>IRL bane posting

what duy ou think?


>With Film

Other urls found in this thread:


I think everybody who does this shit is an attention seeking redditor who needs to leave this site immediately.

Stop this cringe, please.

Insult Jesus one more time and i will fight you

>Arthurs fist

Can't wait for baneposting to become a twitter meme too.

>Sup Forums pretending not to be cringey

ive seen it all

>le cringe meme

Someone needs to go back.


We may be cringey but we don't take it out in public and act like DUDE SUCH A MEMESTER XD

>not that hard when you havent seen light ind decades

Think less about fucking your own mom pls.

fuck you, you're probably one of those newfags who shouts "NYPA" or back2leddit" every chance you get, the abandoned sense of community on Sup Forums is what killed it.



The first few guys were just fucking around but now it was almost all Redditors.

Who are you quoting?

>the flight plan lists me

Oh, so we should just let normies get ahold of our culture by going on Shia La-fucking-beouf's livestream for the world to see?

Fuck! I meant community. Oops.

>the flight plan...
sides vaporized

Jihadi Jesus best bro.

I can't stop laughing



How is Jesus destroying our culture? He's an oldfag. You can tell he's a long time Sup Forums poster. I thought what he did was a lot of fun. He dropped some red pills and understood that "art" installation much better than those lefties and Shia did.

Jesus, Narutobro (ALPHABULL), Jackie, Sup Forums Blart and even Venti (for calling that Paper motherfucker a dindu right to his face then pointed out what a hypocrite he was) were awesome. That shit was hilarious. If you didn't enjoy that, you're dead inside.

It doesn't destroy our community, it was a flawless representation of it. I like that Jesus was a Sup Forums fag, too. It wasn't all Sup Forumsaks.

What's that twitch whore, Brittany, doing there? What's her MO?

I've seen this, this is fucking gold.

He's back

To take back everything he's lost

This board has LITERALLY nothing to lose.

link to the paper dude thing?

That was good, i can tell he's viewed the opening scene at least 300 times so a only about 1700 more to go before he can banepost with us.

Go watch her stream, you can see it better there.

Basically she implies that Paperboy (the hip-hop douche with the broccoli hair) criticized what she was wearing, then proceeded to give him shit because what he was wearing was significantly more ridiculous.

She then called him a "literal dindu" a few times and walked off.

It really wasn't that interesting. I respect her for trying, but she was basically trying to argue with a big green monkey. It was pointless.


fuck you. jesus stealing milkmans schtick

it was milkmans idea
hes dismantling the vegan agenda

Thank you for making this thread. Please continue to do so. UNJUST MODS WILL NOT DIVIDE US

Anyone has a meme of that aids Bjorn screaming "Nazi, fuck off!, "Nazi, go home!" ?

He seems like such a chill guy. Laid back, funny, good taste in entertainment and he speaks in a way that carries no preconception or judgement.

Fuck, I need better friends.

>Small black child spawns in front of Bjorn

Pure fucking solid gold

If I could find them, you'll do the same, too.

That was certainly hillarious.



www.Sup Forums.org/pol/

Fuck off, there is a solid portion of Sup Forums members in it.

I'm watching it on a screen

www.Sup Forums.org/tv/

The stream gets to cringey for me to watch for extended periods, so I appreciate the highlights posted here. Keep 'em coming!

this is gr8

Yeah, this basically nails it. He called her outfit "Walmart" or some dumb shit after she blew him the fuck out. Then she called him a dindu.

Better than the dindu thing is that she exposed that faggot for being a hypocrite. He was in front of the camera talking about love and unity and all this shit then she got him so mad he was cursing her out, calling her a bitch, and just being a literal dindu.

Chick acts like a SJW bimbo on her stream but now I know why Sup Forums raided her... because she set that up. The chick is obviously one of us. She was out of character at the protest.

This is pretty good


Absolutely 100% pure fucking Alpha baneposter, This is your average Sup Forums poster.

Bullshit! It has to do with an actor's protest and there are Sup Forums posters that have visited the protest. The topic is perfectly suitable for both Sup Forums and Sup Forums. The faggots here on Sup Forums can talk about RLM and other talentless faggots who only appear on youtube. We can talk about a stream we all watch.

He just did the sheev scene again a few minutes ago.

