Our economy is in shambles, they lied about 350 million being invested into the NHS...

Our economy is in shambles, they lied about 350 million being invested into the NHS, basically replaced Euro immigrants with more pakis, they won't be stopping immigration from outside the eu, our chav scum that deserve to be shot are verbally and physically attacking polish immigrants - making us brits look like complete cunts, currency is worth shit, lost our 5th economy place, London will most likely lose it's economic powerhouse status to Frankfurt, lost the trust from the rest of Europe etc lost free movement throughout Europe etc

Thank god I voted remain so I don't have to face the guilt of being responsible for completely fucking up my own country,

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>our economy is in shambles

We know, zero growth since 2006, that is why we left the Europoor Union

We all did, don't worry, we're not idiots. Sup Forums is just satire

>zero growth since 2006

We were expected to overtake Germany economically until brexit you mong

>muh independence
>we wuz empire and shiet

Zero growth m8...why lie?

dem shambles

You realise the rest of the Euro markets fell further than ours? If Europe wants to play hardball, good luck to them.

The UK should ALREADY be negotiating new deals with the US and Australia. Germany wants to lost its biggest buyer of cars and France doesn't want to complete that 20bn deal on nuclear power, no skin of my nose.



Gotta shill that neo commie disinformation and attempt to sway public opinion back with the EU masters.

Is this BREXIT shilling a new thing we're going to have to deal with now?

I know we're here to delight in doom and gloom but this is already boring.

Hopefully we get a good earthquake soon and it somehow kills OP.

The ftse and pound is going down right now you retard

>hasn't even been a week yet and people are already thinking the world is ending

relax you retards.

Think how much the Pound will go up when the scrounging Scottish fuck off out of the UK,

Leaving behind all the oil they don't own ;)

Then not getting accepted into the EU.

Globalism destroyed the economy, not Brexit. You simply have to rebuild.

Do you honestly believe it wont go back up, are you that retarded.

>Being proud of a 300 year union ending

Fucking retard, England will be the laughing stock if Scotland leaves

>i-it will be fine
>it will b-bounce right back up in no time

>If Europe wants to play hardball, good luck to them.

the UK has been a whiney little bitch since the foundation, never aligning itself, always wanting special treatment, cockblocking progress.
whilst at the same time co-creating EU legislation that the british people are so sick of.

and now once again the UK is opting for special treatment and at the same time wondering why everyone is so pissed off with them.

Playing hardball has been the UK's game of choice. now deal with it.

I've decided to make my plans for a European vacation in to a British vacation to support the Brits move to exit the EU. I will be spending all my money in Britain later this summer. People of the world will support GB. Take that for what it's worth.

The GBP will keep free falling and schizo swinging simply because your Brexit thing is up in the air, literally maximum uncertainty which is shit for trading.
Unless the country mans up for Brexit or cucks out for the EU, expect the markets to go to shit.


>Our economy is in shambles how will the 13 colonies ever recover without the benevolent foreign power of the King of England, it's all over.
It'll be fine brit clean your house and move forward, you might even get your empire back if your leaders play their cards right. EU would of made you as unimportant as a single US state, be glad you have a chance at freedom.

300 year union means fuck all, the English have constantly been accepting of the Scottish and all we ever hear is about how you are fucking off or we are fucking you, all the free shit you get for being allowed to tag along is going to your heads, unfortunately you will be like Romania if you leave us

I'm English m8, just think about it; You brexiters have done what the Nazis, French, Spanish etc armies have tried to do for 100s of years = dismantle the UK.

typical American response. how's your 2,000 dollar gonna be doing anything?

I bet you refuse French fries again at mcdonalds because you feel its the patriotic thing to do.

If the pound went down to parity with the dollar your economy would boom as you build up Mfg and Americans tourism

The ship isn't sinking, yet you're trying to make as many people as possible abandon it, while it's still functional. When it's time to abandon ship you'll abandon ship, but for now causing negative commotion, and panic, isn't going to solve anything.

Walk the plank and don't demoralize my crew, shill.

This shit with the Scottish started a year before that, they keep pushing to get out, have you seen how much money has been pumped into that place because of the UK, fucking ungrateful cunts that think they will be an equal to the remaining UK on their own.

I take it you're not a Nexit then? Enjoy you're dying union. One day you'll thank us.

The bottom line, we want to trade with you. But that's about it. So do you want tens of billions a year in trade, or do you want to try prove a point by trying to force Britain to accept your rules and your ever closer future?

