So can someone remind me why racemixing is bad without using buzzwords?
Why do you care if people hundreds of years from now may or may not have the same skin tone as you? Is having a low melanin count really a source of pride for you people? Dont you have anything else to be proud of in your life?
So can someone remind me why racemixing is bad without using buzzwords?
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>So can someone remind me why racemixing is bad without using buzzwords?
It's great for your kids if you're a nigger.
Do you want your kids to have 100% of your genius or 50% of your genius?
>melanin is the only difference between races
Not the best meme out there desu.
Why do your pic related got all that plastic surgery to look as white as possible? Pure coincidence, I'm sure
Just look at us
this, cuckposter absolutely BTFO by this chink
We do
This, Brazil used to be a superpower before they mixed
because when you average 9 and 8 you get 8.5
when you average 9 and 5 you get 7
do your children a favor and give them the best future you can, not just bedding and marrying the first girl that shows even a little interest.
This. Brazil is a prime example on why not to racemix.
>before they racemixed
Brazil was literally colonized by race-mixing. Portugal never had the size to populate it, so we bred the Indians with the blacks and whites and then bailed with the gold.
what a pretty grill :3
race mixed people are not accepted anywhere except brazil and usa
>he thinks race is just skin tone
Skin color is a simple identifier; by itself, it would be meaningless.
Have you read liar game? There is a game they play in one of the volumes relating to antidotes and infected. Basically 2 antidotes breeding with each other creates an antidote plus 2, the more non infected you connect with, the stronger antidote you make, however if you accidentally breed w an infected as a non infected its minus 5 antidotes sending you into infected unless you had more than plus 5. Basically niggers are the infected, unless your genes are very good breeding with one will send you into nigger territory and bring them slightly higher. No matter what if you are an antidote breeding with the nig will drop your genetic line.
There's nothing fundamentally wrong race mixing, it's just that shitskins exist
East Asians are white
Damn, this
What are you supposed to do in these countries if you are high-test?
>genocide is now a buzzword
Yea, how about we make jews 1/5th of the population of Israel and see how that goes.
fuck yourself
How can there be diversity, if you destroy diversity by race mixing?... Then keep in mind eventually the jews will declare their race is superior because theyre of pure blood.....
Is all racemixing done with east asians or those with a verified IQ equal to whites? Because if not... yes, race mixing is terrible.
Even if intelligence isn't being knocked down a notch, mass race mixing is lethal to culture.
Just ask yourself this simple question:
"Am I ok with my kids looking nothing like me and being nothing like me?"
If you are, then go nuts, racemix. But I promise you when your kid comes out looking like a gook, brown eyes and all, you'll feel it in your heart. You'll secretly will wish the kid was like you.
Because whites are better than blacks, and mixing with a black as a white hurts your offspring.
It's advantageous for blacks to mix with whites though.
Most of the faggots on this board are still kissless NEETs. Keep that in mind whenever you hear these faggots talk about "muh IQ, muh bloodlines and sheeeid".
There is nothing wrong with racemixing, it produces the strongest and most beautiful offspring.
Race mixing is only acceptable if your culture is dominant, and/or you aren't leaving to someone else's country to do it.
Also no darkies.
Good lad
What's wrong with having skin that doesn't get you burned for just going outside?
>white genes are completely and 100% recessive
Some master race there bud
Glad you see things the way they are
This is a lie.
Hybrid vigor only works for a couple generations, then the garbage genes coalesce into one generic organism.
Selective breeding only works when undesirable offspring are culled.
Look at dogs.
Mutts all have the same generic "dingo" look.
Can't track as well as a bloodhound.
Can't hunt as well as a Labrador.
Not as strong as a rottweiler.
No specialization.
That's what will happen to humans.
It took this planet 200,000 to create the races- racemizing destroys all that advancement.
I wouldn't call it bad aquafresh, but it can cause issues with things like organ donors and bone marrow if you're mixed
people really exaggerate with the whole mixing thing, the obsession is a joke, it's going to take thousands of years for it to happen but people think that everyone from the white race is going to have to make babies with people of other races and then vanish forever within that 1 generation. people on Sup Forums are retards, you're asking a question like this to people who probably came home from their down syndrome day care school
The valedictorian at my mostly white school has been black for the past three years.
It's not bad when a white man does it with an asian woman, the problem is just all the other combinations.
An anecdote is not an argument.
Mind explaining your logic behind this?
Race is more than skin tone, you fucking idiot. We've have threads on this literally every single day for years. And I'm sure another one will be up, with another OP feigning ignorance to basic facts, within the hour.
