What are some movies about closeted pro athletes?
pic unrelated
What are some movies about closeted pro athletes?
pic unrelated
I really like men.
Raging Bull
It's Aaron. Not Erin.
shouldn't you be training for next season instead of shitposting, erin?
shes already with someone else, aaron couldnt satisfy her
Why does no one bring up that Matt Ryan is married to a literal tranny
Everybody already know that he is gay.
The thing is Aaron Rodgers is gay, but tries to deny it stating that he "really really likes women." when got caught with his gay roommate bf.
Matty Noice
*blocks your path as you exit the bathroom stall*
aaron rodgers and wife
This is slander.
Go to bed Aaron
>sue everyone who calls me gay
I really really like women.
Because he's elite unlike Erin
Does anyone have the original of this?
If you were a rich, attractive gay wouldn't you choose a more convincing beard than that?
never mind found it
Maybe she's blackmailing him.
Worst playoffs in a decade
Literally who cares superbowl.