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Hey boys, check out the Washington Post's #1 Most Read article right now.
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>badger is a jewish name
m8 i want to bump ur thread but i really feel like this one's a stretch
>democracy is bad, only when I lose
Are you leftists seriously brain damaged?
Yes, it's exactly what it looks like. There were many leftists who were actively calling for Cameron to override the referendum, even some actually saying "F democracy, this is our future we're talking about."
>Brexit is a reminder that some things just shouldn’t be decided by the people
so if they won, it would still be something that shouldn't be decided by the people?
Yea I highly doubt it.
>democracy is bunk when I become a part of the minority.
I agree. We can't let the populace at large (who is so easily controlled by juden) decide on what is best for itself.
>Look who lost money on Brexit - Jeff Bezos $1 Billon. Now we know why there are all the stories. Please post this on all the articles and quickly before they get zapped.
From the comments
She has the lips, and the weird dead eyes going on.
They'll be fine. Rule The Waves.
To be fair, democracy ends when it descends into mob rule, according to the wisdom of the ancient Greeks.
She agrees that Hitler was right then.
>government decides something that I don't like
>fucking government!! This is anti-democratic!
>people vote something that I don't like
>How can you leave such an important choice to people!?
lefty logic
>dictatorships are great
>only the elite should be allowed to set policy
>citizens should be ignored
the only group i loathe more than the authoritarian right is the authoritarian left.
both groups can fuck right off.
We can compromise and not let women vote.
btw, according to the SKY survey most of vibrant youth representing the future of the country didn't go to vote at all.
Why didn't they just lift their ass and went to vote instead of staying home watching Game Of Thrones? Pathetic
>some things just shouldn’t be decided by the people
how should the decision be made?
by robots?
Not exactly the best idea.
I hate how media outlets are interviewing people who voted OUT but now "regret it" to fuel their propaganda machine
They're really in full damage control
I never said they couldn't run.
She's right. This referendum is one of the examples showing that the entire population should not have equal voting power on important matters.
I don't want a well-informed expert casting his vote based on pros/cons to have the same input as a fucking retard only listening to popularized catchy oneliners.
There should be a guideline for what referendums can or can't change, and whether everybody has the same influence when voting.
Same for presidential elections - there should be a standard to which people are held in order for their vote to count.
My vote should not be equal to Jamal who picks his president because of skin color or Stacy who votes based on gender.
I just...
I'm thinking about not associating with these people anymore. Where did they come from? Thanks to these individuals, the word liberal is a filthy repulsive word.
I'm going off grid. Fuck these selfish morons.
well yeah, i'm a leftist and benevolent dictatorship is obviously the best
i thought this place is full of fascists who are anti-democracy? why the change of heart?
This is why people hate liberals
You can't just disagree. It means you're a racist, or you're uninformed and regret your choice
Everyone but me should fuck off
>My vote should not be equal to Jamal who picks his president because of skin color or Stacy who votes based on gender.
But you also vote based on race and gender, just in the other direction.
By unelected bureaucrats.?
Anyone who only votes because of skin color/gender, or other things unrelated to political viewpoints, should fuck off.
You base your vote on political potency, not whether someone has a cunt or dong.
aren't they people too?
such a punch-able kike face
Also scared and only voting out of fear and anger
Leftist media does not report the facts for the reader/viewer to decide for themselves; rather they feel it is their duty to tell people what is "right" and vilify all the "wrong people".
Journalists are experts at nothing and should treat news as such.
You voting just in the other way.
Of course, the authoritarian in me would be curious what the results would look like if you limited voting to just taxpayers.
Technocracy when?
"People voting to not be oppressed by a communist dictatorship is proof that people should be oppressed by a communist dictatorship"
It's current year, goy! Do you have something against being roboJewed you antisemite?
the government consists out of the people
so she' be saying there be things people shouldn't decide?
well I be damned
Just more biased butthurt lefty trash
>leave voters all regret their decision!
>leave campaigners admit they were lying!
Lol whatever. Deluded bitch
>the sweede negates the existence of non-authoritarians
how expected.
>implying this isn't exactly what Sup Forums had been saying for years
the irony it hurts
I've been an advocate for the dismantling of "democracy" for years. Although I do support brexit and an independent UK, I agree letting people vote is stupid and they need to go back to a good ole fashioned authoritarian oligarchy.
What can I say when you win, you forget.
I know, I thought around here we have always shunned democracy. I certainly do, it is just this time it happened to work in our favor. But ultimately mass democracy gives you nothing but gibs me dat and an ever expanding government
>what people vote for is not nesseceray right
lets forget about the brexit thing and ignore whether it is right or wrong, but this is democracy with all its flaws.
It is a shitty system, but still better than anything in this kikes head.
Sooooo kikey
>occupation: poland/france
Because young leftist cucks don't believe in liberty, free speech, or democracy.
Some people just handle the happening.
