When did antifa start operating openly in the USA?
Is anyone tracking this and compiling lists of known orchestrators?
When did antifa start operating openly in the USA?
Is anyone tracking this and compiling lists of known orchestrators?
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no but it's a good thing.
no free speech for fascists.
Only edgy kids, I think, but it really triggers me.
Probably when they responded to the agitators wanted ad on craigslist.
George Soros
Found the jew!
Does he fund them?
I don't know much about them aside from the videos of them Europe that get posted here sometimes. Is it an official organisation or is it just independent groups who self-identify as antifa? BLM and SJW shit on campuses over this past year was bad enough and a serious threat to free speech, this could push things even further.
Most of the kids are from West Oakland / Emeryville.
They use "Antifa" as an obfuscation technique, but they are bankrolled by BAMN.
The central body is a bunch of UC Berkley grads who integrated themselves into the Oakland Unified School District and use the local metal/punk rock scene as a recruitment ground.
Northern California-San Francisco Bay Area- Sacramento Capital Region
Yvette Felarca
yvette.felarca at ueaa (dot) net
The gov & police aren't going to do anything. If you get attacked, it's defend yourself or die.
The Greens, ADL, and all the rest are Antifa. They just hide behind bananas and masks.
I remember those kikes were really rustles by Dr.Pierce
In recent years, some actions by BAMN have been classified by the U.S Government to be terrorism.[11] The American Civil Liberties Union reported that the FBI placed BAMN on a terrorist list."[12][13][14] According to the FBI, the group's protests were discussed in a meeting about alleged links to terrorist organizations.[15] In response to the monitoring of BAMN and other nonviolent groups, the Executive Director of Michigan's ACLU Kary Moss said that the FBI "posed a 'threat to legitimate dissent.'"[16]
>non violent
The Jewing is strong on this page.
Okay what the fuck is an antifa? Why the fuck does it need to exist?
Since when did we have an anti-fascist league? Is this the new Red Scare?
So what happens when antifa attack the wrong person to be fucking with and someone gets cut in half by a chainsaw, hung, stabbed w/ bottle, shot, stabbed, burned alive, ton apart by wild animals, and then thrown out an airlock?
I'm not the fellow to be getting my ass kicked by 5-to-1s and I'll hook a motherfucker in the gabber, m8ty.
So are they mostly just in CA and other severely cucked states?
Website for antifasac:
The "counter-protest" was semi-orchestrated by a dude JP Hunter from the band "Get Shot". Their claim to fame was was getting a slut to fingerbang herself on the property of Westboro Baptist Church.
Last week they started rolling through local metal shows and pepper-spraying the audience. Accusing the local metal scene of promoting rape culture and violence against women.
I say we start promoting violence against anitfa.
Shoot them, cut their heads off, and torch the places they meet in.
They want a war, they'll get one.
They have been around for a very long time, doing their evil commie shit.
urban california areas can usually raise mobs between 10-20 on same day notice. they wont be skilled street fighters but they will use mace, hammers, and screwdrivers to do the dirty work. this is why most rightist groups use decoy meetups and private event venues hidden in hotels and restaurants to have meetings.
No violence necessary. It's about money.
They have a bagillion GoFundMe's opperating to "help with medical costs" but because they are egalitarian anarchists, the money gets re-directed into a centralized location and dispersed based on the "needs".
They also have a shit load of micro-lawsuits against various education bodies, which is their primary source of funding.
Sacramento wasn't a protest. It was a publicity stunt. They want exposure. They want visibility.
What needs to happen is for the state of California to recognize them as a racketeering operation / quasi-domestic terrorism organization.
This is how we win.
wow i assumed they were something invented recently
thats actually pretty cool, were they fighting hitlers brown shirts? i totally get why they are triggered by us now
antifa is an umbrella term for anti-rightist squads. they invented that term because not all lefties want to be bros with commies.
They came after the the crimes committed by leftists during the German civil war.
