>be 5'11
>want to join the 6' brigade
>gets rejected
>cries and rages like a fucking retard
>snitches on the 6' foot troops
>gets them all killed

I thought this was supposed to be historically inaccurate?

Other urls found in this thread:


No it's based on a comic book by Frank Miller.

weak OP, you gotta put 5'11.5 to really rile em up

Are short men really the most oppressed class in the US, Sup Forums?

manlets btfo

> that feel when you're barely 6 ft

>tfw 6'1
>tfw 6'2 is the perfect height

>some 5'7 guy tries telling me the average for men is 5'5
I just chuckled and he left

>tfw 5'11.75 in the afternoon
>tfw start out as average height in the morning but become a manlet after the six first few hours of the day

Oh my God. I would give up being 6'1 to be this guy in a heartbeat.

That chick is fat dude, come on silao entro

that seems like a made up story tbf

>silao entro
what kind of jibber jabber is this

>we are on a desperate fight against an enemy that outnumbers us
>what? you want to help? nah fuck off you are ugly and we don't want you

he did nothing wrong, fuck those assholes

>leaving bar with friends
>girl that tagged along with my roommate notices the height chart on the door as we're leaving
>everyone is jokingly checking how tall they are
>eventually, all eyes are on me, so I force a smile while I straighten up my back and lean against the door
>everyone starts laughing because the shortest girl in the group is 1 inch taller than me
>mood immediately sours
>as everyone is ordering drinks at the next bar we went to, I sneak outside and order an Uber to pick me up
>go to bed as soon as I get home
>wake up the next morning, nobody is home
>check my phone
>0 missed calls, 0 texts

Well, he's a manlet, of course he has low standards.

>Finally watch this movie last night
>Suddenly see a thread about it

this has happened like 5 times what the fuck?

>6'1" king of manlets
>cutoff is 6'3"


get new ones

Have you seen The Truman Show yet?

That's 5 more times than you're going to get laid fag lol

There were no 6' people back then. The average height of humans has been increasing over the years. We used to be much shorter.

fuck you alex

I am slightly above average at 5'11", what's all the fuss about?

EBIN! Here's an upboat for you!111!!

>above average
Manlet detected


>6 feet average female height
m-muh dick

haha you'd know

There are like 3 or 4 countries in Europe where the adult male average height is above 6 foot.

They hate you because you're salty, not because your short.

Them titties though.

One death by snu snu, please.

>be 6'2"
>told im tall my entire life by everyone
>go to college campus
>6'5"+ chads everywhere
>be a literal manlet
holy shit i want to kill myself im so fucking short here

Haha what if we danced slowly under a streetlight?

Did you not watch the movie?

The phalanx tactic required each man to be able to lift both a shield and a spear. Any failure of even one man would result in the death of the entire phalanx.

so just let him stay in the back or out of the phalanx and die, that's the only thing he asked

haha I'd suck your dick no homo


Yeah except that they constantly broke up the phalanx to have sick 1v1s

300 is high kino.

This. They broke formation repetitively.

Bunch of hypocrites.

Yes and no.
We are growing as a species, that's true, but people used to be small only in malnournished and disease ridden places. Like cities and towns.
People in the countryside weren't much smaller than we are today

in the comics leonidas actually thew him off the cliff

Nowhere in the world is 6'ft the average female height. Lmao.

You're kinda insecure if you needed to go point that out.

But you are also correct. 5'9.5" the tallest average for women

I always thought this manlet thing was a just a bad /fit/ meme, but holy shit.

I am insecure, but not about my height.

Yes because Xerxes being a 10 foot freak with goat men in his army his historically accurate.

Its based on a comic that is based on a legend that is based on real life.

Also, those Spartans did die, very brutally, they didn't even stop the Persians, just delayed them.

It is just a meme, shit I've got a dumbass friend who is 5'4" or some crazy shit married to like an 9.5/10.

Meanwhile myself and my other two friends who range from 6'2"-6'4", barring one friend who is 5'10", are all single as fuck.

Shits a stupid ass meme anyways.

But Xerxes was a Big guy.

He was tall, but not 10 feet tall. Probably around 7'2" or so. A lot of civilizations used to change what their leaders actually looked like to make them threatening.

For instance Saladin and Richard the Lionheart, often depicted as incredibly taller as well, both being 6'7".

Your manlet friend is cool with other guy's penises ejaculating inside his wife.

See the thing that Manlet's need to learn is Height isn't that important. While it's true that some girls and even men only want a partner taller than them it's only a deal breaker for a small portion of them. It's also about confidence but not over confidence. Being short and thinking your the tallest guy there is as bad as being short and constantly checking to make sure they don't look too short.

Kinda sad with the attached picture

tfw no gf

How is any of this verifiable?

carbon dating

You didn't take the bait, right? Xerxes, Saladin and Richard were probably under 6' each.
Average height has increased greatly since we invented chemical fertilizers, for most of human history people would regularly starve and their growth would pause.

>Xerxes, Saladin and Richard were probably under 6' each.
You mean total.

yeah but feet were bigger back then. 5'11 back when xerxes was alive would be something close to 8 feet nowadays.

He's factually correct. Xerxes was measured by standard Roman Royal Cubit as standing as 5 cubits, where 1 cubit was 17.47 inches, otherwise 87.35 inches, or 7'2"/2.18m.

Richard the Lionheart's Skeleton still exists, which stood at 6'5"/1.95m, whereas Saladin doesn't entirely have a defined height, only that he was slightly taller than Richard the Lionheart, but barely.

You quote Herodotus, who says he was 10 feet 6 inches. You take the merchant cubit instead of the royal cubit there.

