohol Is legal but do you drink 24/7?
No but more than enough people have ruined their lives as a result. Do you seriously trust the youth these days to regulate consumption of something that makes them feel good? Look at recreational drinking and obesity results from over eating.
>Smells awful
>Hallucinogenic properties affect judgement
>Reduced cognitive abilities and learning capacity
>Stimulation of pleasure centres in the limbic system (leads to extreme "crashes" once the drug wears off)
>Reduction of production of male sex hormones
>Adverse effects on male fertility and female menstrual cycles
And many, many more
I mean, you'll just say "JEW KEK UR WRONG MY LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR AND STUDIES FROM HUFFINGTON POST SAY X, Y, Z!", so I don't even know why I bother posting.
Also, even though illegalisation of marijuana doesn't stop its use entirely, it dramatically reduces it in society. Legalisation would most likely lead to illegal trade of cannabis with dangerously high concentrations of THC, causing even more damage to the population.
'Cause it creates wars
Oh yeah then get this liquor is in my free country legal at age 16 not like in the USA, but teenagers aren't drinking everyday like you'd imagine
Because it pisses off the fucking smelly junkies. That is all the reason it should remain illegal and junkies to be given baton detox.
Because it's not conducive to the good of society. Simple.
Because Godzilla and space nazis will attack us if we legalize it
the plant isn't illegal. making drugs out of it is.
Because its used by traumatized idiots that cant deal with their problems so they seek escape from reality in drugs that make them happy and dumb like monkeys. And changes on personality are almost permanent. If it was legal then everyone would just smoke it 24/7 due to price drop, and 99% of people would be retarded as fuck
>that 99% of people arent already retarded as fuck
OP, for people with IQs above 120 who toke on the regular, you are doing us a great disservice. It's this sort of poorly thought out drivel that prevents a skeptic or detractor from entering any manner of meaningful dialogue, be it usage, statistics, legalization, medical research benefits, sizeable tax revenue, etc.
From your few shortly worded responses, refutation of the central point of arguments against is clearly going to be a stretch for you. I'll give you a hand here and there, but honestly, the majority of people who think the prohibition of a fucking plant should continue while big pharma rapes the poor with opiates and alcohol continues to kill millions per year are likely incapable of critical thought.
Why you gotta ruin my fun user, why?
I love weed, but would gladly see it continue to be illegal because of the butthurt it causes to libs. Triggered libs feels better than all the weeds
They call those people addicts user.
Whether it be coffee addicts, heroin addicts, cigarette addicts, alcoholics, or Marijuana addicts.
I would say with absolute certainty that potheads are only prevalent because it is illegal. Regular people do not search for drug dealers to use Marijuana recreationally like they would with alcohol. It's a sketchy pain in the ass compared to going to the beer distributor.
Plus, pothead dealers are fucking idiots while the smartest ones try to sell you shit. No proper strain identification and no quality control. They sell high school kids along with other idiots hot oregano but call it blue dream.
If it was in stores, you would finally see people go out and buy a joint like they would a 6 pack on the weekends.
Because it breeds degenerates like you
RICO predicate. Even a low level goon can be charged with the nastiest shit any member of an organized crime group is accused of. Kinda bullshit, but ultimately better for society.
Legalize everything. If degenerates want to kill themselves, let them. Just stop paying for welfare and health services for them. You want to use drugs, fine, be my guest, but pay the consequences yourself. You can NOT provide an adequate argument against this. A man has a right to do what he wants with his own body so long as it doesn't negatively impact others. And of course working, driving, operating machinery, etc is illegal on drugs such as it is with alcohol. Only I think the punishments should be far worse.
Homelessness should also be a shoot-on-sight crime. (I mean living in a tarp in an alley and shitting in the city river, not the young professional live-in-your-car adventure.) Tired of these shitstains ruining our cities.
>transporting illegal drugs funds cartels and gangs
>hurr that's why we shouldn't legalize it -- bong
Have your tea, Nigel.
Also, the CIA makes a fortune off drug smuggling. I want to legalize drugs to spite them.
I'm one of them. Been hospitalized 3 times, rehab twice. Organ failure. Hands are shaking like a leaf (lol weed) right now.
Just threw up, had the shits twice in 15 minutes, had to drink half a bottle of wine to stop shaking
Yay for alcohol!
its another intoxicant like alcohol.
the long term negative health effects dont appear to be as bad as alcohol.
But i've seen alcoholics thrive and excel. I've only seen pot addicts kind of survive.
There is a huge problem with a lot of pot smokers thinking smoking and driving is fine, unlike drinking and driving which nobody defends, thats gonna cause some big problems when legalized. Everyone I know that smokes think its fine to drive.
