Never seen any quality bantz material against Australia
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Seriously, we just don't give a fuck
Never seen any quality bantz material against Australia
Thread theme:
Seriously, we just don't give a fuck
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A fucking Emu.
No bantz here, just an observation
Australia hasn't been hit with the level of leftism that has been seen in Western Europe and America yet, but it's coming.
While western Europe will be making a swing back to the right in rejection to SJW and white guilt shit, this stuff is just going hit you like a rock pretty soon. Enjoy Ahmeds and Pajeets cock while Fascism makes a recurrence in Europe.
>Cultural cringe, in cultural studies and social anthropology, is an internalized inferiority complex that causes people in a country to dismiss their own culture as inferior to the cultures of other countries. It is closely related to the concept of colonial mentality and is often linked with the display of anti-intellectual attitudes towards thinkers, scientists, and artists who originate from a colonial or post-colonial nation. It can also be manifested in individuals in the form of cultural alienation. In most cases, the term is pejorative, used as a means of asserting the merits of the national culture.
>The term cultural cringe is most commonly used in Australia, where it is believed by some to be a fact of Australian cultural life.[13]
>The cultural cringe can be expressed in the almost obsessive curiosity of Australians to know what foreigners think of Australia and its culture.[14]
>Some commentators claim the cultural cringe particularly affects local television programming in Australia,[15] which is heavily influenced by imported shows, mainly of American and British origin. The Federal government has legislated to keep a quota of Australian content (Australian Content Standard and Television Program Standard 23).
>It has also been claimed that cultural cringe has led to federal government information technology contracts going to large foreign multinationals, rather than domestic IT companies.[20]
>Another manifestation of cultural cringe is the "convict stain". For several generations following the cessation of penal transportation, many Australians felt a sense of shame about being descended from convicts, and many did not even attempt to investigate their families' origins for fear of finding convicts in their lineage.
I heard Australia has the lowest Crime rate on the planet.
I asked a friend who works in the police if it's true.
According to him: "If they're already in jail, it's not really a crime".
Also, I just remembered:
If you're an homosexual, going to australia is great.
You can drop a soap anywhere on the country, and you'll find a partner.
come to melbourne senpai, its a liberal shithole. even my beloved canberra is leftist since 99. but at least there are still alot of people who diss out race jokes (not just caucasians) for funzies and not take them seriously
The new front page image has am Aus on the bottom right. Anyone have Aus Troll image?
What's the difference between Australia and a pot of yogurt?
Given enough time, Yogurt will eventually develop its own culture.
The implication that a significant percentage of Aussies are descendants of convicts?
Spare me.
>"cultural cringe"
>"convict stain"
>"sense of shame about descent"
An Australian might cringe at our own portrayal no more than America cringes at it's stereotypical redneck or obese traits.
What's the diference between Australia and a Prison?
The Prison fauna has a reason to be there.
> America cringes at it's stereotypical redneck or obese traits
They don't. They're barely sentient enough to understand what that sentence even implies.
>2500+ enemy casualties
>0 Australian casualties
I fail to see the problem
Canadian here
Aussies are stupid poo-heads
These are pretty funny m8 good job
NZ emigration to Australia raises the IQ of both countries.
It was just supposed to be batnz m8. What the fuck Holland
You removed Abbott.
Bants more like buthole face like yours
These Final Hours was a good film.
Australians are a good group of people, albeit somewhat loud and raucous, but good people generally.
That's "bantz" for Holland mate.
Their version of BDSM is classified as "second degree murder" in most civilized countries.
Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd descended from thieves
The Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd is a descendant of underwear and sugar thieves and forgers, researchers have discovered.
An empty fucking island
About time this fucking picture got photoshopped
Two words.
Emu war
And? Your entire country are a bunch of rapists who literally shit in the street.
>he brought up Kevin Rudd
Your descendants were british slaves and muslim slaves who prepped their masters cocks before they fucked their ugly shitskin wives 8)
Yea but
This thread is about your country.