Can someone pull up a BAMN donors list? The link on their website for "donate" is down.
They are a non-profit, so we could get copies of their tax returns if we know what state they are chartered in.
While I'm saddened to see that Antifa has gained some kind of presence in the States - I do however find it funny how U.S. anti-fascists look exactly like Euro anti-fascists...except more brown and fat.
Okay, we need to shoot this shit down QUICK. I mean, dox everybody in Antifa USA and make SURE they eat lead if they go near a demonstrator.
I believe BAMN is a front group for other commie groups just like "Love and Rage." the commie groups largely survive from trusts setup in the 1940s-1060s of working class members who donated their estate to communist parties who are listed as the primary beneficiary. Thats how so many of these groups can keep a viable minimum staff on payroll and churn out so much propaganda while working part time teaching jobs and occasional windfalls from Soros, etc.
That's the reason there's not many of them in your country. Over here we don't have guns for self defense, allowing them to run rampant. Fuckers need to die.
I wish I could. I went to Berkeley, as far as I know the only other chapter of theirs is in Detroit and a small office in Los Angeles.
Not even the ACLU likes them, they petitioned them to be on the terrorist watch list.
Moar on the ACLU beef
I am a leftist, but when I see these big money Jews actively destroying my country while fleecing the working and middle classes, it pushes me towards National Socialism. Which sucks because I am not a white supremacist.
I have good, real friends of all races.
Antifa USA Funded by Soros™
It's so obvious that they are pawns. Are they even self aware? Like, do they really believe some dumbfuck nazis are getting political power?
>Not even the ACLU likes them, they petitioned them to be on the terrorist watch list.
I think you misunderstood. The ACLU complained about the FBI monitoring BAMN and claims they are nonviolent.
many NatSoc are not genocidal. see en.wikipedia.org
but there is a reason why they say your skin is your uniform. you would learn this fast in prison.
Trumptards believing Trump is anything but a Clinton red herring...
The GOP got so buttblasted by Trump that they'll never recover.
oh ok (((jon stewart))), thanks!
Yeah, your right. I should have read my own link instead of being a drunk dumbass.
Sorry for the spam, I have a personal interest in seeing these fuckers get what for, and I am not even a real fascist. I just really like bantz and they've been killing fun for everyone around here for way too long.
Personal army etc.
Dude, not even Bush fucked the party so hard. Trump is the literal turd in the punch bowl. Absolutely toxic to the GOP maintaining some sort of facade over their racism and hatred of the poor.
The Democrats have completely, and totally sold out to the Jew. They portray the white male skilled tradesman as the enemy alongside the shitbirds in corporate America and on Wall Street, through their 387 gender, feminism trash attack on masculinity.
fuck the gop, niggers, and poor. you hear me? fuck them all.
Give it time user, give it time
1. George Soros and sons gave money to MoveOn (globalist neoliberals like Soros himself).
2. MoveOn used an online poll to decide whether they should fund Hillary or Bernie grassroots.
3. Bernie supporters brigaded the online poll and MoveOn began funding Bernie grassroots. Many Bernie grassroots are crazier than him and many are actual violent far-left extremists (ANTIFA).
George Soros is a neoliberal globalist and would never intentionally fund ANTIFA violence in the US. But he does fund (((nationalist))) violence in Ukraine.
I have no love for the TWP or skinheads, but they had a legal right to march and had all the proper permits. There were something like 30 of them there. The idea that they pose an imminent threat to anything or anyone is laughable.
If being associated with ideas which were also shared by others in the past who did bad things creates a moral imperative to use violence to suppress them then antifa itself must be suppressed because communists and anarchists have a longer list of victims than the Nazis do.
Don't cut yourself on that edge, Remy.
Is anyone surprised that Soros' pawns are evil? The """man""" himself is a fucking super villain in broad daylight.
Yeah, we wiped out any potential Red Flags back in the Red Scare post-WWII. Of course, the globalists would export them to us eventually.