Women not liking freedom and sovereignty?
What a fucking surprise.
>some things just shouldn’t be decided by the people
>implying politicians aren't people too
The only difference between a politician and a common citizen, is that politicians are more corrupt and will pass legislation that harms the majority of citizens in order to help themselves. They are the same species as us, and there isn't any sort of intelligence requirement to be a politician, you just have to get votes. They aren't gods, destined to rule over the peasants, like """Emily Badger""" thinks. Also, just look at that snobby little feminist cunt. You can tell just by looking at her everything she believes. She likes to fancy herself an """empowered womyn""".
I read that earlier today. They aren't even trying to hide their contempt for democracy and the commoner anymore.
well, the US constitution is setup for such a system too:
we american citizens have no say in international treaties -- only congress can vote on those.
>implying it wasn't decided by politicians
They could just have said fuck this we will stay in the EU.
Implying we should ever listen to someone with a fivehead
Totalitarian Hegemony of Eurasia when?
seems writing for a libtard rag is easy money.
Their hatred for the "common citizen" is a crucial point. They think they're asserting themselves above us; they think they're joining the elite, and they think they're just gonna welcome them with open arms because they went along with the plan.
>Except when things don't go my way.
t. leftist normies
They're paid actors. m8.
>over 6,000 people signed from Vatican city - population, 400
Goddamn it Sup Forums never stop.
>wall street and banks are corrupt! break them up!
>we must do whatever wall street and the banks tell us to do, for the good of the economy!
All this shekel clutching.
Fucking leftists will ruin an economy about any leftist cause but if someone wants to support nationalism and that may temporarily hurt the economy is forbidden.
>If you don't vote the way I want you to, you can't vote
ok, no. obligatory get back in the kitchen you stupid whore.
Yep. The retards completely forgot they were protesting the 1% and tbtf banks only 5 years ago.
Brexit hasn't happened yet and people are already claiming it was a mistake.
They literally have no actual new information other than "the pound is crashing because the markets are panicking. Muh uncertainty!"
ivory tower intellectuals hating the common man isn't exactly an original thought ...
I think leaving was a mistake. There was many uninformed idiots that didn't understand the stakes of leaving.. Literally the next day people were crying over the decisions they made on social media.
Heck heres another shingle, apparently people had to google search the day before to actually understand what they were voting about.
Why do we give idiots the right to vote for something they know nothing about? Heh just say the words "Foreigners out and money in" and they all flock like seagulls.
Did people stop posting archives or something? I thought Sup Forums hates the WP yet you are giving them at least a thousand free clicks by making a thread like this.
Welcome to Sup Forums
The WaPo, taking a brave stand against evil democracy and vile voting.
Will she become Sup Forums's waifu?
Why do they hate the will of the people?
smdh desu.
>Black and white
>Promotes race mixing
that one was an level 100 aussie shitposter with a script doing the voting
forgot to save the gif of it in action
>black and white
you thinking of a skunk m8?
you literally don't understand what Democracy is or how it works.
I'm disagreeing with your statement, but the reason people vote has been based on many factors - some of them being completely retarded.
It's just a function of the system.
>American education
>It's grey
you fucking britcuck, i bet you voted remain.
Because Sup Forums always say the opposite of what the leftists say.
If for some inexplicable reason, leftists suddenly hate niggers, Sup Forums would claim they always love the BBC
fuck off, moldbug
go clean someone's house
Just look at the vomit this bleeding heart libtard is polluting the internet with
>A radical idea to compensate black homeowners harmed by racial bias
>The big change that could help poor people afford wealthier neighborhoods
>Poor people pay for parking even when they can’t afford a car
I'd click the "load" more button to give more example but I'm pretty sure it will just piss me off more.
John Derbyshire quoted a Brexit reaction from lefty propagandist Chris Cilizza. He noted that he had not found a way to read it without seeing a contempt for representative government itself.
""""""""race mixing""""""""
U wot m8
>It's grey
holy fuck stop
>Last year's Supreme Court decision upholding gay marriage also underscored another drawback of referendums: Give people a chance at the ballot box, and they may also trample minority rights.
>implying it's not commong for Jews to change their Jew names to blend with white people.
>Not knowing that petition was fraudulent.
Nyet, you colour blind fucking retard.
Basically: Hold referendums on issues when it suits my world view
Also, did she not see the Irish referendum on gay marriage last year? Passed with ease.
that's a drawing m8. they could have made that badger pink if they wanted to.
>one post by this ID
Guess what, rubes. Emily Badger is OP. Will Sup Forums ever not be played like a Jew fiddle?
The way they've turned up the heat after losing I feel like anti-brexit wanted to lose so it could launch a full-on assault on democracy, because eu supporters fucking hate democracy
She is right though. A pure democracy leads to tyranny of the majority where 51% of the population can have all the power. This is why we don't have democracies, but instead democratic republics.