Where were you when the conservative females FUCKING REKT the left on Twitter

One of the biggest shitpost wars of all time last night...over half a million shitposts on the hashtag #trumpgirlsbreaktheinternet last night in a span of 4 or 5 hours. Never seen the SJWs in such a fucking panic when the tag went to number 1 on Twitter.


We should keep the butthurt flowing while the tag is still hot lads.


Keep supporting the girls and BTFO the vile libs.

People are being mean to these girls, especially other women. I just saw a squat, fat mexican woman calling a trump supporting girl a cousin fucker. If anything the mexican has incestuous genes

The crux of their argument was literally to spam ugly white trash memes at hot as fuck women.

Really opened my eyes to these vile cunts.

Liberals are a bunch of hypocrites

>be fatass libshit
>see decent looking Trump girl
>" LOL YOU SO UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

fucking liberal scum

That's funny. If it was legal to shackle this chick to some toilet cleaning job at a hotel and pay her nothing, Trump would be first in line.

damn she's cute

> ashy armpits


>using twitter ever

I'm in love

Fuck off with this Sup Forumstier shit

Stop doing this with every girl. You're messing with my radar.

Just kiss me.


Theres no cp so how is it /b tier?

Lurk more newfag


He's making Anime real!

Congrats on the victory, or whatever you call it.

*This* is why one of the great communication advances of modern times is reduced to shit. Right wing knobslobbers pissing off SJW hambeasts for bragging rights in an anonymous malaysian graffiti board.

Tell me, why should boomers give a shit about millennials?

>*This* is why one of the great communication advances of modern times is reduced to shit. Right wing knobslobbers pissing off SJW hambeasts for bragging rights in an anonymous malaysian graffiti board.

>Tell me, why should boomers give a shit about millennials?

What do boomers have to do with this?

Christ the people mad about this hashtag are offensive as fuck but they don't see anything wrong with it.

Who the fuck cares about what boomers (the most contemptible generation ever) think about anything? You were the first degeneration in our history with the hippie bullshit.

>why should boomers give a shit about millennials?

are you a boomer? wft are you even doing here?

>tfw these women don't really care about Trump or his policies but are doing what women always do
>using a controversial standpoint for attention

archive the articles you stupid fucking kike. sage

Hey m8 if we can lock in the emotional vagina vote behind Right Wing causes then we automatically win.

Strong majority of men will be won over by our rational arguements.

ATM they get outvoted (or close to outvoted) by the Lefts bullying/emotional manipulation of women. Left = mean girls tactics to enforce ideological compliance on other women, who by nature are submissive, irrational, and emotionally driven.

If we can lock in women behind the Right, the Left melts to nothing more than non-Whites and a few lone Cucks.

I almost never find black girls attractive -- but QT conservative black girls are my kryptonite.

And the MUH VAGENIS you cant shame them or theyll be labeled a sexist and muh soggy knees. You already have the LGBT community coming around, now women. Whose next. To jump on the train that will not stop?

>Hey m8 if we can lock in the emotional vagina vote behind Right Wing causes then we automatically win.

The key thing is it very publically dismantled the whole all-young-woman-vote-Hillary bullshit

It has completely shattered that illusion and many young women will now be thinking it's actually ok to vote Trump

Women like to follow whatever all the hot girls are doing.

Someone buy a maga hat for me ;_;

Will make georgian qts wear them, I swear

Despite the attention whoring from some of the girls on twitter, isn't it funny that the ones attacking these girls are the ones calling them bitches, whores, racist, telling them that they respect their opinion yet they're wrong?
The list goes on with insults, but majority of them is the same argument. Hell I kept seeing people say all female Trump supporters are fat and white.
Last time checked that's racist to assume they are all white and isn't commenting on the assumption of the weight fat shaming?

Women hurt other women more than the patriarchy ever will.