The culture will be 1000x worse than alcohol, drinking is already stupid as shit, but look
at what talent pot culture has created.
this should be the only argument for why there should be an intelligence test to use intoxicants.
Yep, that's another thing. Cutting down hardwoods to make toilet tissue is retarded. I'd rather use hemp, which is essentially a little plant that grows up in under a year. Fuck the logging industry, I'm tired of companies and corporations having a stranglehold on our national policies.
Reduced sperm count in use, thus black users will have a harder time impregnating the white race.
I think it's time for you to leave back to R*ddit, sir
>thousands die due to alcohol poisoning, drink driving, alcoholism
>alcohol tears families apart
>drink too much and you start throwing up your guts
>inb4 dude weed lmao
You're retarded if you think alcohol is safer than weed.
They dont understand that while high on weed you are too dumb to do anything except laugh like maniac and watch stupid shit like brainwash chineese cartoons
Something as abstract as the 'good of society' is entirely subjective. What if I disagree with your ideas on what is truly good for society? What if millions disagree? Should the will of a majority influence the lives of the minority? Why?
i dont give a shit if its illegal, its easy as fuck to get anyways
I thought that but I had sex with my wife twice sometimes 3 times a day then 2 years into our relationship I started smoking pot. A year later she gets pregnant, and then a few months later we have another one.
This desu. Cars kill like 30,000 people a year. Imagine every year an entire small city just vanishes. If these fags wanted to save lives they would illegalize private vehicles and mandate public transport (when possible.) No one against drugs gives a shit about lives really, they just don't like drug addicts, which is fair because they are human pond scum and deserve death. Still, legalize it, being a druggie is no worse than being a furry or a 2hu figma hot gluer.
That's irresponsible use of alcohol, the same is true for the majority of legal substances. Alcohol can be consumed daily with zero negative consequences if you aren't a fucking retard
except the worst thing that can happen from weed is passing out, and from alcohol you can die
>640 billion tons is 100 billion dollars
You might have misplaced the b, but I will call you retarded anyway.
The CIA isn't the federal government user. It's not Congress lobby pork. It only takes a few million dollars to put an AK in the hands of millions.
Now you cut it into thousands along with millions of rounds of ammo plus some rpg's, pkm, dragonov or just Mosins with modern scopes, and you have a full fledged, armed, and funded revolution on your hands. Most revolutions are just to destabilize nations too.
The only time you will really get into the double digit millions are if you are pulling a full fledged coup (majority of the money goes to bribery), using US trainers and special forces to push the rebels into a government, or the support was signed by Congress.
A few hundred artillery pieces along with ATGMs will cost as much as 5k AKs with a few million rounds.
That's what they want you to think
Are you 70+ years old?
those stereotypes are dated and smell like old people dirty socks
Have you ever had a concious thought you dense cunt?
How can a cup of beer per day be worse than a fucking psychoactive drug? Fuck off.
This is true perhaps for glass of wine with dinner, as some are rich in antioxidants. Beer, though, is just empty carbs.
Fun fact: hops and cannabis are almost genetically identical.
I think you're failing to grasp the concept of a psychoactive substance user
If you're saying a cup of beer you would have to comoare it to maybe half a cone, which wouldnt even get you high. Nuce work choosing your own parameters
Keeping it illegal has not worked so why lose by letting cartels make all the money as well as bringing gangs and crime into the equation.
Legalize it and tax it. It will not only bring revenue from tax dollars but it will also create jobs.
I also think our police force both state and federal level would be spending their time better by fighting real problems like heroin and meth.
but thats wrong tho, there are two ways that weed really fucks with you
1. if you smoke so constantly that your body is always in a state of daze from smoking
2. if you smoke more weed than you need to get high, if you just keep smoking and smoking
these are both things that dumb teenagers who have all the time in the world on their hands do, if you smoke rarely and just enough to feel good then there is literally nothing wrong with it
The worst thing is that I have to get a job and don't want to be drug tested, so im stuck with drinking and the occasional gift from the dentist, which is terrible for the body and is fattening and depressing
I used to smoke weed and think it was degenerate because i hated all my old friends who smoked, but now I wish I could legally light up without it potentially ruining my life because of 'the law'
also I will never understand the
>no drugs
>no alcohol
>no tobacco
meme, everyone has their drug, if you ever meet someone who is completely sober they are always OBSESSED with either god, running, or some other autistic thing that rules their life, and I dont mean hobbies, they just drug themselves with something else
I tend to binge videogames when i go sober
>scientifically proven facts
>hurr beer not bad hurr reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i surprised you can use a computer.
>Trying to compare drugs with alcohol
just buy your shit from a drug dealer and fuck off, stop trying to make excuses, weed is a shit worse than alcohol. Fucking degenerate. Enjoy your IQ loss.