I completely agree. These radical cuntservatives need to see
It's more a matter of culture. It only has taken not even 200 years for different European cultures to mix in the United States and create a "culture" that is pretty generic and that is with actual white people who at least shared some basic heritage traits.
Add in niggers, mudslimes, beaners, chinks, etc and roll that all into one. If it's anything at all, it is a culture of shit.
How are whites "better" though?
Racemixing seems to lead to a higher occurrence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Even the babies want to kill themselves.
Because I value my heritage and wish to preserve it while you value your genital impulses like a nigger.
that cultural thing is globalisation and it's happening everywhere, everyone is switching to a more monolithic culture of 1 with slight differences per country really unless they don't really have much connection to internet tv radio etc
Wouldn't mixing in non-whites solve the problem that arises from white people sharing basic heritage traits making a boring culture? Also culture has never ever existed in a vacuum m8. Read a history book and it's chocked full of different cultures and people mixing and meshing to create new ones
It's how it works
And do you consider this a positive thing?
Try lurking for more than ten minutes.
only asians and whites are attractive
and the asian man - white woman combination is bad because gooks are fucking autistic. now that's not really a huge problem for a woman, but a man needs to get shit done, needs to be assertive.
I'm mixed and totally fine with it. Tall, dark and handsome. Only problem was identity crisis as a teenager and occasionally being mistaken for a Levantine as an adult. I get a pass to say nearly any non PC opinions as I want irl too.
>Read a history book
Jesus... seriously? History is full of bloody examples of humans trying to preserve their culture. What the fuck do you think almost every conflict is about?
it's happening whether we want it or not, you say it's shit but your country is the head of this giant viper, the only thing we can do to stop this is destroying technology but that's not going to happen, eventually we'll all have a singular culture really. honestly it think it's good at least we will stop being different which is the source for hate against others.
>Sup Forums would rather suck another man's cock than fuck her
>I'm totally fine with it, I just have a constant desire to tell everyone I'm fine with it including a fucking anonymous online cartoon forum
yeah you're probably as fine with it as those feminists are fine with "needing no man"
more intelligent
>black white is nearly the same as white-white
Proves my point bud. Also assuming iq tests are accurate measures of intelligence, why does it matter? Why would being more capable of doing math make you superior on earth? Really comes down to how you define superior. I consider bacteria to be superior to humans because there is no way in hell they'll face extinction
Yeah and notice how the world doesnt fucking end when they lose. A new culture arises and try to preserve that one shortly after.
>it's happening whether we want it or not, you say it's shit but your country is the head of this giant viper
I said as such.
>Yeah and notice how the world doesnt fucking end when they lose.
Or they win and preserve their culture. Do you really think we haven't preserved the culture of western civilization? It's rapidly being depleted in the 21st century.
Even the Muslims lost their culture.
So does this mean asians are superior to your supposed master race then?
This is literally the first time I've expressed my opinion on it in 25 years. You ok there mate?
Oh I love the western culture meme
If you really think we have any fucking thing in common with people before the 19th century then you're delusional in all honesty. Cultures in europe spanning across centuries have very little in common with eachother. How can you justify in your mind lumping them all together?
>I'll post some cherrypicked examples of people that don't conform to western beauty standards to prove white superiority, that'll show them
If you can't tell the difference between albinos and mixed race people you really have 0 authority in
a discussion about either subject.
But keep posting the pictures of albino black people you saved on your computer you weird freak.
Got any arguments you want me to hear bud?
You have been literally cherrypicking pictures of slant eyes all thread long.
tfw race mixed as fuck
Children of mixed race are 10% more likely than black children to grow up without their father, and black children are 80% likely to have no father around. The 10% of mixed children whose parents stay together are white asian mix. The vast majority of black men who fuck white women only see them as a fetish, and have no interest in being pinned down by one and being a house nigger.
Are you actually retarded?
>tfw wanting to racemix but not able to
Increased health risk and child deformity. This has been proven.
I like posting qts
Fight me
Ok. Prove it
>being Sup Forums
>not blowing thick,fat,white loads inside a thick female sudanese ass
>bitches be sucking dick like its prayer time with their headscarfs on
>fucking some rich gypsy girl in college who cheats on her bf with me
>she is now pregnant and married,might've cucked the guy
ayyyy muy bueno
Keep your women close to yourself,racemix everyone else's women
Currently banging some armenian on exchange here.Already missing the dutch and norwegians.
tfw you forget to post the pic
Here's an argument. Those weren't cherrypicked because they were ugly. It's just a selection of albino black people. That's what they look like underneath the black.
>western beauty standards
Are you straight off the boat from Tumblr or what?