Everything and everyone involved in this is cringe as fuck

>Sup Forums autists have pushed their autism to new heights, embracing all aspects of Sup Forums culture from Sup Forums to /fit/ to Sup Forums, gaining many traits both good and bad, resulting in true optimal human status: fun autistic chad-build shitposters
>ledditors have wallowed in their self-absorbtion and holier-than-thou ego, resulting in their devolution into talentless and weak whiny beta orbiters constantly trying to please the herd of hamplanets that took over the majority of their site

Just an observation

fuck off faggot, it's fun

This whole thing was a fascinating character study on many levels

There's Bjorn, a man who probably views himself as that guy who stood infront of those tanks at the Tiananmen Square protests. In reality he's more like Deadpool, in the sense that they're both literally walking pieces of cancer.

There's Venti, a likable girl who seems to have some identity issues. She's clearly a blast to be around, however she's also clearly putting on an act. You can kind of see it falter when she was talking to that hard core alt-right guy who called her a mudblood.

Aurora most likely went there to spread love and had no idea what she was getting into. She's very pretty, so the world has most likely been very kind to her. She's not used to having strangers shouting obscenities right next to her. Trying to watch her mediate the whole thing was both sad and adorable.

I'm not getting this reference.

He's doing the Darth Plagueis thing right now, live.

this meme needs to die. If you're on here, you are cringe.

if you unironically use the phrase 'cringe' to indicate a phenomena or situation outside of a legitimate interpretation of facial expression, neck yourself.

It's literally you being salty that other people express themselves in public in a manner that isn't entirely predictable.

Sure, there are lol randumb shenanigans that we could use less of, but I, for one, and absolutely through with this constant notion of humiliation associated with having a good time




Bjorn has the face of a man who drinks nothing but drain cleaner.

Bane singing going on now

Jesus is a true Sup Forums poster.

This is incredible. Baneposting truly is greatest meme of all time. It also warms my heart that this guy isn't a literal basement dwelling autist


To the Jets scarf wearer, I love you.

Stop masterbating

>Tfw only hear about this today and miss all the memes

You watch most of the epic Sup Forums shit on Youtube.

>the dankest Sup Forums memers are brown hispanics

wtf? i hate racism now


Don't worry. You can go on the website right now and keep up on what we're talking about, and for anything you missed theres videos on youtube, just search HWNDU and you'll find stuff.



he's greek or something

Someone please cap the Ascension/Millennium Feldman thing Jesus just did.

plot twist:
Hes a Saudi plant

I originally assumed Middle Eastern 2bh

>that guy forgetting so many of the lines

Ya bu I missed seeing the stuff go down and being in the threads
Thanks m8

A cactus?


The stream may be 95% nonsense, but this shit right here was genuinely heartwarming.

Who is Aurora? Is she known for something?

The Emma Roberts looking girl with the red hair in braids.

She's not really known for anything besides somehow ending up in the middle of a crowd of screaming morons and looking like a lost puppy.

The only waifu worth having.

Moanfu > Aurora

At least Jesus told everyone to stop masturbating to Agnes though

Is there a video link to it?

Pretty cute.

>guys...guys no, some people are taking it too far, I agree...guys no...guys, I'm...no, I'm not with them, let's all just please try to respect each other

Innocence cannot flower underground. It was to be stamped out.


>Those kind, expressive eyes
So sweet.

>sjws appropriating MDC lyrics

>That moment when she tries to block Bjorn's sheer hatred with her body and fails.

I just want to give her a long hug and comfort her.

Why am I getting a Lily Collins vibe?

is she acting for the camera or is this the most innocent woman to ever exist

Kill yourself now

These disgusting libtards need to be gassed

The second one. She's supposedly a 1st-gen immigrant and most likely doesn't understand the level of blind rage new yorkers are capable of.

What in the fuck went wrong in the life of that guy who just yells "GO HOME NAZI!" over and over again at that people. He's a probably a genuine shill paid to be there just to divide people so that protest doesn't inadvertently lead to something productive (stranger things have happened), his contributions are just so completely and utterly lacking in substance while sowing so much division.

looks like real genuine emotion to me. she came wanting to promote peace but didn't realize how anti peace libtards are
she'll prob be redpilled soon

How the fuck is a baneposter this alpha?


Jesus is secretly gay he keeps inviting people to his 'futon'