daily reminder
>texas secedes
>usa goes from being 55% white to 65% white
>abortion outlawed
>nigger/spic population increases by the power
>welfare goes up
>government goes bankrupt
Don't forget that this is a stupid topic to take your minds off from real issues
This is why no one likes you cuckservatives
rip babies
>rip babies
You mean rip ball of cells.
Is there a more normie-friendly version of this?
>Stuff leftist commies have been saying for decades
Amazing news.
Have no idea why bleeding heart cuckservatives care so much about unborn nigger n' spic children.
If Texas secedes we will have to build a wall blocking off Texas and fucking gay Mexico.
Theyll be trapped down there with all the beaners.
Nigger crotch fruit
Bye, good luck fight the wet backs when they want their land back.
>hurr why can;t we save the nigger and spic childrens
I don't get it. What would happen if Texas just said "no"?
Would they send in troops to make sure abortion mills stay open ?
>federal government now regularly overriding the rights of states to self-determination
you know what to do, dixies.
Do you have abortion statistic segregated by race? Somehow I think "white" is more higher than "nigger n' spic" combined. Basketball americans care about children is on Africa level.
They'd probably be fined for breaking federal law. The officials responsible might be charged
Im not against abortion but that made my eyes water m80
>Abortion outlawed
>Spic and nigger pop goes up
>Texas doesn't increase welfare
>They move to US for more welfare
>Texas white pop% goes up
>Less burden on government
>Better economy
>Somehow I think "white" is more higher than "nigger n' spic" combined.
I would hope so considering US is 65+% white. But relative to their population niggers carry out the most abortions.
But even if it was 100% white I fully support this SC decision. I say that as a Texan. There is not a single good argument against having the right to an abortion.
Thou shalt not kill
You aren't white. If you were white, you wouldn't support abortion. Abortion is murder.
>Muh feelings
>But relative to their population niggers carry out the most abortions.
Yet they increase in numbers while white shrinking.
Even if niggers really making more abortions, that happens because they start to get pregnant since 16-18, and can make 2-3 abourtion befo0re having a buch of kids, while you typical femenazi non-gender-specific special snowflake making 1 abortion at 25 and then don't have children at all.
Build a wall around Texas
Yup, It's the "Let's trigger the southern states" season.
Does it react to stimuli? Then its simply not conscious of the world. Even a fly chooses to move away from an incoming object. So what's wrong with terminating a fetus? Because its "life"? There are 7 billion people on this planet right now. No one would miss him if he is aborted. No one except you Christ cucks.
>No white people can hold an opinion that contradicts my own
I'm really glad I live in America and not whatever totalitarian shithole you're from.
Id go fight for your independence but I cant bring my own guns. Will you supply me?
the fact that it turns women into rabid sluts and destroys the society
This. But of course, women don't give a shit about a healthy and prosperous society, until it collapses. Just what they can get out of it.
If people want abortions, I don't care. It's not like a fetus is sentient.
Fuck it, lets just improve contraception then this all becomes less of an issue.
Then again what do I know I'm a loser virgin.
women are rarely challenged on their beliefs, they are anti confrontational and will lie to avoid their responsabilities
>There are people
>In this country
>Right fucking now
>Who simultaneously want no abortions, no contraceptives, and no sexual education but get mad when young kids are getting pregnant
Abortion is okay for nonwhites since we can't have eugenics anymore.
Texan here. It's exactly what I expected to happen. That bill forced most abortion clinics in Texas to close; there was no way they would get away with that. I actually like our governor a lot (Greg Abbott) and would vote for him again, but I do wish they'd let go of abortion. It's a necessary evil.
Shit. As far as I'm concerned if you or your legal guardian is on any form of SNAP or welfare you should be forced to have an abortion, and if you have a child your benefits should not increase at all. Race barely enters into it, we need fewer poor people, not more.
How about instead we teach people that casual sex is not a good thing and to take responsibility for their actions?
If you can't be bothered to buy a fucking condom or birth control pill you shouldn't have sex, period.
>but get mad when young kids are getting pregnant
Explain to me why kids being pregnant 100 or even 50 years ago was unheard of.
Protip: fucking liberalism.
>muh principles
>there are people here who have first-world standards
wow amazing
only niggers spics and cumdumpsters get abortions
You complain about white genocide? Well this is a step towards evening the scales
No one would miss you either, so pull the trigger and give us all a break, won't you? :)
>remove one of our biggest borders with mexico
>US percentage white immediately increases
>creationists trying to re-write science books never have any influence again
texit when?
Well most of them were married at 14 to 15
>sex edumacation? Get your gubment guidelines and mandates out of my child's classroom!
Sotomayor is Puerto Rican dumbass
Fuck the normies feelings. They need to be triggered if they're ever going to get angry enough to do anything about the Jews. Coddling won't help them.
>How about instead we teach people that casual sex is not a good thing
what a virgin
There was more teen pregnancy in the past (likely because people wait longer to have kids now). The real problem these days are the massive amount of kids being born out of wedlock. That's what's completely unheard of.
>Anti abortion in the current year
>Executions in the current year
Texas to secede and ally with Taliban when ?
Remove Texas
Add Alberta
Virgin here, don't group him with us please. I'm personally more open minded.
Do you want niggers to have more kids?
>Sotomayor is Puerto Rican dumbass
True, but Obama's replacement for Scalia is Jewish. So when the Republicans cave and approve him, the percentage will be true.
As an Arizonan, I wouldn't mind if Texas succeeded. They have a large enough economy and military installations to provide for themselves. Also, Texas is armed with nuclear missiles, so upon succeeding they could retrofit the physic packages and no one could do shit.
>open minded
what? you've never had sex yet you are 100% ok with evertyhing related to i?
