How do you explain this?
How do you explain this?
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mental retardation. it's the same with republicuck/red states in the US. they are already cesspools of poverty yet continue to vote themselves into oblivion. frankly it makes me laugh heartily but itd be more enjoyable to witness if my yankee tax dollars werent being siphoned into these black holes of worthless parasites.
Self sacrifice is the first principle in civilization.
What makes you think that they can't keep trading with the EU? Or make more beneficial trade agreements with other countries?
Seriously what fucking retardation , lefty mental gymnastics and narratives are getting more and more pathetic by the day
You're looking at it from one-side. These areas were mostly previously coal mining/ industry areas. They were ruined by Labour and the Tories by importation of cheap labour (niggers), and the Tories carried on the legacy by destroying the industry in one fell swoop, while still importing niggers.
Now, if you look at those people, they see the EU as being the current importer of cheap labour who will work for less, and will do longer hours, so it makes sense that if they want to be more likely to get the jobs, they will vote leave.
And what does dependent on the EU mean? I don't see the EU funding small-businesses, lowering corporate tax, or loosening legislation to promote new-business. It's complete and utter bollocks.
The people have spoken to not be held back by a draconian nation of states, and have voted to either die by their own failures, or succeed by their own achievements.
Go Fuck Yourselves, all of you EU scum, and all of you Yanks believing any fucking popular publisher.
Do you seriously need an explanation or are you just memeing?
oh wow a based compatriot, why can't I know more ppl like you irl
They experience first hand how all the regulations make it harder to trade.
Next you'll probably want an explanation why more people are being sent to prison even though the crime rate is going down.
It's called "cause and effect," study it out.
>People who are effected most by the EU want to leave it the most
Really nothing special
wew lad
British bydlo voted for leave because mun UK muh empire
tell me more about "hard work" you parasitic NEET.
get a fucking job faggot.
Dirty money has value, but is it valuable?
>shitty migrants most likely to depend on EU gibs
>white working class living next to shitty migrants vote leave
Not that hard, is it?
>economically dependent on the EU
Where does the EU get its money from, retard?
From fine english gentlemen like you, sir!
I know farming business pretty well, despite not being involved in it, just live in a small town with a lot of farming stuff going on. And EU farmers live on EUs money, theres no possible way that they would be where they are now without EUs money, so most likely all of them voted remain.
This. It's so fucking obvious.
The UK is rich. Many countries in the EU are not rich. It's obvious for EU to work, rich countries must give money to poor countries. The UK is a huge net contributor. Therefore, by leaving the EU, UK can stop wasting money and start spending it on its own economically deprived areas, not other countries'. And that's why they voted out.
They have to fulfill EU regulations?
>Scotland and Northern Ireland aren't the taking the most gibsmedats
Haha, my fucking arse they aren't. The only reason the Scots want another independence referendum is because they'll have to rely on all gibs coming from Westminster from now on. Scotland would be the Albania of Western Europe if it went independent without any assistance from anyone else. It'd barely be a country.
Those kinds of videos don't add anything to political discussion. Just more selective data and generalisations from sore losers desperate to gain some kind of victory and show their prejudice and ignorance.
From now on everything slightly negative will be blamed on Brexit and buttblasted remainers constantly yelling "w-we told you so!"
Yes yes I'm sure the UK's definitely not gonna spend it mostly on london in order to keep its own financial sectior as strong as possible. Lower classes have always been the main priority of every government in history in times of economic uncertainty.
Face it, things aren't looking bright as of now, I wish our UKfriends all the best but it's too early to judge and I feel like brexiters refuse to see eny possible negative outcome
How exactly would democratic policies like higher taxes, more gibs, affirmative action, etc benefit those states economy?
How can any area of Britain be dependent on the EU? We pay £15 billion per year and get back £4 billion. So these areas are actually getting British money.
>The poor don't work more generally strenuous jobs for less
Opinion discarded
>Regions with the biggest votes for Leave are also the most economically dependent on the EU
>How do you explain this?
The European Union has tried to buy support from them. The European Union's regional development initiatives tend to focus on cultural minority or economically deprived areas, to foster divisions between those areas and their national capitals. They are hoping to capture national sovereignty in a pincer movement (between greater European integration on one hand, and greater regional decentralization on the other hand, so that eventually all we'll have left are regions within the European superstate).
But Wales and Northern England saw through this filthy trick.
>rich countries must give money to poor countries.
Get a job, you lazy bastard.
Can you not work your ass off to save up, find a job in another state or whatever you call it there, and move to state with a lower cost of living so you can save?
We can do that in the US if you out the effort
Maybe they want to become economically independent
Morons voting against their interests? I wonder where I heard that before.
>Regions with the biggest votes for Leave are also the most economically dependent on the EU
maybe they don't want to be anymore
And if this sounds crazy to you, here. This is the Europe they seek to create, with one central government and a heap of regional but not national governments.
It must be hypocrisy, right? Just like you can't be against the welfare state if you're poor.
Your kike union will go down in flames.
Because like all god damned welfare State, they wreck part of the economy and then bails it out indefinitely because worker exist.
So these business never improve and they are kept there forcibly because they give profits to Brussels by dmg strong economic partners like Britain was.
The people living under these conditions know that.
Same thing with Red States. The welfare system is wrecking there economy and then the intellectual invent that oh we help them so they are voting themselves into oblivion.
It's possible in the U.S. because most people in most State kind of are of he same culture while European States have little in common with each other, other then they hate each other.
I can understand that but I meant within Britain itself
First time I have ever seen a Maco flag on pol the Internet has finally hit my motherland what a day to be alive
The problem with Britain with this, and this explain why they had colonies too, is that they are the most crowded country in the West the country is overloading with people so moving in the country is not that valuable.
But since the anglosphere is huge we might just start seeing British people moving out to the old common wealth and Singapore
The places that deal with the EU most hate the EU the most?
Clearly this is because the people are bad and not because the EU is bad.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery.
>eu fucks over the industry they would otherwise engage in
>hurr why do they now have to rely on the eu
Did you blame our mining towns for receiving welfare when they were forced to close the mines?
EU trade will go on
stop being racist against all the black people in the south
They have been posting porn webms on Sup Forums for years
I bet there are lots of people who have to live in diverse areas, being exposed to diversity tends to make people despise it for the sham that it is.
We multiply.
Same reason why in the us, the states against welfare have the most welfare.
Once you we the reality of the situation, rather than an optimal ideal, you vote that way