>character is in class in high school
>imagines time suddenly stops except for him and he spends a lifetime raping every frozen girl in school and all his friend's moms, along with going to the supermarket and eating all the snacks and yummy foods he wants
Character is in class in high school
Other urls found in this thread:
>character is in class
>thinks about what they would do if the school was under attack, how they would save the day and become a hero
You posted this in another thread, fuck off
>character imagines tackling and thus saving his crush from being hit by a bus
>she becomes his girlfriend as they grow close after that
Living in frozen time is an ultimate fantasy
Never age
Sex with anyone anywhere
Use all that time to catch up on backlog
Eat anything
Pretty much describes me throughout middle and high school.
>character is in class
>fantasizes about learning the guitar and forming a band with his friends or popular kids and playing in front of everyone in a talent show and doing amazingly
dumb frogposter
I still have this fantasy, but for some reason I fantasize about how well I would escape/hide and never really picture myself helping anyone or taking on the attacker.
>character listens to his favorite guitar solo on friday night alone imagining it was him performing a concert at the high school football field, blowing everyone in his school away and especially his crush
>not imagining he's the one doing the attacking
Wow, this board really is reddit
I thought this as well.
I would imagine how I'd get away with murdering the teacher because she made me cry in class that one time.
>not alternating between attacker or savior depending on your current mood and how people treat you
2/10 never fantasize on my board again
>9 year old is home watching Nickelodeon
>commercial for a movie comes on
>permanently embeds a fetish into anons mind
pretty sure this is a plot to a hentai...
But even if I was the savior I was usually still attacking. I was just a populist terrorist for a righteous cause.
I know for a fact this movie had a tickling scene and that the dude tickles the qt girl. But I've heard it's such a shit film I've never bothered to look it up despite my fetish...
>have dream where you're basically Magneto and using your magnetic abilities to fly and catch bullets cops shoot at you while you're escaping them Bourne style
>character imagines he's the shooter
>time freezes
>can't see anything since light is frozen and no longer traveling
and when i mean you can't see anything, i mean it. when you close your eyes, you still see black. but not being able to see anything, like a blind person
literally me
>character is in American class
>gets shot
I've had this fantasy for over 20 years, I call it snap shot, with different rules, like 10 minutes in snap shot reverses your age by 30 minutes
Forever young
fuck this thread
>charavter is in class
>stares at girls feet when they're wearing flip flops
>character imagines himself performing a song in front of his entire class
>he imagines that everyone is really inpressed and he suddenly becomes popular
>his crush notices him because of his amazing performance falls in love with him
that was suffering
I've always thought that the speed of your movement compared to the women frozen in time would cause incredible heat and basically cook their vaginas. You'd need some very powerful lube.
>character ... solo on friday night alone imagining ... him performing ... at the high school football field, blowing everyone in his school ...
>character in class in high school
>too worried about the possibility of the bell going before the boner pressing against his thigh subsides, to even concentrate on the lesson
>doesn't realise he should be more worried about developing Peyronie's from the frequent times his dick gets kept like this
Stupid and pointless
I've never had a friend with a hot mom. They were always really gross. Some of them were very nice peopld, but they were never hot.
What is it like to have friends with hot moms? Ever any tension?
>You will never be a time travelling wizard
I want a refund on this life
>have the power for age regression and to cure any illness through my slaps
>Imagine myself slapping the shit out of crips and old ladies only to them come back younger and phisically abled.
>mfw they are so shocked by the miracle and angry because of the slap they don't know how to react
>mfw I don't tell them my slap powers only have an effect for 24 hours.
The thread
>it's an user looks out the car window and imagines a man running along, jumping obstacles episode
My mom's best friend (52) regularly fucks 20 years old, but she's kinda gross so i try my best not to see her a lot
>character IMAGINES
What the fucks the point, that actually made me physically angry. Fucking random ass Nazis too.
I was at the beach once with my friend and his family, you could see the milfs bush trying to escape the bikini.
You're refusing to live my reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sike, I fucked a 52yr old at 25
>tfw I have this fantasy
>tfw grill
I mean I guess I could go searching for erect guys
Oh I remember this, I have the DVD.
Not a single rape scene, whata shitshow
>main character looking out of the car window imagining every other vehicle around him crashing
I still do this, it's one of my fetishes
Like when I see some delicious cunny out to dinner with the family I imagine doing things to all her orifices and then unfreezing time with her still naked sprawled out on the table or with her asshole directly in her father's face, then watching the sheer panic and horror unfold as everyone tries to figure out what the fuck is going on
Shit even if you were caught and arrested you could freeze time grab the keys and walk the fuck off
Dear Jesus please give me this power
I can't date a woman older than 40 .. that's a woman use before date age.
It's Sup Forums. You've found 'em.
ohwait you meant *attractive* erect guys
Who the fuck said anything about dating?
Ugly people get raped too user
can you post pics of your pusy pls