Rudd's been buzy over the past couple years m8
They have it hard enough as it is.
Top kek.
Daily remember behind every straya's shitpost there is a humain being suffering.
Where's the QandA thread Aus bros?
Some aboriginals just asked when dey be getting more funding for dem programs.
Aren't you guys Just a fancy version of the nigger?
your poopie face is dirty
speaking about rudd .
does anyone else feel bad for the guy? the bloke was a great prime minister yet the public treated him like dogshit
Archived now, shitty Q&A overall though
Canadian posts are better than convict posts.
Dude this place is leftist as fuck, all the media and especially our government funded media all spout complete lefty garbage with no actual discussion, its a complete circle jerk and at the forefront is our younger generation. Only about 1/4 Australians aged 18-34 hold more centrist to right wing views.
Stay safe, fellas.
I got no bantz, just love for aussies. As much as Canada tries, they cannot beat aussies at shitposting.
cheers m8s
The public loved Krudd. His party fucking hated him.
yea it's just a buzzword used by the left
It's like how we call people cucks really
This isn't even a meme
BooM! There u go
Here's one, unfortunately most my screenshots are of Aussies being meanies
You will never win again.
fuck sake holland shit form mate.
Please op, stop this nonsense. Australia isn't even real.
Wake up sheeple!
>Of major concern was the fact that U.S. military pay was considerably higher than that of the Australian military[4] and U.S. military uniforms were seen as more appealing than those of the Australians. This resulted in U.S. servicemen not only enjoying greater success in their pursuit of the few available women but also led to many Americans marrying Australian women, facts greatly resented by the Australians. In mid-1942, a reporter walking along Queen Street counted 152 local women in company with 112 uniformed Americans, while only 31 women accompanied 60 Australian soldiers. That it was thought necessary for the media to report this situation indicates the effect of the American presence.[2] (About 12,000 Australian women married American soldiers by the end of the war.[5]) "They're overpaid, oversexed, and over here" was a common phrase used by Australians around this time and is still an anecdote recognised by some in modern generations.[6]
How does it feel to be cucked so badly?
tldr: aussies start rioting (and dying) because American soldiers were stealing all of their women
fucking lol
We made a shit ton of bantz material against Australia. You just don't see it because of your slow ass internet.
>black history MONTH
Fuck sake Straya Shit face mate
the only shit in this situation is you being so full of it mate.
>Implying the Poo is not You
>cucked: the country
>a tag is worse than an actual slaughter
Oh boy i forgot about these guys...
>63% white
>voted a nigger for president
Why did you stop genoiciding abbos?
Just honest question
Did the then-SJWs community protest against it?
why you so fascinated in poo mate?
is it because you wanna be jews of poo?
I have a great joke about Australian internet, but you wouldn't get it.
I thought Indians where the Poojews
Never realized Australia was this big. Always thought it was a small island.
How much of this is unused?
nah they're your biggest investors i reckon
>How much of this is unused?
All of it
Just 2% of Australia lives in the yellow area
>his grandmother jumped on american cock as soon as his "grandfather" left to New Guinea.
sure we're only 63% white, but that 63% is ten times the population of your entire fucking country, abbos and all. cunt.
Canberra is the worst, my ex went there for uni and now she is a literal SJW meme
Why is that?
im convinced this is the same guy posting this every time.
you know that means you also have a huge number of blacks and mexicans, right
The remaining land is where the emus live.
Can confirm, just here til I get the qualifications to jew you all out of your shekels
na m8, amerifat hive mind in its prime here.
Nigga she's Arab, but what's the difference amirite reddit?
um try again sweetie
>proud that his country has more niggers than the entire population of my coutry
There is no Value to Indian poo so why should we want it?
Fuck off
We're full
it just really triggers us
I dno man, you're the one with the fuckin' bank full of it.
rest in rip poor burgers
nah, just proud to have more whites in my country, than the ENTIRE anglosphere.