It's ok, you bring bricks and bats causing trouble and someone is going to ventilate you. This isn't Europe and these people are given zero tolerance to do anything other than whine and chant.
Soros = the beast?
The beast is said to be a super-villain in broad daylight. It's explained poetically but I can see it.
MoveOn actively stole the election for Clinton.
Bernie isn't crazy. Neoliberal and Neocon scum are the globalists, Bernie is the antijew. Unironically.
Trump is a globalist shit.
Trump seems to be too "out there" to fit into anyone's paradigm, and thus has no allies among either camp. Bernie was definitely not a pawn in the plan, despite the cringe-worthy cuck rhetoric.
>Last week they started rolling through local metal shows and pepper-spraying the audience. Accusing the local metal scene of promoting rape culture and violence against women.
Are they insane? We really need to start building a database of these people.
"Self defense" is usually defined as 'a response to imminent lethal harm' in most laws that I've read. So ventilate away, my friend.
Literally this.
Trump is a nationalist and your only hope
Lel, whites think they're "Aryans" and blacks think they're "Egyptians". Why do you pasty faced faggots want to be Aryan so badly? You're betraying the white race you care so dearly about.
I'll be busy for the rest of the day, but it shouldn't be too difficult to obtain their tax filings from either Michigan or CA. The Secretary of State of the state in which a non-profit is chartered keeps those records and in Oregon, at least, they are public record.
The things Bernie is saying is National Socialism minus the white supremacy and gratuitous kike hating.
Out of all the presidential candidates, he was the only one to speak out in any way against Israeli aggression.
I hope to god The Most Hated clear them out of Sacramento like they did the neonazis
I almost can't believe that website is real, the slogans are fucking mindbogglingly dissonant to their actions
Trump would sell his own daughter into prostitution if the Jews gave him a big enough yacht and another shitty reality television show.
Call me when Mel Gibson runs for President.
Yeah, this is true. He was hated so much on Sup Forums but he was actually in-line with all Sup Forums's beliefs outside of the racial.
God's work right here.
remember hearing about all the post-war violence and weimar era in a class I took in college, was very eye-opening
They've technically been "operating" in the US for the last 70 years, you just don't realize they're the same thing with a different name. All the gutterpunks, the whole punk movement basically, has been coopted by these faggots. All of Seattle, Chicago, and Portland are swarming with these types of faggots.
>implying I am a socialist
>implying half or more here are socialists
God, I saw this Gegen Nazis shit sprayed on the bus stop next ot the punk club in my city. There's no Nazis here. Everyone's a middle of the road cuckold or a libertarian in Houston. I'm probably one of among less than a hundred NSfags in a city of 4 million and we don't announce it to anyone.
The only one of these faggots I know personally had to get a retail job and now posts Anti-Fa memes on facebook while crying about capitalism. I wish we could brawl with these kids, because from what I've seen we'd wipe these literal clean out of the country.
You are a dumbass that is literally begging the eternal Jew to make you his porch nigger.
A neocon in a dress, aka the Alt-right.
John Rabe is a very interesting case, the whole International Committee of Nanjing is interesting. shame about Minnie Vautrin killing herself over her guilt from not saving more people.
A good half of the board claims NS leanings. Even alot of don't tread on me's go NS when pressed between them and neo-cons. Americans just hate socialism because we associate it with leftist cucks and impoverished Slavs, not reinvesting the national resources into the betterment of the country and people.
>alot of don't tread on me's go NS when pressed
Bullshit. Socialism in all forms is antithetical to libertarian values and socialist vs. neocon is a false dichotomy.
why are 30 guys in california a valid target though? wouldn't it be a better use of time to protest the government or whoever really "enforces racism" these days? because I haven't heard about neo-nazis killing anyone or the KKK doing anything in decades, besides in movies.
Why does Antifa always get BTFO?
People change when racial or national sentiments are inflamed. Most people are painfully susceptible to emotional factors.