People got married earlier, life expectancy was lower and infant mortality rate was much higher.
There's no standard involved. If you don't teach the consequences of sex to those of physical maturity to be impacted by them, then they're not going to be able to properly avoid those consequences. For those who know the risks but want to do it anyway [spoiler]as is instinctual[/spoiler] giving them tools to not have those long term consequences is the best solution.
But for some reason the religious right has decided kids need to be as ignorant of sex as possible, which leaves their preliminary education in those matters to the media they absorb.
sometimes the really fat ones don't know they are preggo until a baby slides out. Sometimes they keep them.
>Abortion is murder.
I guess it is. Maybe some murder is OK, though? I mean killing an enemy in a military engagement is murder, but it's acceptable murder. Maybe killing unborn babies that don't even have a consciousness yet is murder, fine, but is it unethical?
I honestly think it's slightly more ethical than letting them be born into this shithole of a world we live in to suffer and feel want for many decades, but that's just me.
Literal cucks
Who cares
But your starving great grandpa sure had a bitch when the British said the same thing
>How about instead we teach people that casual sex is not a good thing
You can't unteach human nature. Basically you're talking about abstinence-only sexual education, which has been laughably ineffective, last I checked. People get horny and long for human sexual interaction. You can't teach a man's dick not to get hard.
What a degenerate heretic from a godless 3rd world country that spits out mudbabies like little debbie cranks out ho-ho's..
> SCOTUS doing literally the only thing SCOTUS is there to do
even with all the sex education, the USA still has an STD epidemic
on top of that, the homosexual community is supposed to be educated and above all, yet 1 in 5 have HIV and STD rates are exploding in that community
Well when it comes to the abortion issue I don't support either side it's such a complex issue and I'm a guy I kind of don't feel like I have much of a right to determine this. Contraception and sex education yeah that should be a thing though.
How are you a cuck if you've never had sex? I'm not even in a relationship for me to be cucked from it.
>appeal to nature fallacy
i don't remember animals ever building skyscrapers
apparently it's not kosher to call a slut a slut or to have societal pressure anymore, in the name of "freedom"
That's just what gays are like, and they've been that way ever since they arrived in American from France
>the USA still has an STD epidemic
>the homosexual community is supposed to be educated and above all, yet 1 in 5 have HIV and STD rates are exploding in that community
Also mostly faggot blacks but faggots in general are still pretty bad.
If Texas were to leave today it would have a better economy than some European countries and a larger military than Canada.
Ants build stuff
Also it's have the worlds 5th largest Spanish speaking population
Not an argument again the negative societal consequences of liberalism. People are getting married later, but the continuous rise of teens having children out of wedlock is easily explained.
Some good news for you senpai.
>The continued decline is really quite amazing,' said Brady Hamilton, the lead author of the new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
>Last year, the birth rate for U.S. teens dropped eight per cent. Rates have been falling since 1991, and this marks yet another new low.
>Experts cite a range of factors, including less sex, positive peer influence, and more consistent use of birth control.
You think that's banter but it's actually not far from the truth.
>I don't remember animals ever building skyscrapers
I think you linked to the wrong post, because you seem to be suggesting that I said following that instinct is the best thing ever.
What I am saying is that we should educate children about the consequences of sex. Not that children definitely should have sex or be encouraged to. Whether you like it or not some will, and they should be informed before they do so and not after.
>le blacks meme
keep deluding yourself
and i just talked about stds
what about the very fabric of society? the family itself
it is completely eroding and getting phased out all in the name of seeking the meme of "enjoying life"
whenever someone talks about enjoying life it's about getting drunk, getting fucked in the ass, becoming an over all monkey
in before humans are just animals, once again i don't remember animals in nature ever building skyscapers
if you consider yourself an animal it just means that it is fine to treat you as an animal that you are
You win this round, faggot.
Based fucking Texas
Interesting finding. Do you think they may be a link between pregnancy rates, pregnancies ending in abortion rates, and pregnancies not ending in abortion rathes?
it's hypothetical
in reality kids are encouraged to fuck each other in the ass because being free and having freedom means turning into an overall swine
>being free and having freedom means turning into an overall swine
So much this
But surely the message can be delivered to normies in a way where they won't immediately dismiss it.
Am i supposed to take offense of this baby talk?
>t. Nigger
Funny, they did it for centuries beforehand and didn't have anywhere near as many societal problems.
He's never getting on the Court.
If Trump wins he doesn't get on.
If Clinton wins Obama will either withdraw him, or the Democratic Senators will filibuster him to have her nominate someone younger instead.
He's a fall guy and even he knows it.
>populations go up
>vote in friendly leaders with their larger populations
It's like you don't know how a democratic republic works.
you'll be happy to know the mother died naturally and that is a fetus that had no chance
No seriously it's blacks. They have way higher STD rates than anyone else. Apparently Native Americans and Pacific Islanders are pretty bad too.
As far as I know my post just flatly wasn't an appeal to nature fallacy because I wasn't saying that the behavior being instintcual meant that doing it was good.
You talked about skyscrapers, but nobody in the history of mankind can build one alone. At the very least, they need to be born in a time with the common knowledge required to do so, and to arrive at that point requires the passage of knowledge from one generation to the other to be a thing in the society. You can't use human progress as a cudgel and then rail against what facilitates it; education.
note the god's chosen people avoid such activities
they do use sacrificial lamps, the odd leftist jew, who will happily turn himself into an overcall whore, to set the tune for the goyim
why is it that in every film, the goyim are the most deranged, degenerate, destroyed, divided? and the jews are always in order, educated, and almost conservative like?
Texas doesn't care, neither do most Southern states. They're all pro-birth, not pro-life.