>something is illegal
>"fuck the law i'll do what i want"
>something is illegal unless you have job
>smells awful
you are objectively wrong, I bet you think fine cheeses smell bad, or think all tobacco smells the same
No reason to be honest. Still think whoever uses it is a fag desu but it's better than it being illegal.
Why should only Cartels profit?
>Hurr durr, weed is so safe, look at this one article here, don't mind the others 938943 that I ignored that says the otherwise.
Could you try again, but with more hard evidence and less baseless conjecture? You're so close to finding a point to make.
Pot smells like rank skunk ass and cheese is literally animal pus.
RICO cases are handled by the feds.
The feds are monkeys that will slow a case down horribly while they Mr Magoo the investigation and waste the time of cops. But they can hit them with nasty shit.
Narcotics in departments are the ones that are on the front line and get most of their time wasted by Marijuana busts.
They can take down hard drugs and fuck entire gangs without issue if they no longer had to waste time, money, and effort busting people with Marijuana. The street cops can deal with that like illegal cigarette distribution.
Plus, unlike the feds, they don't give gang leaders informant immunity just to inflate arrest numbers along with overtime (federal overtime pay is delicious).
They will actually take down gangs and gang leaders along with the small fish. Police narcotics get delicious (and rightfully earned) overtime for making huge busts like that. Big city departments promote people, and at the very least, give you a pay bonus for doing that.
Honestly I'm torn.
On one side it's an extremely useful and versatile plant that has a light entertainment value, that's only slightly dangerous if you have no sense of responsibility and moderation.
On the other side, I love to see angry pissed off stoners when yet another rejection of legal marijuana comes in.
I'll continue to have the odd cheeky spliffy now and again, and I'll keep laughing at you fucks every time a copper takes it off you or a judge tells you that you can't have it. Best of both worlds.
It funds cartels and is a gateway drug to more addictive dangerous drugs.
>Brazilian intellectual
show me these thousands of respectable articles proving the health risks of smoking weed
Im not saying it makes sense but this is why it will never be truly legalized.
It only funds cartels because it's illegal you fukn mong
>le slippery slope fallacy
It makes you dope
Let's legalize & tax heroin and cp while we're at it. this a serious post?
>A year later she gets pregnant, and then a few months later we have another one.
>a few months
>another one
Hol' up there, what?
he can'the is just mad his poison is just that. poison. look how retarded he is already.
Except everything you said is wrong, Diego.
too many cups of beer for this monkey
Please legalize it already u cocksuckers. Im tired of the fucking shootings and beheadings
Why wouldn't it be? Marijuana is one of the most usefull and versatile sources of natural sustainable industrial ingredients around but will never be fully legalized because the large corporations would be threatened by its utilization.
use your internet.
people use internet like TV this days.
No joke, Mexifriend, I'm 100% with you on this one. Los Zetas estan animales. Y donde esta la policia? Lo siento por usted, y chinga todos los gringos que no entienden.
Just grow more, it's a fucking plant
If someone else wants to use it you can just increase the supply, jesus
legalize it - fine with me. but ban anyone with it in their system from cars, motor bikes, etc.
>implying the use of hemp is not heavily regulated
This is problematic, as traces of cannabinoids can be found in hair follicles months and months after the fact. Where is the threshold? Should passing a field sobriety test suffice? I'm not arguing for driving while impaired, make no mistake - it's a needless risk that selfishly ignores the safety of those around you - but a zero tolerance policy or policy predicated upon biased or incomplete research could potentially lead to the same kind of unjust police revenue machine that is so prevalent today, even with legalization and decriminalization taking hold in more and more states.
so fucking what? all comes at a price. yes, I'd take hair tests and also fuck 'em stoners over if they have been drinking too much.
I am for legalization, but there has to be a price tag.
Prepare yourselves, Sup Forums, I'm going to give a reason for legalizing it that you CANNOT refute -
It doesn't turn you into a retard with no inhibition.
dude weed lmao
No he's a slav
Slavs are against marihuana for some reason
>using is the same thing as abusing or ODing
you are being emotional. and you don't make sense. you should pay the price if you are intoxicated, not because there are traces from 2 months ago in your system.
THC-COOC is not very expensive to test. first swipe 'em, let the bastards piss, shred drivers licence and give it back if 1 year negative for anything he/she had in the system.
works well herr.
Oh. okay. I hope he gets better. that seems like a dangerous condition.
You are at fault for being a retard, no need to ban it for responsible people. Same goes for weed and LSD
>I am intelligent and alcohol is worse than weed
>money should be spent elsewhere and I'm also extremely intelligent therefore my argument is valid
>*tips fedora*
You are using many "smart" words, but in the end, this remains of your argument.
Big Daddy Government said it's bad