No organisation, no strategy.
Their hopes rest in their opponents not knowing to to defend themselves against a zerg rush.
Useful idiots, of course. Anything that gets in the way of business here gets put down hard. There's no seriously going after banks, corps, cops and so forth. Thirty guys who don't think like you, though...
>15 whites call themselves Aryan
>200 whites oppose them
>for some reason you validate the formers opinion more
>why are 30 guys in california a valid target though
Numbers. Odds of survival + media exposure.
There were 30ish NS, Antifa mustered 200.
On paper that looked like a legitimate golden ticket. They didn't count on Tradworkers to be legitimate fighters and get stabbed 6 to one despite a 1000% spread.
but seriously who can point at this and say that they were the good guys? they outnumbered them like five to one. that's just mean.
>racial or national sentiments
What does any of this have to socialism? You do realize that the classical liberal values this country was founded on were developed and implemented by people who had more than a slight preference for whites, right?
Holy shit, I've studied the fuck out of WWII since I was a child due to my fascination with it and always for some reason even with all the data felt that hilter was doing the right thing and that he wasn't that bad considering he didn't want to exterminate nogs or Arabs or asians, but that as the word Aryan means, he wanted them to stick to their own race and not interbreed.
But I had no fucking clue about the jews starting a communist revolution attempt via civil war in Germany after WWI but prior to the establishment of the NAZI party.
That's the only time they can step. If they don't outnumber the enemy 5 to 1 they are not a real threat
You've sticks in the woods right? Why havent yall gone to make fucking shanks or spears dude its not that hard.
yeah so imagine some uppity jews want to decapitate the entire ruling class of an empire that just absconded after a thousand years. it was in their self-interest to do whatever it takes to preserve their existence. sadly our political class is not there yet but the bernie fags should be a wake up call.
Antifa are very mean people. They judge who is or who is not a facist and proceed to gang up and assault them, hiding behind self manufactured sense of moral obligation because they genuinely believe in their dumb stupid hearts, that the people they decide are facists are actual facists.
I am not saying this because I am a lolinternetnazi.
I am saying this out of 20 years in the Bay Area, they VASTLY comprised of skinny jean wearing jocks who can't fight, so they team up with other skinny jean wearing jocks and pick on anything they view as a threat.
Then rhey get drunk, date rape the same 19 year old punk rock girls every week at the Oakland Metro, but get away with it because they claim to feminists.
They do this on purpose.
Germans shouldn't get freedom of speech.
ThisAnd while we're at it fuck you too.
properly speaking, anyone they dont like is a nazi fascist who killed 6 million jews. it's reducto hitlerium for everything.
get leafed.
i hope ANTIFA decides to protest a 4th of july parade or some shit so the whole country fuck up their asses
Is it true the leader of the Antifa there said they were there to kill people?
I honestly hope the uppity left gets violent this time.
I do.
I miss shooting sandniggers in the desert when they'd draw down on us.
I'm sure some lefty ANTIFA gone militants would satisfy me just as well
Soros = front for rothchilds
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Ive thought this since I was five years old watching the history channel.
>casualties and lost
>black pride
[laugh canadiously]
What's fascist about Independence Day though? A Jew and a nigger teamed up to save the world, I thought they'd eat that shit up.
It's the most nationalistic event in America, they wouldn't like it.
Not to kill people but
> "Mobilize a militant direct action"
whatever the fuck that means
Direct action with him specifying militants means to kill people.
DA units in any military are the elite hit-squads that go to eliminate military targets.
They're in the US, i'm sure that if they wanted to kill someone they would succesfully do it. Militant actions means not peacefull, means you'll use physical force to confront the enemy. That simple. Although you amerifags surprise me often.
Yes greekbro, I know what militants action means.
I'm talking about "direct action" in the context of "military" and "militant"
DA is the killing part, not militant or military action.
Now quit making us look bad and pay back your fucking denbts
The skinheads should have been carrying guns tbqh