Really beyond caring.

Sturgeon is fucking toxic. The sooner Spain tells her Scotland will have to re-apply, and that the Spanish will black it the better. Remember as well, almost 4/10 Scots voted leave.

be quiet, little state. youre talking to a country

Yea I agree that the Scottish are whiny little snowflake cunts but you could say the same about Brits with the EU.

You can't put a price on freedom. Look at the US during the Great Depression. Economically the US was dead, but it was still one of the most culturally iconic and significant times because of all dat freedom.

Trust us, Britbong. You're better off. Economy isn't everything in this world. You don't want to be associated with a self-devouring and shadily funded union like EU.

If the EU had elected officials we probably wouldn't have minded as much, saw it was giving away too much power to people we didn't even see.

>buying the fear mongering this fucking hard


I'm sure they'll appreciate that freedom when waiting in line for bread.

Why are people freaking out??

Are they shills? or genuine retards

oh yeah im sure its gonna happen

You can appreciate freedom no matter what your circumstances are. Go suck some Ahmed cock you toothpaste.

Both m8

They're shills. They're at it hard today.

starting to remind me of women desu senpai

Sure, the situation looks bad, but it's really too early to tell. Maybe it will work out fine.

Yea but to get back economically we will have to enter the EU's market again, making us their bitch and rendering brexit to be worthless

What a glorious time to be alive.
We are about to unleash the British people so that they can do what they do best.
Also now that Labour is finished (SNP and Corbyn seen to that) and the LibDemCucks are gone, it will be full-on Tory Tory Tory now.

The city, de-regulated!
Foreign corrupt practices act, binned!
Benefits for immigrants, removed!

What a time to be alive!

They very much could be. Social studies don't usually lead to a stable source of income.

Well food prices will rise quite a bit, Britain imports 40% of their food, with the pound dropping in value right now.


The EU is 500million people. A stagnating market half of which is third world Eastern Euro countries. It's a joke. We can just trade with the other 5.5billion people.

Not that the EU would cut us off anyway considering how much we buy.

Might make UK agriculture competitive on the domestic market though.

Do you know how low tariffs are these days?
Import tariff on selling a Brit vacuum cleaner to the EU is a mere 2.2%, its literally nothing.

that's it! no more maple syrup for me!

This thread has been moved to 'Reddit'

>they lied about 350 million being invested into the NHS
No they didn't you fucking retard.

>enter the EU's market again,



What did you mean by this?

Oh look it's this bot again.

trade is going to happen for sure yeah, our gov already stated that uk deals are more important then the EU/UK deals.

but that's just the Dutch, we gotta make a living.

bottom line is though, which I was reacting to and you cleverly ignored, the UK made a decision and now we are seeing reactions like yours, if they wanna play hardball.....whilst in reality its the other way around but the British are increasingly feeling sorry for themselves and is now a nation of Dindu's.

Most people eat processed food now, the price of the raw commodity has little impact on the manufactured packaged goods in the supermarket. British women forgot how to cook around about 1980.

Must more important is the cost of transport and distribution, the cost of capital for plant and machinery, and the labour cost.

Now we dont have to comply with EU food standards that burden will be reduced.

You don't know what the words you're posting actually mean.

Literally says in the lead that there was no fucking promise like everyone who isn't braindead realized.

His 2k dollars can buy the whole island in a couple months

Why, just contact each country individually and set up trades, fuck the EU

Fucking ridiculous isn't it? We haven't even began to officially leave yet and remainers are saying we're already doomed.

Explain how

The brexit campaign pretty much promoted that shit

>Thank god I voted remain so I don't have to face the guilt of being responsible for completely fucking up my own country,

Call your MP, use twitter and emails to get message to pretty much all and any news agency: BBC, Sky, CNN... Email/tweet to Parliament/Cameron... Use goddamn media.

Ask them this: Why is everyone not mentioning the fact that the result of the referendum, no matter its vote, is legally non-binding. Under no circumstance are Parliament or PM obliged to accept it. Parliament has to vote. That is the law. That is British sovereignty.

The silence is deafening.

What I don't think EU nations can make trade deals without the EU.
You say like lower standards is a good thing and food is not the only thing you import.

urban myths created the brexit.

please source the idea that EU officials are not elected in a democratic way.

No they didn't. They didn't promise anything. They didn't lie about anything.

They had the idea that we are putting money to EU, that money COULD be put somewhere else like NHS. That's not a fucking promise and there is literally nothing special about that advertisement and I don't understand why you retards are so baffled about it.

