Based Chink manhandles niggress after chimping out in his nail salon
Fuckin lol
vid faggot
vid faggot
And this is why asians will rule the world if the white race cucks itself to extinction, assuming they learn from our mistakes and never trust the jew.
lol, this is the only acceptable way to deal with a rampaging sheboon. If a white person did this it would be top CNN story for days. based asian.
When will this meme end?
>actual science a meme
let me guess you own a couple of businesses
because a college science degree in biology
was a scam ?
Holy fuck lmao
Please just let this be one of you guys
gee i wonder if its a white nationalist pretending to be a muslim girl to incite racial division.
holy fuck some of the comments from the niggers on there are hilarious
Its not like its not an obvious troll account
I can't help it niggers are just that stupid
>mfw some white girl calls me out after hours of trolling dindus
She probably gets wet for Asians.
You're overdoing it Ingrid
>le white boogeyman :^)
>implying that's not what white nationalists do
great vid.
one of the biggest problems with blacks is that their behavior often goes unpunished.
we also have a "whites caused black problems" narrative that goes completely unchallenged, its even encouraged to think this way.
i know some people want blame genetics 100%, but things would be a lot better if society was more honest.
more than anything, blacks care what people think about them. we've removed that judgment from the equation and the result is tragic.
white nationalists have become highly political lately. they are constantly false flagging and trying to shift opinion with "consensus cracking."
they are still fucking peanuts compared to every other political group
Need the video outside of jewbook. I've never set foot in there and I am not about to now even if it's for a chimpout.
>our country
Based chinks don't give a fuck
I've had mixed experiences with vietnamese in the states, but some of them are based as fuck.
where's the fucking video?
Why are people surprised ,Vietnam is basically China without money .
Good call, my weeaboo friend. Never support the e-Jew if you can avoid it. Social media involving personal identification is a tremendously dangerous thing.
>implying chinks who run nail salons aren't niggers...
>opening their own businesses
>not just collecting welfare
c'mon user
>niggers are capable of entrepreneurship
Nope. Vietfags might be substandard compared to other races, but they're not even close to niggers.
>I don't think you want to be monitored, just a heads-up
Monitored by whom, mystery man?
>Using Facebook
>Using Twitter
>Using Instagram or whatever bullshit the kids use
Free yourselves, because those insidious netwoks will steal your independence, threaten your employment, provide a route for you to be attacked for expressing your beliefs and encourage you to self-censor for upvotes. It actively rewards conformist behaviour. This place does the same to a certain extent, but at least here your identity isn't tied to everything you say, for everyone from your family to your employers to the police to review at leisure.
tl;dr social media is a hateful, hateful blight on this age.
but they like to pretend they're responsible for things, like the rise of the alt-right and Trump.
Why can't niggers just admit they're wrong? You don't get to act like this just because you're having a bad day. You can get pretty close in the restaurant industry but you don't push up on people like that, she looked ready to strike right before Bruce Lee caught her forearm and yolked her ass out of the store.
>that whole screenshot
Im surprised that cunts weave held up
this thread
Vietnamese are a great race.
All the arrogance of the french with the sociopathic nature of the yellow man.