Post your anime shit somewhere else, faggot.
what is this weird stripes country?
see? thats the problem with people who don't understand genetics
>Why do you care if people hundreds of years from now may or may not have the same skin tone as you?
i don't care about your color you can be a nigger for all i care, you probably are tho
anyways if you keep within your race you will have higher chances to keep the traits that made, as an example, whites to what we are now
Basically the ruler of the world, you got the chance to be everything you want to be
same goes for asians, smartness rather than physical strength
but if you mix with a arab or even worse a negro you're going to lose the rececive traits of your species because things like Intellect aind dominant over physical trait, totally obsolete for our time exept if you want to breed for a box club, the mind is more important than the body
but the worse thing is if you breed with an arab you will carry on the traits coming out of the thousends of years inbreading, no it's not a meme it's more than often confirmed, it's theire religion and culture
and i don't think i need to tell you anything about people who still live in mudhuts
now pls kill your self because it's 2016 and you're still not able to comprehend simple informations
ah that my friend is called germany
>Fight me
Oh, so you are from Tumblr. When you cherrypick above average Asians it's fine. Kill yourself, faggot.
I just dont see how looks would determine a race's superiority? Beauty is subjective anyways. Aside from the pale skin I'm sure those people are well suited to their environment and are capable of thriving in it
This study doesnt account for bias due to skin colour though.
How can you separate it? You cant. The study doesnt prove shit.
You can promote racemixing as much as you want, but people will always want to be with their own kind. In the end you have encouraged a generation of bastards with no identity or culture, strangers who are lost and easily led.
The Jews collectively see themselves as these leaders. They plan to lead the human race into genocide, because only Jews are Gods people and everyone else should die. Notice how Jews will never interbreed and keep the female bloodlines pure, sometimes incorporating beautiful new women, but never accepting new men.
That's because Jews are basically the skinny nerds of the world. They figured out how to keep their women and make everyone else share theirs. It's been a sex game from day 1.
White men:
>must racemix
>must transition
>must encourage homosexuality
White women:
>must race mix
>must be sexually promiscuous
>must love bad boys
Black women:
>must value white men above all others
>must be sexually promiscuous
Black men:
>must impregnate and abandon as many women as possible
>must be criminals or dangerous
>must see white women as the most attractive
Asian men:
>low test, don't reproduce
Asian women:
>white men are so loving and romantic
>asian men are horrible and sexist and weak, eww gross
>blacks are inferior, avoid them
Indian men:
>white women are so beautiful
>avoid indian women, they are bossy and ugly
Indian women:
>indian men are cheap and lazy
>white men are so cultured and intelligent
The Jews are basically diluting Asian purity by mixing them with whites, while a generational genocide the white race occurs and using the blacks as the carrier haplogroup for a bio-weapon that will wipe out billions, once they mix blacks into the entire white population.
If I had to guess why this is happening it would be simple revenge.
ga weg sebastiaan
There are many reasons NOT to race mix.
Races are something that developed over many thousands of years. Something that should be cherished and preserved. For example, lets take the Japanese. Japanese people are distincly different from other Asians. (Just like Chinese are fairly unique, Vietnamese are, Koreans are) The Japanese race is something unique. White people are also unique. White people are great. Japanese people are great. If you mix, the child is still great, but it isn't really Japanese, and it really isn't White.
We should try to preserve our unique races that formed over thousands and thousands of years. Not because we think we are better, or dislike the others, but because each race is unique.
I dont see how me posting women I find attractive is in any way related to me saying that a trait as subjective as attractiveness determines superiority
>I like posting qts
Fine. Proceed. I don't mind pictures of cherrypicked Asians, even if half of them are lies (plastic surgery and/or makeup)
>redhead grandmother + blonde grandpa
>brown haired father
Your grandma cucked your grandpa,son.
>nigger-jap mom
How did you end up in Australia?
You're basically an abbo.
>mfw even they know
Do you not know what albinism is? Those people didn't adapt to a different environment. Albinos can be born in Africa to black parents. You're an idiot teenager.
>basically an abbo
hahaha if i was an abo i wouldn't be able to type mate. My father is the spitting image of his father so I dont think so. I look like them as well except darker
you sound like a proper nut
I just noted that the pale skin isn't that great for someone living in an environment like those present in Africa
I dont know where you got the idea that I wasnt aware they are suffering from albinism
Nothing. I'll be inside my Korean girlfriend tonight, and you'll be on Sup Forums whining about race mixing.
That's just how it is.
>I just dont see how looks would determine a race's superiority? Beauty is subjective anyways
Race defines jawlines, eye shape and color, hair color, etc
The Asian women you post in this thread. ask yourself... why are the ones you find the most attractive also have more westernized features?