Someone smarter enlighten me, why isn't this just possible, sounds so easy. If the EU does not allow that then fuck them even more.

don't listen to the lies m8. the NHS was fucked no matter no 350 million pounds going to fix that, letting 500,000 fucking muslims a year killed the NHS.

once you deport all the eurofucks and muzzies who don't belong in the UK the NHS won't be overburdened.

invest the money you aren't sending to the EU on manufacturing,infrastructure,fishing, and education.

1. your markets fell more than the euro, like double

2. usa did talk to you, and they said no thanks. so did australia

3. germany hates your guts more than anybody else.

Tell me, which elected representative in the EU has the power to propose legislation? :^)

My dad is a American, and I'm around his house right now. Hopefully, I will get US citizenship soon.

b-b-b-b-but, what about "MUH FREEDUMS"? You can't let Brussels tell you what to do, amirite?

What did they tell you to do, anyways?


No remain intentionally misrepresented claims put up on the side of london busses. It says £350 million a week would be freed up, we COULD spend that money elsewhere. No promises were made there, it was just a suggestion as to where else the money COULD go.

If you seriously expected the whole £350 million a week in EU contributions would ALL be redirected towards the NHS you are a retard who can't read properly.

trade union

damn, you might be right on that one.


It's cause Brits, especially old brits were lied to. We had a referendum on leaving before. Remain won. During that campaign, a common complaint from the leave camp was that the EU sought to be more than just a trading block ans that it sought political power that supersedes in certain areas the UK's own law. These people were dismissed as paranoid fear-mongers. They were right. This is why we never wanted any of your closer unions shite. We had been promised that wasn't the case. The vote was as much against our political elite as the EU. Just look at the fallout.

thats bullshit, how can they deny other EU countries to trade with UK

Hell, people voted leave just because Obama said it would be a bad idea to leave.

>What I don't think EU nations can make trade deals without the EU.

its the most likely outcome since a post art.50 trade deal is going to have to be a 27 state unanimous agreement and we all know how that's going to work out.

fuck, its one of the reasons britbongs are leaving.

Article 30

it was implied.
a tactical move in a ill-informed uneducated populist environment where scaremongering was the main push when the Leave campaign realised proper information was not effective enough.

you can dot the i's all you want but this was effectively persuading voters

The fact that not a single country in Europe has a post EU plan should speak for itself.

> they won't be stopping immigration from outside the eu,
> lost free movement throughout Europe

Maybe you missed it but several key brexiters have been advocating the norway model

This means EU migration will NOT be stopped and you will continue to have free movement, as will europeans to the UK

I repeat;

EU migration to the UK will NOT be stopped (if brexiters have their way)


look at nr 3, EU countries don't make seperate deals.

Okay, but it still holds true. Once we officially leave the EU, £350 million a week in membership fees will be freed up, £350 million that we can chose to spend on whatever we like and that may include the NHS.

It's not misleading at all, it's the fucking truth you cumrag.

EU can do nothing but wait till article 50 is enacted, it's not up to us it's up to Britain.

maybe readup a bit, the figure is already debunked. its 190 per week.

>post EU plan
It's impossible to guess how the drunks at the EU will react. It's the first time anyone's ever attempted this.
How can you make plans for something that's never been done before?

And lose all your opt outs, influance in the EU and accepting a lot of EU laws oh and you still pay fee's.

We've been had. Played like a fiddle.

UK is being railroaded out of EU. And it is not the referendum that did it. Its the fucking politicians, yet again.

>EU migration to the UK will NOT be stopped (if brexiters have their way)

Come off it mate the main reason why pretty much anyone voted leave is due to immigration, if this desire of leave voters isn't met it will all be for naught and we're back to square one, in which case violence is quite likely.

Indeed, that is why referendum should've been ignored. But hey, when one is being railroaded into something, its not like there is a way out of such predicament.

Politicians played with the refferendum for the votes, they probably thought the people wouldn't go through with it and now you're in a hugely shitty position.

Still 12.9 billion a year mate you get the idea we're saving a fuckload of money by leaving the EU.

>UK is being railroaded out of EU
Christ, which is it. First we're not actually leaving, now we're being railroaded out.

Not like Scotland ever really wanted to be in the union in the first place. Obviously they're just not able to make it on their own. I doubt they'll go anywhere. They pussed out last time and things weren't nearly as uncertain.

Why would they want to take on the aftermath of the collapsing EU on their own?