>tfw no conservative black gf

>tfw no black qts in Poland

I know you guys hate black people, but there is nothing that gets my dick harder than redpilled black girls. So fucking sexy

>tfw no trump supporting black gf

>redpilled blackgirls exist
>urge to reproduce rising

>tfw when I have a white qt Trump supporter gf
>no clue how I managed to date her




Make babies with her.
Raise a handsome family.
Do not wait do it immediately.

wow what a coincidence.

they're not fat slobs unlike left supports.

really makes you thin


No can do, we're both in college.

Twitter has been censoring pro-Trump hashtags since last year - it's fucked

Then just wait until you finish

Do it for us, those who failed after getting engaged

>you're official caucasian

tldr dumb men following women

I do plan on marrying her. We've dated since I was 15 and she was 14.


She's just mad because all Mexican women get fat at 25 #MexicanGirlsBreakChairs

Holy shit... Is it real ?
Twiter, google don t even try to hide anymore they are Propaganda machines

>dyed hair in a stupid colour

Don't stick your dick in crazy.

Litter Twatter, what a surprise

reposting from last night

still no explanations

Exactly the position I'm in.
Big daddy government won't pay for me to have kids and work at McDonald's, I can't afford to spit them out like Tyrone and Jose.

Earlier, the majority are fat before high school ends, the rest get fat by their second year of college.

I also was dating her since she was 15

Go for it man. Nothing beats having a good girl at your side for years.

Do you have connections to assure you get a job upon graduation?
Are you within the top 5% at your school?

If no, consider getting the best job you can and dropping out.
College is a scam.
Live in a trailer or share an apartment if you must.
Children are the future. Fuck degrees.

One of those black conservatives wants to come over tonight

Because they actually take care of themselves

>stupid colour
>says australia

Two companies already told me they would hire me the seconded I graduated. I'm a civil engineer (I know STEM meme, but I'm down south (SC) where they need alot of them)

would race mix with. sorry Sup Forums


Did they now?
Carry on then.


Lawdy... That gif makes me feel certain type of way

dafuq? I hope that is just a really good shoop.

It's called aposematism. It is nature's way of warning you to stay away from crazy. Fug it, dump it.

This is pretty nice.

I don't think I've seen any Hillary supporters I'd rate as higher than a 5 except for pic related whose gorgeous (but unfortunately, she got fat).

Female Trump supporters seem to rate much higher on average.

Wow, #WholeWomensHealth is trending with 3,000 tweets.

I wonder why #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet isn't on the list.

me too but i redpilled her. It took 2 months.

I'm tired of seeing these girls.
It's like Gamer Girls and Booby streamers.


Crime statistics are why I don't trust dark skinned people where ever I am


>s-shes pretty good

Post the hottest Trump girl photos plz

This is true. Leftists have exploited this for decades (i.e. celebrities and shit), now it's our turn.


Boomers were the last great generation you little faggots. I'm a millenial, and even I know to listen to them.

When you little faggots actually start working real jobs and have them for your bosses, you'll be grateful for the wisdom they harbour.

You faggots are literally the political equivalent of "I'm 16 years old and my humor is fucking superior". Grow the fuck up and learn some respect.


Someone please gas all millennials. I don't mind taking one for the team.

This more than anything else. Attractive women will always follow whatever the other attractive women are doing. Ugly bulldyke lesbians have next to no political pull on the hottest ladies.

Would have yellow skin light eye babies with those qt nigressess.

2nd for qt caucasus grills in MAGA hat

That's kinda hot desu.




That the banana doesn't break at all shows that she has masterful and nuanced skill.

Means she's not doing it right. I wanna see her suck the Hanna right out of the peel. If there isn't banana mashed all over her mouth and cheeks she isn't doing it right.


ego te absolvo

she looks like shit without 1 hour's worth of makeup i guarantee it

dont care tho

on ,my computer

That's...quite a bit of piss.

there was some huge diddies black girl Sup Forums tier trump supporter who also participated

don't remember her name but would allow the jews to win just to impregnate her

What are you on about plumber?