Now that I look at it, this isn't even about Xerxes, its about some cousin of his.

"And while Xerxes was in Acanthos, it happened that he who had been set over the making of the channel, Artachaies by name, died of sickness, a man who was highly esteemed by Xerxes and belonged to the Achaimenid family; also he was in stature the tallest of all the Persians, falling short by only four fingers of being five royal cubits in height, and he had a voice the loudest of all men; so that Xerxes was greatly grieved at the loss of him, and carried him forth and buried him with great honour, and the whole army joined in throwing up a mound for him. To this Artachaies the Acanthians by the bidding of an oracle do sacrifice as a hero, calling upon his name in worship."

>Richard the Lionheart's Skeleton still exists, which stood at 6'5"/1.95m, whereas Saladin doesn't entirely have a defined height, only that he was slightly taller than Richard the Lionheart, but barely.
It must've been quite exceptional considering the average height being lower back then. No wonder these guys were in charge.

There has never been and never will be a human that has reached the height of ten feet. The tallest human in history was 8'11"/2.72m. Its not evolutionary stable to be that tall for a human and people that tall do not live long lives at all.

Herodotus was even criticized during his own time for his information. He was rather showey in what he described and exaggerated tons. Hell he thought that the Nile flooded because of snow, to which he confused himself because "How could snow be in Africa?"

Exactly, I am saying that our only source on Xerxes' height is Herodotus, who claims he was over 10 feet.
And I corrected myself, saying thats about some relative of his, not the man himself, but it still stands.

At any rate, ancient propaganda was like World of Warcraft bosses. The more important the man, the larger he is. Illidan, who was meant to be just a regular elf, was the size of a tower.

The height of people actually varied pretty widely depending on the area. Obviously poor peasants in run down villages were malnourished, whereas say Peasants in other places ate fairly well. People born into nobility typically got the sleep and proper nutrition in which to grow by comparison however.

If I recall about 85-90% of height is pure genetics, while the other 10% is a lack of nutrition and sleep.

protip: everyone is 6'7 on a horse

Fair. I was just pointing out that since 1920 I believe, that its been widely accepted that Xerxes was rather tall based on random other accounts and generally accepted to be 5 royal cubits.

5 royal cubits is 10 feet 6 inches. And I quoted the History, the number was given for Artachaies, a relative of Xerxes.

Giants. Evil Angels love making Giants.


>while the other 10% is a lack of nutrition and sleep.
Makes sense

>They hate you because you're salty, not because your short.

bro they might hate him simply because they are shitty people.

who knows.

What was even the point of this character? He did absolutely nothing the whole movie. Even when he joined the Persians and I thought he was going to fight the Spartans for rejecting him, he just ended up with having 1 scene begging Leonidas to surrender.

>It is just a meme, shit I've got a dumbass friend who is 5'4" or some crazy shit married to like an 9.5/10.

>Meanwhile myself and my other two friends who range from 6'2"-6'4", barring one friend who is 5'10", are all single as fuck.

Dude exactly this. I have a few friends from high school years back that are short as can be (maybe 5'3?) and they've always had relationships with hot women. But then they are normie outdoors types.

Meanwhile I'm 6'1 or 6'2 and my sperg ass is single as fuck.

All you manlets ITT don't stress it's only a meme. The saltier you get the more the meme with fuck with you.

didnt I see this guy on the HWNDU stream posing like CIA?

poking fun at the real Ephialtes of Trachis who was some random dude showing the Persians the path expecting to be rewarded rather than being denied fighting with the Spartans for being a hunchback


has this board ever considered that women aren't actually laughing at your height. The height is irrelevant, what they find funny is how sexually nonthreatening and pathetic we all are. They then look for something to physically represent that, and height is pretty obvious. So is dick size, so is hair loss.

But what's really funny is the personality. Desperate, needy, will take any form of abuse for even the chance to pretend to feel accepted. That shit's funny, no matter how tall you are or how big your cock is. That's what they really laugh at.

Keep going on about how being a manlet means you will die alone. You will die alone, but not because you're small in stature. Because you are small in soul.

god help us

i unironically belive this because it sounds like something i would do

>Attention whore
>get upset when it doesn't garner you attention
Gee wiz

I think "du-de" now turns into saleo entro unless I copypastad something somehow accidentaly

>0 missed calls, 0 texts

Sad bunch huh?

Fucking source

Edward I got the title of Longshanks because he was so tall and he was only 6'2

If Richard I and Saladin were both 6'5+ It would definitely get mentioned more

>for most of human history people would regularly starve and their growth would pause.

It's a small grip, but, most of civilised* human history

Also the recency of the Industrial Revolution also warps this a bit.

Poor diets as a result of farming lowered human height. Many skeletons of European and North African hunter-gatherers were 5'11 - 6'

The Industrial Revolution also tanked average European heights, which gives this false impression that humans were short as fuck up until very recently.
Pre-civilisation: relatively tall average
civilisation: manlet average
industrial revolution: uber-manlet average
modern era: relatively tall average.

roman inches were smaller dumbass

I agree with the other guy you're probably a downer to be around

here are some facts; the minimum height for the first cohort in the roman legions was 5' 10" and even then it was difficult to fill

these were the biggest guys in the army and 5' 10" in roman inches is 172cm in modern measurements which is literally tom cruise height


It's called the Baader Meinhof effect

>you will now see frequent discussions about this

Women are

>>leaving bar with friends


If you were in Burma, how tangerines tall would you be?

>not breaking formation to have sick 1v1s
I bet you don't even have a kill count of over 100, kiddos.



will they just learn?
Learn dammit learn!